Childish Chelsea

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After Basketball, Abby was talking to Chelsea in the bathroom across from the changing rooms where I was gathering my stuff. About 5 minutes after Chelsea and Abby came up to me, "What?" Chelsea asked with attitude. "I'm sorry and it's not your fault about what happened between me and Havill, in fact Havill did it to herself and I've got some bad news to tell you..."I said hoping that this would convince her. "Come on Chelsea! If me and Twinkle can still be friends, then you and Jasmine can be as swell buddies as us!" Abby said with  sparkle in her eye. "Twinkle isn't real" I said to Abby. "How dare you?" She looked like she was going to cry, Then she ran away sobbing. There was a quiet moment as me and Chelsea were left alone and it was awkward but as soon as we made eye contact, we cracked up laughing at how insane Abby is. Thanks to Abby's insanity, Chelsea and I were friends again.

"Brooke has made this invention called brookies and she is going to be a millionaire but Havill is planning on stealing that money with Kingdon and Georgina. Apparently there is a diagram inside of Havill's locker of every move she is making to steal the money and we need to get to it to get proof that Havill is  evil. I met these spies from Canada the other day called Vergeest and Morgan and they are willing to help us" I said and it was a mouthful. "So where do we come in?" Chelsea asked. "Vergeest said that we have to spy on Havill and find out her locker combination then we tell them it at the special meeting tomorrow night in the super secret location" I said while looking around to make sure no one was listening. "Ok! I'm excited!" Chelsea jumped a little. "Chelsea! This is a mission! We aren't excited but we are focused on our task!" I said growling at Chelsea a little for her childish behaviour. "Don't tell me your not just a little bit excited to get in sneaky costumes and watch someone like you were bird watching but... in this case we are Havill watching!" Chelsea said with a major grin. "No" I said with a blank face although I was secretly planning in my head which angle we will set up security cameras and what disguise we would wear. I already knew what we would wear to hide in...A bush costume. We would camouflage in with other bushes and they would never see it coming.

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