XIV : Gloomy

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Sal walked out of his room quietly, seeing now Lisa and Larry apparent in his living room. He let out a sigh, knowing he'd have a hard time explaining the situation to Larry.

"Yo, what's up, dude?" Larry asked as he approached the smaller boy, "Larry, I really need to talk to you." Sal spoke in a low manor, confusing, and low-key scaring Larry a bit.

"Alright.. What's up?" Larry asked in the same tone, looking back to their parents to see if they were possibly listening.

Sal gently took Larry's wrist in his hand, leading him away to outside of his room to be away from the adults.

"You're scaring me a bit.. What's going on, man?" The brunette asked confusedly, his arms crossed as he leaned against the wall beside the door, waiting for a sort of explanation that would cure his worried thoughts.

"Please don't get mad, but, Travis is going to be staying here. I'm going to tell you this, but you can not tell anyone else this, alright?" Sal's nervousness had spiked back into his body the second he spotted his brother.

"What? Why is he staying here??" Larry tried to speak lowly,

"I'll tell you why, just promise me you will not go around telling anyone else this. This is serious." Larry felt himself dreading what was bound to be said, he was honestly nervous, "Yeah, yeah, I promise."

"Good. Now what happened, was Travis came to my door sobbing, bleeding, and bruised, telling me his dad did that to him. I was obviously so concerned, so I spent half an hour cleaning the cuts and the open wounds. He is not going back there. I don't know exactly what led up to that, but he is thinking about going to the police tomorrow and I want you to at least try to be nice to him." His voice sounded stern, trying to get the point across.

Larry was speechless, he had no clue what to say, or what to think, "Okay. I'll be nice to him." His voice was almost silent sounding, almost a mumble.

Sal nodded, he was clearly shaken up and overall stressed. He has always feared ever having an outburst on one of his friends, even though he already had one with Larry. Guilt had quickly taken over him that day, he didn't want to imagine what he'd feel if he did it again, or even to another person.

He let out a trembling deep breath, leaning on the wall across from his brother. Then suddenly feeling arms wrap around his neck, seeing as his brother had taken him into a thoughtful hug.

This wasn't a regular hug they've ever shared, it wasn't meaningless and rushed, it was filled with depth, sympathy.

"It's going to be okay, Sal. We're going to get justice for him." As much as Larry despised Travis, he couldn't help but feel terrible, he felt vulnerable, for feeling so bad for him.

Sal was a stressful mess, he'd never felt this stressed before, and he didn't understand why.

"He shouldn't have to go through this. No one should." Sal spoke with a broken voice, almost symbolizing the tears rolling down his scarred face.

"Hey," Larry started, pulling away from the long hug, to put his hands on his little brothers face, grabbing his attention, "It's going to be okay, he's going to be okay. You need to relax, just go to sleep and you'll be relaxed, alright? It's what you need right now, we will figure this out." He tried his best to reassure the blue haired boy, getting a little bit of luck, seeing as he nodded.

Sal took a very needed deep breath, "I'll see you later?" He asked almost in a whisper, his voice was gracious, even when filled with sorrow.

"Of course." He watched as Sal walked into his room, shutting the door behind him.

Sal let out a heavy sigh, thoughts were running through his mind like a stampede, going wild and not stopping. He leaned against the door and put his hands up to his face, hoping Travis wasn't awake to see him so vulnerable and upset like he was in the bathroom.

"Sal?" He heard the voice he desperately didn't want to hear in that moment, the voice that belonged to the boy he had been so concerned about.

"Oh, hey." He spoke almost surprised, stepping away from the door and over to the bed to sit down.

"Why are you so worried about me?" Travis asked genuinely, he was so puzzled on how someone could care and sympathize so much about him. His voice showed no sign of aggression like it usually did, it was laced with gloom.

"What do you mean? Why wouldn't I be?" Sal asked, as confused as the other.

"Because no one else in my life has ever cared as much as you do. I heard everything out there with Larry, and I just really wonder why you care so much about me.. After everything I've put you through, after years of torment, and after yesterday. You could've turned me away at the door and told me you didn't care, but you didn't." He didn't know what else to say, it's hard being a person with a hard time explaining his feelings, but he knew he could've said so much more in expression.

"I care because I love you, Travis. I love you so much, and it really hurts me seeing you in so much pain." Sal poured his heart out in the worst time possible it felt like, yet Travis felt his whole world turn upside down by those three simple said words.

"You love me?" Travis quickly questioned, dodging everything else that has just been said, even though he feels grateful for it all. He felt as if his heart was beating out of his chest, his mind racing with emotions, and what to feel.

"Yes." Sal said after a sigh, knowing it shouldn't have felt like such a big deal to him, but he wanted to save saying he loved him for later, after everything had settled down.

As much as Travis wanted to be able to kiss him, he respected his boundaries more than anything.

But what he did in replacement, felt even more precious. He leaned forward and wrapped his arms around the smaller boy tightly, almost as if he was afraid to let go.

The two cuddled into each other, not a word needed, just basking into each others warmth, the tension in the air filled with pure love. None of Travis's cursed, hating thoughts flowing into his mind.

(a/n: most of these chapters may have spelling mistakes, since most of them are rushed. i've been really wanting to complete this story, in hope it actually goes somewhere and is actually going good.)

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