X : Remorse

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Travis felt the returning feeling of dread rush through him once he woke up, he dreaded going to school, it was a feeling he hasn't felt in a while.

He knew what his options were, either to ignore Sal like his father had told him to, or to ignore his father's words and possibly receive a harsh consequence in return. He didn't know what to do, he didn't even want to know what would happen if he didn't avoid him and his father found out.

He shuddered at the feeling, letting out a sigh as he got up to start getting dressed. A simple brown sweater, some oversized blue jeans, a pair of beaten up white shoes, and his traditional, regular cross necklace.

He looked in the mirror once he got into the bathroom, the left side of his face partially bruised due to his fathers hit yesterday, his eyebrows furrowing up into a cringe as he wonders back onto the heart-pounding moment.

He bit his lip a bit too brutally while thinking about his options once again, already imagining the unmerciful outcomes to both options.

He let out a sigh, deciding he should just avoid Sal and his friends for the day to see what happens, and figure out the rest later.

He took out his cellphone, hesitantly hitting the block button on Sal's number. He instantly felt the normal wave of guilt hitting him like a tsunami.

He slipped his phone back into his pocket, walking out in hope his father had already gone to work, yet with his luck, he turned out to be unlucky today.

He felt a pair of eyes on him, not even having to look to find out his father was staring at him with some sort of internal anger, possibly even hatred.

He mentally scolded himself for the question about to come out of his mouth, "Father, may you please drive me to school today? There's at least three inches of snow on the ground, and it's snowing right now. I don't want to risk catching a cold." It was only early February and the snow was coming down harder than ever.

"No, Travis, I will not. You can walk, you'll be fine, stop being dramatic and go to school." His father answered firmly, letting his eyes wander back onto the newspaper in his hands.

Travis let out a sigh, slipping on another jacket on top of his sweater, already knowing he's going to be shivering before he even gets to the school.

It had taken him a little while longer than usual, due to the wintry air slowing him down, he felt his body shiver to the cold that was hitting him like a brick, his hands and face red.

He let out a trembling, yet relieved sigh once he stepped into the building, warm air rushing through his body due to the heaters that have finally been placed.

He felt another sting of guilt and dread hit him hard, quickly walking to his locker to avoid any contact with a certain blue haired boy, knowing this won't be so easy.

He quickly walked to his locker, putting in and taking out what was necessary. He felt himself jump once he heard a particular voice from his left; "Hey, Travis!"

Sal sounded enthusiastic like always, smiling warmly to the unnatural blonde under that seemingly wretched prosthetic of his.

Travis yet out yet another sigh, closing his locker and letting out a mutter, "Just leave me alone, Sal." He then walked away. He felt guilt, his father had taken away the only happiness he had in his life.

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