Basketball Training

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It was time for basketball training and I was getting into my P.E gear in the changing rooms. Abby walks up to me "Hey are you ready for Basketball?" she said with enthusiasm. "Sure! I'll see in the gym!" I replied and started tying up my shoe laces.

"So Jasmine! I'd like to introduce you to everyone!" Abby said while she guided me into the gym. I haven't been to the first two trainings so everyone has gotten to know everyone but me. I'm glad I have a good friend like Abby to help me out. "This is Mia" Abby said pointing to her warming up. She was good at shooting and seemed very aggressive. "That is Hannah" Abby pointed to a medium-ish tall girl who was running sprits up and down the court and she was a speed machine. "Then there is Chelsea" Abby said and I stopped walking. The word "Chelsea" gave me a heart attack. It's like a little "cutie" shark was swimming around inside of me and it ate my heart up. It's like a cat with sharp claws attacking me, scratching me until my heart fell out. It was an intense feeling. I realised at that moment that god had sent me here for a purpose, to apologise.

I started to apologise "Chelsea I-" "DONT NEED TO SAY ANYTHING!" Chelsea screamed as she pushed me away with her arm. I tripped backward and fell over on to my bottom. "Wow... so you and Chelsea know one another?" Abby asked with one eyebrow lifted. "Yeh we were best friends but another friend got in-between us, she's kind of evil" I replied. "Don't worry this has happened to me before, I can help you!" Abby said. "Really? What happened between you and your friend?" I asked. "Well I was 5 and my mum told me that Twinkle isn't real" She said looking down at her feet. "Was twinkle an imaginary friend?" I asked. "NO SHE IS REAL!" Abby growled at me and I stepped back a little. "Anyways just listen to me and you will be friends with Chelsea again" Abby said.

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