thirty six

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chapter thirty six
╰  ( endgame )

💫 ━━ ASGARD in 2013 was just as pretty as Paisley had imagined it. She had begged to go on this mission - if you even wanted to call the one time round trip a mission - and eventually it had been Tony who had claimed that the teenager (she wasn't really a teenager, she turned eighteen in two months) would keep Thor grounded and on task.

Thor wasn't happy about his partner since the last time he had seen her, she had 'accidentally' dumped all his beer down the sink. Not to mention, both Pietro and Walker had been extremely against Paisley even being in the same room as they all had been in, fearing something bad would happen.

"I look like a princess," Paisley giggled as she spun around in the Asgardian dress that Thor had given her once they had been placed in the kingdom. "Thank you."

Thor only nodded, peeking around the corner and watching the love of his life, Jane Foster.

"Oh this is wonderful, thank you." Paisley could hear the woman speaking softly, her tone kind as she stated at one of the maiden who worked in the large kingdom where Thor had once called home. Paisley knew that if she could hear the woman speaking, then Thor could too.

"Let's go, miss Maximoff." Thor waved Paisley forward, planning on taking her to where his father had once kept the most wonderful wine he had ever had. "My father had a spectacular wine collection."

Sighing, Paisley shook her head and gently took the contraption they would use to extract the stone they needed. "Thor, we can't do that. We have to get the stone and leave, you heard Tony and the others, there is no time for anything else."

A door nearby swing open, causing the pair to quickly turn towards it, both looking like deer in headlights. An older woman — dressed in a floor length gown that snugged her shoulders and flowed around her legs — was walking through the corridor with a handful of people walking beside her.

"That is my mother." Thor whispers quietly to the teenager, pointing out who the older and well dressed woman was. His voice drops below and whisper. "She dies today."

"I'm sorry, Thor." Paisley reached out hesitantly, placing her hand on Thors arm. Her eyes dropping to the floor. The older man starts to breath more heavily, the weight of losing his mother experiencing her death once again, is racking his body from top to bottom. He backs away, allowing Paisleys hand to fall against her side.

"I can't do this. No, no. I can't." Thor looks between Paisley and his surroundings, attempting to find the quickest way out. "I shouldn't have come back."

Paisley hadn't used her abilities in a couple years, choosing to find peace in the new found situation she was in. She didn't need them, nor did she what to use them. But to her, now is the time to use them. She needs Thor to stop his panicking, and the only way she can think of to stop it, is to get inside his head.

Blue moves forwards before Thor can even realize the teenager had tricked his mind — something fancy she had learnt from Wanda before the blip — his panicked breathing stopped and body straightens up.

"Thor?" Paisley looks towards the god, her eyes blue and she stares at him. "You're okay now, right?"

Thor glanced at Paisley, practically forgetting this his mother was across the hallway. "Yes, I am. I don't know what happened. The wine cellar first or lady Jane?"

Thor had already chosen to head towards the wine cellar before Paisley could even realize what was happening. She twirled on her heels, taking quick steps after the man and placing herself in front of him, "Thor, we need to see lady Jane."

Thor nodded, although his face flashed with a bit of sadness. It wasn't long after Paisley had convinced Thor to stay on the mission that they had gotten lost.

Apparently it was different from when Thor had been in Asgard — it wasn't — but Paisley couldn't do anything besides follow the older man around.

"My son, what are you doing?" Thors mother spoke softly as she stood with her arms crossed over her chest.

Thor screamed, whirling around in pure shock. "Mother!"

"Ah!" Paisley gasped, pressing a hand against her chest to help calm the rapid beating of her heart. "Miss Odin!"

"Oh, my son, you have changed. The future has not been kind, has it?" Thors mother said as she reached out and placed her hand against her sons cheek. She smiled softly, eyes flickering to Paisley.

"I'm not from the future, mother." Thor spoke back, and his mother knew it was a lie. The look that crossed her face said it all and Thor broke. "Okay, I am from the future."

"Is this your daughter? Lady ...?" The older woman looked between her aged son and the one who stood beside him. "A grandchild?"

"She is my niece, Lady Paisley." Thor whispered, moving his hand onto the top of Paisleys head, she giggled at the action. "We have a lot to talk about mom ... can you direct one of your ladies to where Lady Jane may be, so Paisley can speak with her?"

"Of course." The woman spoke and raised her hand, a younger woman rushing forward and taking a slight bow. "Maylee, please take this young lady to miss Jane, thank you."

💫  ━━ PAISLEY sighed as she sat across from Jane Foster. "And so you know the story, and must understand why I have to do this."

Jane blinked at Paisley. "Wait, so you're like a witch?"

"That's all you're asking?" Paisley tilted her head. "Yes, in a way. I can posses any of the abilities others have. For instance with the right training, I could mimic Thors light night abilities and summon it on my own."

"Woah..." Jane muttered in awe. What she was hearing was beyond what she had knowledge off — and she knew a lot, the libraries on Asgard were huge.

Paisley waved her fingers and blue danced around the room. The device she needed to use to extract the stone from Jane now floating in the air. "Here, hold it, it should only pinch but take you're time."

Paisleys approach was much more different than anyone else's. She gained the trust of the woman she needed, and in return, she was trusted in getting what she needed.

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