XI : Emotional Expressions

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After the emotional conversation Sal and Travis shared, neither of their spirits were able to be lifted, both of them felt the same guilt, sorrow, and dread.

They knew that just by looking into each others eyes would cause a break down, Travis knew what he was doing was wrong, that he's on the wrong side, but he doesn't know what to do about it, he's been on that side his whole life.

It was the end of the day, Travis was at his locker gathering his things, when all of a sudden, he felt a push, almost causing him to fall.

"What the fuck?" Travis almost yelled in shock, and sudden anger.

"I should be asking you that. What the fuck is your problem, Travis?" Larry asked, completely enraged at the now loner in front of him.

"It's none of your business." Travis grumbled, closing his locker and trying to get away from the brunette, trying his hardest to avoid the conflict that's sure to come to him one way or another.

"No, it is my fucking business when my brother is crying to us about you! What the fuck is your problem? Seriously? After you apologized, hung out with us, you're just gonna go back to being a dick with no explanation?" At this point, Larry was yelling, quickly following after the blonde expecting an honest answer.

"Yes, that's exactly what I'm doing! It's personal, none of your fucking business." Travis tried to keep his voice down, not wanting to attract attention from the other students who are still lingering around in the halls.

"Was it your dad again?" Larry suddenly asked, yet his tone filled with pity, causing Travis to stop in his tracks, honestly appalled by the simple question.

"Don't fucking talk about him." Travis's anger was quickly rising at this point, he turned around and faced the metal head, glaring daggers towards him.

"No, I'm not going to let you do Sal like you did me, he deserves a lot better. Honestly, he deserves a lot fucking better than you. You need to take accountability for your own actions and own up to them, tell him what's fucking going on, or I will, it's pretty obvious what's going on and I wont let him be dragged down by you every damn day!" Travis started feeling even worse, he didn't know Larry had been so affected, he certainly didn't want Sal to be like that, to hate him, to despise him, to be changed because of him.

"Larry, let's just go, you two are causing unwanted attention." The topic of the conversation, Sal, showed up. His tone just as broken as before, grabbing Larry by the wrist and walking out of the door with him.

Travis just wanted to scream, he wanted to hit something, he wanted to rip his own hair out, he wanted to do anything to let his anger out.

He looked around at everybody who had been staring at him, quickly rolling his eyes and walking out of the school, seeing as Larry's beaten up truck drove out of the school's parking lot.

"Larry, you didn't need to do that. I'm fine." Sal tried to reassure his older brother, but getting no luck.

"No, I did need to do that, if nobody is going to punish him for his actions, then I will, or he's just gonna go around thinking he can be a bitch to everybody and get away with it." He replied irritatedly, his grip on the steering wheel tightening, his knuckles turning white.

"He is being punished, but for doing the right thing. That's the problem! He's been punished since he was born for being a decent human being, and now when you're arguing with him for doing the wrong thing, he doesn't know who to believe, his dad, or some guy he stopped being friends with years ago. I've seen his bruises, I've seen him flinch when I touch him, I've seen him apologize for the tiniest things, because he's scared, Larry! He doesn't know any better, and it's gonna be hard for him to learn!" Sal was breathing a bit heavily once he was done rambling, he had been so furious, and so upset with the whole situation, Larry hasn't been making his thoughts any better.

Larry was clearly shocked by this random outburst, since he's just known Sal as one of the kindest and most forgiving person he's ever met.

The car ride home was silent, it was an awkward, guilted tension-filled car ride.

Once they got parked into the Addison Apartments parking-lot, Larry let out a sigh as he turned off his truck, looking over to face the younger blue haired boy, who was staring out of the window, ready to leave.

"Look man, Im sorry. It just really pisses me off how he treats you sometimes. I really care about you, if it isn't obvious." Larry tried to explain calmly, clearly feeling the slightest bit of guilty, mostly towards his brother.

"It's alright, I got kind of carried away." Sal let out a nervous chuckle, still looking out of the window, staring off onto the snow-covered ground.

"No, you had every right to say that. I get where you're coming from, I really do. It's just hard to see it that way." He tried to express in a genuine way, knowing he has a tendency to joke in serious moment.

"I know, I get it. I don't expect you to suddenly be super nice to him and everything, I just.. I don't know, I just get, upset.. I guess, when you talk bad about him like that, knowing his situation. And I also get why you do, but it's just hard." Sal tried to explain, slowing down and stammering a bit, not sure how to explain his side of the tough situation, unexpectedly finding it hard to explain things.

"I know, Sal, it's hard to see someone talk bad about someone you love." Sal's head whipped back around to face his brother, clearly not expecting the word love.

"I don't 'love' him! I just really care for him, that's all." Sal smiled embarrassingly under his prosthetic, coming into notice to Larry.

Larry let out a chuckle, "Sureee."

"It's to late to love him, anyway, he's not here anymore to accept it. I know I need to let him go, and before I didn't even realize that I was quickly falling in love with someone I probably shouldn't have." Sal spoke a bit disappointedly, his smile fading slightly at the gloomy explanation, yet still holding eye contact.

"It's obvious he regrets it, if he was able to get with you in the first place, we can get it to happen again. I know how much he means to you, and how much you mean to him." He watched as his little brother's smile reappeared, only making his own grow.

"Really?" Sal spoke enthusiastically, his hopes getting high, like always.

"Did he treat you good?" Larry suddenly asked, knowing he's not going to go through anything for Travis if he finds out he didn't treat Sal good.

"Yes, really good." Larry nodded, almost ready to step out into the cold world, but Sal continued on; "He's never pressured me into taking off my prosthetic, he's never even asked. The only time I ever partially took it off, was to eat or something, and he didn't stare. The last time he was over, I took it off but told him to look away, and I kissed his cheek. And he didn't get disgusted or anything, he smiled. I know he was happy, he was honestly touchy, and it was overall just really nice." Larry continued to listen with a smile as he listened to his brother ramble on about his boyfriend, or crush, now?

"That's good. That's really good. Surprising, honestly." They both laughed a bit, "Wanna get back to my room and play some video games?" Larry questioned, earning a; "Of course I do!" In return.

(a/n: i know this chapter is probably short, and probably un-detailed, it was honestly rushed after the sudden hit of motivation. i was originally gonna make sal and larry separate to their own apartments without a word to each other after sals outburst, but decided it'd be better this way. you're welcome 🥰)

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