XII : Discern

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(WARNING: there will be brutal abuse, and heavy homophobia in this chapter.)

     Travis stepped inside his room, letting out a pained sigh as he laid down onto his bed, staring up onto the ceiling. He missed the constant vibrations from his phone telling him that his boyfriend was texting, he missed his voice, he missed everything.

As much as he hated to admit it, and hated calling him his boyfriend, he missed it. He loves being happy, it makes his life have meaning.

He knew he made a mistake, that his happiness, and feelings should be more important than being isolated, avoided, and alone all the time.

Not even him and Phillip hang out as much as they used to, they started growing up, gaining more responsibilities, slowly becoming distant, making Travis's only friend make it seem like he has no friends at all.

He was stuck in between two sides. One moment he'd come to the conclusion that he should go and talk to Sal, because he really likes him and he makes him happy, then the other he'd think about how much of a sin it is, and how much of a disappointment and disgrace he would be if others found out.

Yet he was interrupted from his thoughts from an unexpected vibration coming from his phone, picking it up in question;

Phillip: yo what happened at school today?? my friend told me ab u getting into an argument with larry again?

You: i guess you could call it that.

Phillip: can i come over and u tell me what happened?

You: yeah, just be quick.

He shut his phone with a quick snapping sound, coming to his senses that he should probably go downstairs and ask his father if Phillip was allowed over.

He quickly jumped out of bed, heading downstairs, trying to avoid seeming in a hurry, seeing as his father was making dinner.

"Father?" Travis spoke up, no tremble or crack in his voice, almost presenting as confident.

"What is it, Travis?" Kenneth asked in his usual deep, raspy voice, continuing to cut fruit with a sharp knife.

"Is it alright if Phillip comes over?" Asked Travis, barely stepping foot into the kitchen.

He heard his father let out a sigh, "I guess." He spoke after a moment of thought, causing Travis's hopes to aim high, going into the living room to wait for his friend.

The doorbell rang only ten minutes later, Travis pushed himself up off the couch with a sigh, opening the door to see his blue haired friend.

"Hey, man." Phillip started, a smile shown wide on his face, projecting how happy he was to be there.

Travis glanced over to his father in the kitchen, who was eating dinner, who also thankfully wasn't paying attention. He didn't like talking around his father, or anyone talking around him, he preferred to stay silent.

"Hey." The blonde mumbled, gesturing for the two to go upstairs, Phillip following after Travis.

Travis closed his door, sitting down beside his friend on his bed,

"So? What's going on?" Phillip asked pitifully, and carefully, not wanting to accidentally set off his friend into a fit of rage.

Travis let out a sigh, almost pausing his breathing as if he has paused his words.

It was obvious this was a sensitive topic to Travis, Phillip just simply nodded to him as if to carry on, careful not to rush him in any way.

"So.. It all started when I started dating Larry's brother, Sal.. It was going really good, I honestly felt.. Happy, and my father found out we've been texting, so he put a ban on our 'friendship'", He put air quotes around the word friendship, "and I decided it'd be better if I just ignored Sal, and my feelings from then on. So I avoided him, and called him a fag.. Then me and Larry got into this argument, and he asked about my dad and that just set me off even more. Sal pulled him away, and then I just walked home. I don't know what's gonna happen next but.. I'm honestly scared. I'm scared of my own feelings."

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