I : Collision

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      Travis heard the deafening sound of ringing in his ears, his head was spinning, faintly hearing the sound of laughter as he held the bruise forming on his face in agony.

"What's wrong, Travis? What're you, a fucking weakling? What a pussy." The rich kid spoke up tauntingly,

"I'm gonna.. Kill you.." Travis muttered in pain and rage, the sound of his own unsteady panting filling his ears once the ringing had stopped.

"What's that? I couldn't hear you." The boy just laughed and laughed, not a bit of decency left in that mind of his.

"I said.. I'll fucking.. Kill you.." Travis lunged forward, smacking the boy's head onto the ground and hitting his face repeatedly. He was so full of the enraging feeling of pain.

"That's enough, Mr. Phelps!" The principle spoke in a rush, making his way to the two and forcefully separating Travis from the other.

"You're fucking crazy!" The boy spoke, feeling the blood coming out of his mouth, his breathing was jagged.


And before he knew it, he was in the principles office with his father. He could already feel his harsh lecturing and it hasn't even happened yet.

"I deeply apologize for my son's behavior. I will get him straightened out, I promise." Kenneth spoke in a fit of rage, masking it up with the fake emotion of regret and apologetic.

"Thank you, Mr. Phelps. But, I'm afraid I will have to suspend Travis hereby until the end of winter break." Winter break was just next week, since it was already Monday.

"I understand. Thank you for your time." The two walked out to their car, before the car could even start, Kenneth started lecturing him; "Why would you even think about beating that poor student? What did he do to deserve it? I bet he'd be a less disappointment than you." The drive to their house has initiated.

Travis let out a scoff, "of course you think of it that way. He's been bullying me for months, been calling me a fag when I'm not. I'm not fucking gay." He spoke with a feeling of aggravation.

"Don't use that language with me, young man. You're grounded until you fix that attitude.
That boy wouldn't be calling you a fag unless he had a reason to. What would your mother think?" Travis felt the lump in his throat, his anger switching up to sorrow in only a second. The mention of his mother makes him want to just sob.

He continued to stay silent, resuming to stare out of the window on their way home, already hating on the fact he's going to have to stay with his father for the whole winter break, plus an extra week. It already felt like torture.

He had taken notice to a certain blue haired boy walking beside his brother on the sidewalk on their way home from school.

Once the two got home, Travis's first move was trying to get up the stairs to his room, but before he could, his father stopped him; "Travis." Kenneth started, his tone clearly stern.

He turned around to face his father, his heart pounding, "you will not come down for dinner tonight, understand? Don't come down tomorrow until I tell you to either." His father spoke harshly; the aggressive tone able to stick through Travis's skin like a knife.

"Yes, father." He felt a bit of relief he wouldn't get to eat, he'd been trying to work on his weight anyway. He used to eat the three meals a day that his father fed him, but now it's barely even that.

He walked back upstairs with a sigh, Changing into any sort of comfortable clothes he had, drinking a bit of the water he had saved that was on his nightstand, then laying down on his bed.

He ended up texting his friend, Phillip, his only friend, until he fell asleep. Phillip was the only friend Kenneth allowed him to have, letting it slide even though he thought of him as a bad influence, regarding his clothing style. Though he liked his parents, who were fellow christians'.

The next morning, Travis woke up to a yell of his name; "Travis! Get up, and come downstairs!" He yelled, making Travis jump out of his bed and hurry his clothes on, a white long-sleeved polo shirt, blue jeans, and his normal cross necklace. The adrenaline to hurry was rushing though him.

He walked downstairs in a hurry, walking into the kitchen to see two plates of breakfast on the table.

"Go on, sit down. We need to talk." Kenneth spoke in an unusually kind tone, usually whenever he did that he was about to bust Travis for something that was completely not worth it, and or not his fault, and punish him.

Travis sat down, taking a couple small bites of his food, hoping that pleases his father in some way.

"So, I spoke with the owner of Addison Apartments this morning.." He started, catching Travis's attention pretty quickly with that small statement.

"And I've considered giving you a job there. The janitor, Lisa, will train you on what you'll be doing. It's a form of discipline, and a form of learning. Maybe you'll learn something for once while you're there." The sarcasm in his voice was as clear as day.

Travis could feel the heated feeling of anger rising inside of him, "but why, father? I did nothing wrong. I was simply defending myself. You yourself said I shouldn't let people walk all over me, that it'll make me seem weak." His voice seethed with annoyance, knowing his father will do or say anything to be against him, to bully him, in a way.

"Don't twist my words, Travis, and like I said yesterday, you wouldn't be called a fag if there wasn't a reason to be called one. What I really wonder, is if you've been hanging out with that blue haired faggot, what's his name, Sally? What a stupid name for a boy. Maybe he's the one influencing you, I shouldn't have let Phillip come around, maybe he's apart of it." There goes Kenneth with his dumb conspiracy theories again. The theories involving his son only rising on a daily basis.

"I'm not a fag, I'm not gay, and his name is Sal, I don't like him, I despise him. If anything, that fag is trying to rub off on me. I stay away from him, father, and Phillip isn't a bad person. He's christian, remember? Just like his parents." He knew Phillip wasn't really a christian; he was an atheist. His parents didn't mind, they were some of those nice christians. Of course Kenneth couldn't know that.

Travis did have a hard time understanding why Phillip didn't believe in God, but he didn't let that get in the way of his only friendship.

He also knows everything he just said about Sal was a lie, he didn't despise him, and he probably wasn't gay. He knows he probably fancies that girl in his little friend group.

He just felt so frustrated all the time due to his father, and the only time he's truly away from him to let out that bottled up anger is at school.

"Good, then make me proud and don't do something to get yourself called a fag. If you're not the disappointment I think of you as, you'll do as I say. If I hear any sort of complaint from anyone at the apartments, you'll really be getting it, do you understand me, Travis?" His fathers voice was full of irritation, of annoyance. He found it aggravating how he even had to be having this conversation with his son.

"Yes sir." His reply was short and simple, it showed his father he had some sort of respect and politeness, at least towards him.

He walked back upstairs with an ache in his chest, it was a mix of sorrow and anger. He sat on his bed, staring out of the window into the snowy town waiting for the loud call of his name.

(a/n: please tell me if this is good.. i'm trying to aim for being realistic 😣)

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