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Madi and Mckenzie Run up to me "Jasmine! Jasmine!" They shouted. "Woah whats all the excitement?" I asked. "I'm in the netball team A2!" Madi said proudly. A smile grew on my face, not because I was happy for Madi, although I was glad for her, but because I could prove to everyone that I'm better then Chelsea. I ran over to the Sports Centre and pushed through some girls eager to see their team results. "Oh my Gosh! What's your problem?!" Said a familiar voice. I turned to see that Charlotte looked cross with me. Now for all you new readers that don't know, there are two Charlottes in this story, there is Charlotte Havill and Charlotte Gray so from now on I'll just name them by their last names. Gray scowled at me. "Sorry I'm just eager to see my team results" I said. "You are so annoying Jasmine, I'm eager to see some results too! You don't just shove into people ok!" Gray said it like she was my mother. "Sorry" I said. "I forgive you" She said. I felt so relieved that she didn't plan things against me to shove me back or anything, it was just an accident geez. If Gray did do that, man would she be a little miss grumpy pants, she would have no friends! "Why are you here, you didn't even trial" I said to Gray. "I wanted to see which team Chelsea was in, shes amazing" Gray said. I had enough! I was angry and justice needed to be served. I walk over to the board that became less crowded while me and Gray were arguing. The board read: 9A1, Names, Names, More Names, No One Cares, Chelsea Whittaker. I panicked! I went through the list 5 times before I realised that...that... Chelsea...she rigged it! I looked in the names for the team 9A2, but my name wasn't in there either...Chelsea put me down 2 teams?! How COULD SHE?! I searched for my name and I was right. Chelsea had rigged the lists and put me in 9A3.

I was sluggish. Confused. Puzzled. I didn't expect to be harassed or bullied here. I thought I was safe as there were no playgrounds and no one could tease me for not being able to do monkey bars. I was depressed. So depressed that I couldn't think straight. Thats going to be a problem for you readers though... Because this story is written in first's about what I think. Not make sense. Walking and see Mckenzie. "I not correctly team?" Said I. "What?" Said Mckenzie. "Chelsea in 9A3" I said. "Jasmine! I'm in 9A3! And so are you! Chelsea is in 9A1, isn't she amazing!" Mckenzie mouth moving. Crying sitting no laughing depressed.

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