XX : The End

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(there is some making out in this also, and some spice. maybe a bit spicier than last time, you've been warned.)

     It was now only a few months after graduation, Todd, Neil, and Sal had all moved in together. Larry has finally moved all of his stuff in just a few days ago, and Travis was currently on his way with the rest of his things.

He had only bought a car a few months ago, most of the money had been his mother's, even though he practically begged her not to use any of her money.

As sad as his mother was to see him go so soon, she was happy he was able to live his life in happiness, instead of in fear, sorrow, continuing to live in his father's shadow.

As he pulled up into the driveway, he couldn't help but let out an exhale full of nervousness. He was anxious to be actually living in a house with a couple people who most likely weren't too fond of him.

He quickly sent a text message to his boyfriend announcing his arrival, which in response, he had quickly come out of the house with a covered up smile.

The second he got out of his car, he felt arms wrap around him, "Oh— Hey." Travis declared, a bit surprised, yet returning the hug.

"I've been so excited for today, like you don't even know. I couldn't sleep at all last night." Sal was clearly way enthusiastic about this, almost to much. He was basically jumping up and down out of excitement.

"That's.. Really sweet, yet really concerning." Travis expressed questionably, not sure how to feel, yet he knew he had feelings which were mixed with excitement and anxiousness.

"Neil and Larry are gonna help us carry the boxes in, whenever they get out here." Sal's smile felt permanent, like it was stuck on his face.

"What about Todd?" Travis asked curiously, not really caring if he was there or not.

"He's checking out the college in the next town over, school should be starting up next month anyway. It's only like a ten minute drive, so it should be easy to get there and back everyday, since he's deciding to live off campus." He responded, following his boyfriend to the back of the car to open the trunk, to get the finality of his things into his and Sal's room.

"Aren't you going to college too?" Travis wondered, wanting Sal to be able to live his life to the fullest.

"Nah, too expensive, Todd's only able to go because of his scholarship anyway, and after High School, I'm officially done with any type of school." Sal explained with a sigh, almost sounding out of relief.

"Yeah, I get that." The two started to carry boxes into their room, before finally being accompanied by Neil and Larry, as spoken of.

"That took longer than expected." Sal complained, letting out a deep breath once he sat down onto his bed, clearly exhausted after taking all the boxes in, then taking everything out and rearranging them. Lillith had bought Travis a lot of things he didn't even knew he needed over only the past few months.

"Yeah, no kidding." Travis replied, letting out a sigh as he took a seat next to his boyfriend, suddenly feeling a head lay onto his shoulder.

"Larry's making dinner later, Todd and I usually hang around to keep him company. Wanna join? I promise I'll make sure they won't do or say anything. I've made that clear to them the moment I've ever spoken to them about you moving in." Sal was happy to finally include his boyfriend into his little group of friends.

Todd has welcomed Travis into their home only a few minutes ago, as that was when he finally got home. It was friendly, it didn't sound laced with any sort of aggression, or frighten.

Travis felt an honest smile show up on his face in that moment, and when he thought back to it, maybe he really did find his home, where he was meant to be, with possible friends, and his boyfriend.

"I guess so." Travis answered hesitantly, he always felt awkward and embarrassed when he didn't know what to say or do, hoping he didn't cause any unwanted awkwardness into a dinner making moment when it could've been filled with happiness and laughter.

"You don't know how happy this makes me." Sal randomly inquired after a moment of meaningful silence, intertwining his arm around Travis's.

Travis couldn't help but blush, his face heated up as he just smiled truly in response, wanting to say something heartwarming for the moment, but all he could do was just stay silent, and smile truthfully.

"Can I kiss you?" Travis finally spoke after a moment of meaningful silence, ever since they had kissed the first time, they've been wanting to do it all the time.

"Of course, just make it quick, I don't want anyone walking in here." He quickly took off his prosthetic, his hand quickly, yet gently landing on his boyfriend's face, to smash their lips together passionately.

Travis's hand promptly rested on Sal's hip, seeming to pull him closer, like magnets when they get too close, all they need is each other.

They had pulled away only for a moment to breathe, just before getting right back on each other.

Sal felt like they had all the time in the world now that they have officially moved in together.

Travis's hand slowly slid down to Sal's thigh, moving it to the inner part of it, their kiss only becoming more desperate, more compressed, almost like they were never going to see each other again.

Sal let out a small gasp, his mouth opening only slightly, easing Travis's tongue into his mouth.

All Sal wanted to do was get closer, unimaginatively closer.

Sal slowly started pushing his body more onto Travis's, getting closer and closer until he was on his lap. Hesitation still remained in his body, very clear to the now brunette.

Travis tried to think of a way to ease Sal's reluctance, his hands traveling back to his hips, pulling him as close as he could, to the point where their chests were pressed together.

Lust-full tension had been filled overhead in the air, simmering onto their bodies, causing them to warm up, only for their warmth to be spread onto one another, the two basking into each others warmth almost like they never have before.

They had then felt the need to pull away to breathe, panting almost deeply. Blush still resonating across their faces, showing a clear, visible red.

A couple knocks had been made clear from the door, being opened briefly, Sal swiftly dashing off of Travis's lap and onto the bed next to him, putting his prosthetic back on, not a clue who had walked in.

"Jesus Christ, I really need to stop walking in on you two." Larry noted with a chuckle, leaning against the doorway with his arms crossed only for a moment, before continuing on with what he originally came in for; "Come on, dinner's starting."

The two rose up from their bed to accompany Larry into the kitchen, and that night, Travis felt like he belonged, he felt happy, he laughed more than he ever had.

He knew life was getting better, and now he's possibly found his forever home, with his forever lover.

(a/n: i just want to thank everyone for all the positive reviews on this story so far, and to keeping up with all the chapters. i am extremely thankful for everyone who's read this story, i will be posting more books in the future, more or so this month. this has officially been the last chapter.)

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