XVII : Reunion

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It was currently after school, Sal, Larry, and Travis were watching television in Sal's room, Travis was obviously not paying any attention.

Travis could not sleep at all the previous night, he had spent it all talking Sal's ear off. Not that Sal cared, he loved hearing him rant.

He was so amped up for his mother to show, hoping she'd keep her word. Sal couldn't help but adore how much Travis loved his mom.

He let out a sigh, so clearly bored. He laid on his back, staring at the ceiling while getting lost in his thoughts, one of his fingers wrapped around Sal's, a shy way of holding hands.

Travis quickly sat up once he heard a knock at the door, a soft one, yet one that could be heard throughout the whole apartment due to the thin walls.

He walked over to the door with his heart beating faster than ever. He felt as if he could explode, hoping the person at the door was his mother.

He took a deep breath, his eyes widening once he opened the door, the person revealed to be his mother.

"Mom!" He basically yelled, quickly hugging his mother tighter than he ever has before, just now realizing he's the same height as her.

Everyone came out of the rooms to find out what all the commotion was about, Lisa being the first to talk; "Lillith? Is that really you?" She asked astonishingly, she really had thought she had died all those years ago.

"Yes, hi, Lisa." She couldn't let go of her son, and he couldn't let go of her, but eventually, they did.

Once Larry poked around the corner, Lillith couldn't help but hug him too, "oh, Larry! You've gotten so big, how have you been??"

Larry couldn't help but feel shocked, almost. Lillith felt like a second mom to him, "Hey, Lillith, I've been good." He answered with a smile, quickly hugging her back.

Once the two broke up, she noticed the other boy who had joined the group, a standing out blue haired boy.

"Hello! Who might you be?" She asked the boy, smiling friendly towards him.

"Hi, ma'am, I'm Sal." He spoke politely, she had an automatic assumption that he was the boyfriend her son had been talking about.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Sal." She spoke in the same polite tone, letting out a well known warm smile to everyone.

"Travis, I actually planned out a whole day for us. Can you go and get ready?" Travis nodded eagerly to his mother, going back into Sal's room to change.

Sal followed after him, "I couldn't help but notice the lack of clothing in your bag. I actually have a bag full of clothes that don't fit me yet but Larry outgrew them, would you like to try some on?" He asked with a friendly smile, one Travis had been familiar with, and one Travis wish he could see fully. He nodded in agreement, watching Sal go searching into his closet.

Travis felt cold air conditioned air touch his skin delicately, causing a small shiver down his spine, hearing sounds of a trash bag as it got pulled out of the small closet.

"Here." Sal conversed, handing the almost heavy bag over to Travis to look through.

He pulled out a pair of dark blue jeans with holes in them, a black long sleeved shirt, then a brown sanity falls shirt to go on top, it seemed cool enough to him.

He quickly put on the outfit, along with the pair of black converse he had taken with him. This outfit just felt right, it felt meant for him.

Before Travis could walk out, Sal stopped him, "Travis, wait," He started, Travis quickly turned around, only to see Sal's arms wrapping around him tightly.

"What's this for?" Travis asked confusedly, wrapping his arms back around the smaller boy, yet keeping one hand tangled through his long blue hair.

"Just felt like it." He responded, his voice muffled by his face deep in his sweatshirt.

"Sal, I have to go, I will come back later tonight." He spoke with a small chuckle, loving this sudden clingy side of him.

The smaller boy let out a sigh, "Close your eyes." Travis felt confused by this, but nonetheless, he closed his eyes, Sal being out of sight, along with everything else in the world.

Sal quickly unbuckled his prosthetic to take it off, setting it on the bedside table right beside of them to set it out of the way, slowly taking Travis's surprisingly soft face into his hands, just watching his face start to turn red out of pure fluster.

Travis's breath hitched, was he really about to kiss him? As much as he wanted to do it, he didn't want the other to feel rushed in any way.

He slowly leaned in, his eyes fixated onto his lips, still hesitant about this whole thing, he would be his first kiss, did he really want to do this now?

Yet, right as their lips were about to touch, the door had been opened promptly, both of their heads darted over to whoever opened to door, revealing to be Larry, thankfully.

"Shit, Larry! You scared me!" He quickly put his prosthetic back on, hoping, out of the tiny bit of faith he had hanging onto him, that Travis hadn't seen his face when he opened his eyes to see who was at the door.

"Dude, is this seriously what's been going on for the past fifteen minutes?" Larry asked in a teasing way, crossing his arms as he leaned against the door frame.

"No, you just conveniently walked in right when it happened." He mumbled, trying to push off the topic of the conversation, crossing his arms also, as he faced his brother in the doorway.

"Whatever, but, dude, are you wearing my clothes?" Larry suddenly asked Travis, whom he'd promptly turned his attention towards.

"Yeah." Travis asked, more so sounding like a question, more than the statement it had originally supposed to have been.

"Just didn't expect you to wear stuff like that. But you might wanna get out there, you've been in here for like twenty minutes, bro." He pushed himself off the doorway, walking back into the living room towards everyone else.

Once Larry's presence had left, Travis quickly turned towards Sal and kissed his head, "See you later." He then left the room to go be with his mother, mostly because he feels to nervous to do anything love like. It feels abnormal to him, even though he loves it. It feels complicated, like his emotions are playing games with his mind.

She quickly said goodbye to everyone else before leaving the apartment with her son, "Is Sal the boyfriend you've been talking about?" She asked curiously, as soon as they closed the door. Wanting to gain as much trust and love into their relationship as they can, to remake for all the times she had missed.

"Yeah, he is." He answered, quite embarrassed.

"I thought so. When you two left the room I couldn't help but notice how red your face was." She teased, hitting the 1 button on the elevator to go to the main floor.

"Mommm.." He dragged out, now even more embarrassed than he originally had been.

"But, if you don't mind me asking, why does he wear that mask?" She asked carefully, hoping that she didn't press any sensitive buttons.

"I don't exactly know what happened, but all I know is his face is really messed up and he's super insecure about it. He hasn't even shown it to me yet, he only tells me to close my eyes or to look away when he takes it off." He answered sadly, wishing he could see the beautiful face under the mask.

"Oh, that poor boy. I can't even imagine." She answered with a pitiful sigh, feeling nothing but sympathy towards the blue haired boy.

That whole day, the two had hung out, and caught up. Lillith had been so interested in her sons life, hoping to know and spend time with him forever.

(a/n: i had absolutely no clue how to write the reunion.. so i'm sorry if it seems a bit weird 😣)

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