Ch. 1- Who Tf Names a Town Forks

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Third person POV

The road was slick with rain, and the radio faintly played Should I stay or should I go. Valerie was in the driver's seat drumming her fingers on the wheel while checking her mirrors every once and a while to look at her son, sleeping in the back.

Soon enough the Welcome to Forks sign showed and Valerie couldn't help but scoff. "Forks? Who the fuck names a town Forks!?. What was Machete taken?" Shaking her head she continued singing along to her radio and looking to make sure she was going the right way.

She stopped at a small gas station to fill up her almost empty tank, she did get a few gawks which is to be expected when in a new town. But nothing she couldn't handle. She waved to a dorky looking Blonde boy who had seen her from across the parking lot.

Approximately ten minutes later she found herself in front of an old Two-story house. The white paint had been peeling for at least 10 years. An old Police cruiser was parked in the grass letting her know this was for sure the right house.

Valerie turned her car off and took a deep breath. She turned to look at her son as he peered up at her with curious eyes. " what do you think Danny? Upgrade or no?" She didn't expect an answer aside from some babbles and maybe a smile.

He just blinked at her slowly and yawned, his small body stretching from the long time spent in the car. Valerie smiled at him and unbuckled her seatbelt, she had Danny resting on her hips when to oversized and beautifully tanned men came barreling out of her uncle's house.

They seemed to be playing so Val wasn't all that worried as she made her way across the grass and to her porch. Where an older Native man sat in a wheelchair watching the boys in amusement.

"Hey? I'm Valerie, is this the Swan residence?" The man met her eyes and he smiled, his eyes wrinkling in joy. "Well hello there Ms.Mallory, yes it is."

Valerie squinted when the unknown man said her name but she didn't get the chance to ask who he was before her uncle came out of the house with a man who was easily half a foot taller than her uncle. He was tanned too, and quite handsome if she did say so herself.

"Valerie Mallory, as I live and breathe. You've grown so much." Charlie Swan looked over with a huge smile on his face and his arms wide. He hugged both Danny and Valerie.

" Hey there Casanova. How you been with this fine bachelor pad." She jokingly gestured to the cracking of the wood in the doorframe.

Charlie laughed before clearing his throat. " Well kid, this is my friend Billy Black here you may remember him from your summers here, he's got two twin girls and a boy close to your age." Val looked behind Charlie and smiled to Billy nodding in acknowledgment.

"Hey there gorgeous, the name's Jared Cameron, but you can call me your future husband." The smaller of the three boys said to her his tone overly flirtatious.

Valerie raised her eyebrows in amusement, "No thanks I've sworn off marriage. Thanks for offering though." She winked at him and watched as the slightly taller boy doubled over in laughter behind him.

The tallest of the three looked over at them with a mixture of annoyance and amusement, before glancing towards Valerie and Danny. " I'm Sam, those idiots are Paul and Jared as you already heard." She smiled at him and laughed.

Paul looked up at her for the first time and his whole world shifted. He had never wanted an imprint. But if he knew this is what it was like, he would've protested less.

He could see it all, every moment, every touch, every thought. They were all of her, of them, his imprint...his family.

The only ones who seemed to notice Paul's shift was Sam and Billy, Jared still sulking over his failed flirting attempt. Paul almost fell to his knees right and there but willed himself not to.

Charlie had now ushered Cal and Danny into the house and the rest of the men all stared at Paul in wonderment. Jared seemed to catch on finally but missed the part about being quiet.

"Holy shit! Dude did you just?" He looked back and forth between his frozen friend and the spot the Danny and Val had just been in. He looked to Sam in confirmation before bursting out laughing.

Paul finally recovering tackled him to the ground trying to strangle him, not seeing any humor in the situation at all. Sam and Billy just looked at each other and made their way back inside. Leaving the young wolves to work it out themselves.


Sorry I had to redo this is was just so cringe omg. Hopefully this is better I'll try and go through l of them tonight.

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