V : History Repeats Itself

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     "What the hell was Travis doing walking out of your room?" Larry spoke towards Sal, trying not to sound aggressive, yet the angered feelings were quickly rising inside of him.

"He's been coming over for his breaks every once in a while, only like three times. It's not a big deal.. He's trying to change, I really want you to at least try to give him a chance." He tried convincing his brother, he really wanted him to give Travis a chance.

"It's not that easy, Sal, after all he's done to us you're really just gonna let that slide?" Larry really didn't feel like arguing right now, especially not today, he had his arms crossed in irritation.

"No, but he's apologized to me, and I know he really meant it."

"But what about the rest of us? What about me?? It's hard to accept an apology from him after what he did!" Larry's tone raised, speaking right after the other in a rush.

"What did he do that was so bad?" Sal asked a bit defensively, he didn't know Larry would have such a big problem with all of this. He was mostly confused, he didn't know what the big deal was, because he hasn't told him.

Larry's demeanor toned down a bit, his body relaxed a bit, despair being the emotion to fill his face; "he was my best friend! For years, in elementary, he was my best friend. We did everything together. He told me everything. But then when we got to Middle School he started distancing away from me, and slowly but surely, he started making fun of me with every one else. I didn't know what was wrong with him, I tried to talk to him multiple times, but he pushed me away each time. That's when I know I wouldn't be able to trust him again. I just didn't want that to happen to you, dude." His tone got softer and more dreadful throughout the sorrowful explanation.

All he wanted was for his brother to be safe from all the things he went through, he didn't want to have him go through what he had to. He wanted him to be happy.

After the explanation, Sal paused for a minute; he didn't know what to say, he didn't know what to do. He had troubled emotions running through his brain.

"I'm so sorry that happened to you, man, I just don't know what to think, or what to do right now," He paused again, taking a deep breath before sitting down on his bed before continuing, "he seemed like he really changed, I mean, he's trying, and I wanna give him a chance. Especially after what he told me a couple years ago." He explained, the last part being told in a bit of a mutter.

"What? What did he tell you?" Larry asked, genuinely confused, gesturing for him to speak about it, clearly intrigued.

"Nothing, he didn't want me to tell anyone. I don't wanna go against it." Sal spoke pitifully, hoping Larry would just leave it at that.

"Alright, alright. But.. When was it? I don't remember you ever being alone with him." He took a seat next to his brother on the bed, looking at him with a soft look.

"Remember in sophomore year, where we were trying to test the lunch meat since we had our suspicions?" Larry nodded eagerly, "well it was that day. When you got the file of Kim, you headed back to the science lab while I went to the bathroom, I saw a note on the ground, then saw Travis's shoes under the stall, I knew something was wrong and he.. He talked to me, without any insults or any anger in his voice. It was genuine." Sal explained throughly, finally looking at his brother.

"Oh, okay." Larry answered with a pause, "so that's why you were gone so long? Thought you ditched us, asshole." He joked, earning a small laugh out of his brother, it was clear the conversation has been hinted at to be steered away.

"Yeah," He chuckled, "we should get back out there, wouldn't want them to think we're getting stoned on Christmas, huh?" Sal equipped as he stood up, his brother following him out of the room to join their new bounded family.


Travis couldn't help but smile when he left Sal's apartment, it was a soft and genuine smile. He felt content, happy even.

He continued on with his job, only having a couple hours left before he gets to leave.

Once he was finished, he let out a relieved sigh before walking outside to the cold world. Cars weren't driving by as they normally did, he felt alone.

Yet he waited and waited for his father's car to show up.

He wondered with every car that passed by every few minutes, what their lives were like. He wondered if it was possible one of those people could ever have an impact in the future to his life, it had always been a possibly that he'd thought about; 'what if they have worse lives than me? Should I be thankful for mine instead of complaining about it?' He thought, a twist in his eyebrows showing the expressions of confusion and dread.

He waited for half an hour, yet his father hasn't shown up. He knew he shouldn't always depend on his father to pick him up, he knew this would happen someday.

So he pulled out his flip phone from his back pocket, dialing his father's contact and listening to it ring. Then he finally heard a voice on the other end; "Hello?"

Kenneth didn't have his own phone, he used the landline, so he didn't know who was calling.

"Father? Where are you?" He asked, the cold, wintry weather starting to seep through his clothes, touching his skin almost delicately.

"I told you, Travis, I'm busy today. You'll have to find your own way home." And with that, he hung up the phone harshly, delivering the message of anger to his son.

Travis let out an angered sigh, putting his phone back in his pocket before deciding to walk home.

He remembers how he heard someone say one time that the more you move, the cold won't really bother you, he calls a load of bullshit on that.

He felt as if the sun had disappeared, coldness waving across the earth and freezing everything in its path, including humans.

It was about a twenty minute walk, opening the door a bit out of breath. His breathing was staggered, he was obviously cold. He felt a ray of warm air hitting his body the second he closed the door behind him.

"Took you long enough. I'll be at the church doing some work, and won't be home for a while." His father walked out without a hello, or a goodbye, or even acknowledging how cold he was, but that's pretty expected by now.

Travis rolled his eyes as the door closed again behind him, taking off his shoes and jacket before going upstairs to get into some warm and comfortable clothes.

He felt more tired then he should've been, he let out a yawn once he sat down on his bed. Almost feeling his own eyes weigh down on him once he laid down.

(a/n: please tell me if this is good.. i was mostly focused on getting a chapter out tonight 😓.)

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