IX : Poor Progression

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     For the next few days, Travis kept coming over for his breaks, and for 'project work'. Travis was currently getting his jacket back on to go over to Phillip's house for real this time, with his father's permission, this being the finale day to work on the project.

Once he turned around, he couldn't even get a word out before he felt arms wrap around him, a gasped, shock of air leaving his lungs faster than the words could have a chance.

He wrapped his arms back around the blue haired boy, but, then got confused once he heard the sound of.. Unbuckling?

"Don't look." Sal said firmly, stating before Travis could even have the chance to look.

Travis respected his wish and looked away, over to the side and not to the boy in front of him.

As much as he wanted to see his face, he knew over time it may happen, and that he had to be patient.

He heard a gasp escape his own mouth once he felt a pair of lips hit his cheek, he quickly felt his face burn up, he started blushing, showing a rosy-type color on his face.

He didn't look towards him before he got the okay, seeing as his prosthetic was sampled back onto his face like nothing had happened.

"That was.. Okay, right? I'm sorry I didn't ask, that was probably so awkward—" For once, Sal was the one to overthink, words rushing out of his mouth faster than a waterfall.

"Yes, yes, it was fine, Sal." Travis smiled, wider than normal, he felt.. Abnormally enthusiastic.

He felt happier when he saw particular wrinkles under Sal's eyes, indicating how much he was smiling, "okay.. Okay, I was just wondering." He replied, worry still wandering around inside that head of his.

Sal couldn't help but smile even more, blush even, when he felt a certain, rough pair of hands on the back of his neck, the touch being gentle, and calming. Then looking up as Travis left a kiss on his head, they had recently gotten into the kissing stage, yet they haven't kissed on the lips just yet.

They stood there in that moment, Travis's arms around Sal's neck, while Sal laid his head against his chest, arms wrapped around his waist, the two basking into each others warmth and comfort, not able to get enough in that moment.

"Sal, I gotta go." His hand had trailed up and into the mess of the blue hair that he has, playing with it only peacefully, bringing a specific feeling of comfort over the two boys.

"Okay." Sal replied after another short moment, a pinch of despair rolling around in his voice, poor tone regarding, a sigh following out after.

"I'll be back soon, then I can continue holding you all you want, okay?" Travis spoke, his voice full of rather consolidate, and comfort, his hands on both sides of the younger's face, a face that was looking back up into his sympathetically.

Sal's never seen this side of Travis before, the kind, comforting, and oddly enough open to touch, side. He hated how he was already growing attached; but he couldn't help it, it was a habit, even if he always ended up getting his heartbroken in some way because of it. He tried his best not to get attached to Travis, knowing it may be a lost cause at some point.

But then, that comfort left once he felt that same rough, yet comforting pair of hands leave his face, watching as his secret boyfriend walked out of the door.

Travis set out the adventure towards Phillip's, which wasn't that far, it was on a street that wasn't far from the apartments.

He was quickly let inside by his best friend, which they started quickly working on the project, not having much time left.

The two spent their whole time putting it together, and talking about how they'd present it, both hoping to get a good grade on it, Travis mostly, due to his father's harsh ways.

"What's up with you, Travis? You're more smily then usual." Phillip joked, flicking his bright blue hair out of his face.

"Nothing, nothing." He replied quickly, 'like that wasn't suspicious.' Travis thought to himself, sarcastically.

"Come onnnn, tell me, you know I can tell when you're lying." He tried to pursue him to tell the truth, eager for some sort of drama in Travis's boring life.

"I don't know if I should. I'll tell you when I'm ready though, okay?" He said with a laugh, even though he tried to sound serious.

"Alright, alright, whatever. You might wanna get back to your dad's before he has an aneurysm." Travis agreed, saying a small goodbye before rushing out the door, his hands quickly searching for his phone to check the time, yet it was no where to be found.

He felt himself internally panic, "what the fuck?" He asked himself, terror rising in his voice, trying to recall any sort of remembrance to where he could've last out his phone.

That's when he remembered he accidentally left it on his bedside table, the only thing coming from that memory, being the thoughts of the over-thinker; 'What if father saw Sal's contact?', And more revolving that topic.

More panicked thoughts came from that horribly enchanted mind of his, causing him to walk quicker than normal, hoping to get to his phone before his father has the thought to.

He couldn't help but pant a bit once he reached his front porch, catching his breath before his father could come up with another conspiracy theory.

As soon as he stepped in the door, he was met with his father, who had an aggressive look on his face, one Travis would rather forget. He held Travis's flip-phone in his hand, his arms crossed, who'd obviously had been waiting impatiently for his son to get home.

"I knew what I was getting you into the moment I got you a job at that place, but I never thought you'd even think to lie to me, and sneak around. I told you to stay away from that Sally boy, didn't I?" His father's tone got more aggressive and irritated the more he spoke, walking closer to his son, watching the fear rise in his eyes.

From what Travis knew, his father didn't know about his and Sal's relationship, they hadn't texted about it, only spoke in person, as it had only been a few days. He felt the tiniest bit of relief, and hope come from that fact.

"Yes, sir." Travis spoke with a tremble, hoping it came unnoticed, but of course with his luck, it did not.

He felt a harsh slap against his face, almost causing him to stumble like a drunk man, he couldn't help but feel the tears form in his eyes, threatening to drip down his face.

His father scoffed, "I knew that boy would turn you into a sissy. What's next, sinning and becoming a faggot? I'm taking your phone until you learn how to become a man. You better stay away from him, and get a good grade on that project tomorrow if you know what's good for you." The man threatened, yet continuing on; "Now go up to your room and pray, you better pray for mercy on your damned soul. You're lucky I'm not throwing you out on the streets."

His father walked away, embarrassed with himself with how he could possibly have a son like the one he has, he wonders where he went wrong, his infuriation only growing stronger.

(a/n: for the millionth time, i'm so sorry if this feels rushed, it only took me a few minutes to come write so it may come un-detailed and unrealistic. i'm trying my best to match up their personalities with how they would most likely act in the game, but it's becoming impossible at this point 😭.)

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