II : Intervention

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"Travis! Get your ass down here!" Kenneth yelled with an angered passion; not in the mood to do anything right now.

Travis rolled his eyes, putting his black jacket and white pair of shoes on, then heading downstairs. He truly wishes he didn't have to do this whole job thing, the fear was building up inside of him; his heart was pounding, along with his forming headache.

"Took you long enough. When you get home, I'm taking your phone for the night." Kenneth grumbled from irritation, the two getting into the car and heading towards the apartments.

Once the two got to the apartments, Kenneth started talking; "I'll pick you up at 9:00, don't be late or you're walking home." He spoke sternly, Travis really didn't want to walk home tonight, considering it's going to be below freezing and his father never really cared to buy him clothes that'll keep him warm.

"Yeah, yeah." Travis spoke in a mutter, sarcastically, earning a tight grip on his arm before he could get out; "give me that attitude again, and see what happens." Kenneth spoke with rage, giving his son another look of pure evil, and madness.

Travis just gave him a nod in response, the fearful rush of adrenaline running through his body throughly, giving him the heart pounding feeling of terror.

Kenneth let go of his son and ushered him out, as he drove away, he made the 'mistake' of not looking out of the review mirror as his son flipped him off behind him in pure anger.

Travis could feel his fluffy hair blowing in the wintry wind, he had let it grow out over the years, cold shivers running down his spine.


Sal laid on the bed of his brother's, playing his game.

"Yo, little dude, want some pizza? I can ask my mom to order us some." Larry asked as he walked into the room, he looked particularly emo today. (laughing so hard rn)

"Yeah, sure, but is she even here right now?" The blue haired boy asked as he turned his game off, and stood up.

"She's somewhere around here, I'll go find her. Don't play my game without me." Larry warned as he walked out, only tempting Sal to do just that.

A few minutes later he heard the door slam, making Sal jump and instantly worry. His eyebrows furrowed together in confusion and concern, though this reaction is actually seen for once due to his prosthetic been taken off.

"Larry?" Sal asked cautiously as he walked into the living room, "you okay? I heard you slam the door.." Sal asked in a hushed tone, worried for the mentality of his brother's in this moment.

"Yeah, sorry man, I'm fine, just.. Guess who's fucking working with my mom right now?" Larry asked bitterly, standing in front of his brother with his arms crossed.

"I don't know.. Who?" Sal would've made a joke by now to lighten the mood, but it's obviously not the time for that.

"Fucking Travis!" His tone got louder in frustration, throwing his arms up in anger before dropping them back down, "can you fucking believe that?"

Larry hadn't been able to imagine Travis back in the building since they stopped being friends seven years ago. It brings a sense of nostalgia having him back, but also another sense of rage.

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