Ch.7- Secrets and Suspicions

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Paul POV

Recently, since the ancestors decided to turn me into an oversized dog my girl game has been less than shit. But when it comes to Valerie, I don't know it's like all my thoughts are consumed by her and all my words disappear. Jared makes fun of me for it all the time.

That was of course until right now. I was watching them from my locker I saw it on his face he imprinted. He followed her with his eyes until she was completely out of sight. He didn't even notice me walk up behind him. "So...this totally means I can give you shit like you did me right?" I clapped his shoulder as I shook him with mild force. He didn't even flinch just stood there with his jaw on the floor and his eyes transfixed on the spot the black haired girl stood a few moments before.

"Dude I am so sorry-I understand everything now. I GOT A WEDDING TO PLAN!" He turned around quickly before running after her down the hallway. I shook my head as I walked in the opposite direction. "Yea man I just don't understand why she has to be so rude to her. I mean I love Bella and Val but Bella just death glares her the whole time..." I stopped Val has been spending time with Jacob Black. I mean it's not like I own her but she should really have some standards for company. I wonder what she's up to now. I checked the clock on the wall 'oh shit it's lunch time at Forks high'

It's not creepy, but recently I've been heading over there just to make sure she's okay. The Cullens may have left but the redhead is still lurking and Val and Danny don't have any protection.

Third Person POV
The woods were mostly empty, the only thing that could be seen was a large gray wolf running through the woods clearly on a mission. He arrives in the woods behind the high school watching a small girl walk from her car to the school. He huffed in disappointment realizing he missed her today and turned to run back to the reservation until he heard her "I know you're there, I don't who you are or what. But I know you've been watching me. If you're planning on hurting me do it now. Cause I once I find out what you won't even get the chance." She turned back to the school and swiftly headed in not realizing the curiosity she unlocked in the young wolf.

Val's POV

If Stiles were here he'd tell me to not antagonize the 9 foot wolf who may have plans to kill me but he's not. Plus I have a theory at least this way it gets tested. Now whoever that wolf is knows I know they're not just a wolf. But now I gotta do my least favorite thing...research. Where's Stiles Stilinski when you need him?

The rest of the school day was super boring nothing happens in this town, so far the complete opposite of Beacon Hills. But that doesn't mean I don't love it here. Plus Danny is really settling in at Emily's and I can tell she really loves him. Speaking of Danny I'm currently on my way to get him which is honestly my favorite part of the day. Spending all day with teenagers or my adorable baby? I'd pick baby any day of the week. 

I finally pull up at the small home at the same time as Paul and Jared. I quickly run up behind them, "Hey there boys, come here often?" Paul snorted but Jared didn't laugh at my jokes like he usually does. I turned to him quickly and grabbed his face, I looked closely in his eyes making Paul tense up next to me. "What is up with you, are you on Drugs? WITHOUT ME!??" Jared laughed and pulled my hands away nervously glancing at Paul every few seconds. "No I got a lot on my mind right now is all" I smirked and walked in front of them "Ah...what's her name, cause the ONLY thing ever on your mind is food."

Jared smiled fondly before sprouting the biggest heart eyes known to man. "I don't know but she's my future wife." He ran inside after that probably yearning for the second love of his life Emily's cooking. Paul awkwardly looked to me before asking me something I'd never thought would come out of his mouth.

*ya like jazz?? Jkjk

"So, have you ever heard of the legends surrounding our tribe?" It caught me off guard I mean I'm no expert but aren't those sacred? "Uhh no-I mean aren't those you know for Tribe ears only?" He smiled before nodding, "yea I guess technically but Billy is your uncle right? I figured you'd know or something" He nudged me softly before awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. "I know it's not of the normal but then again the stories from my town aren't either, I mean werewolves??" He stopped abruptly before glancing at me accusingly.

"Do-Do you believe in that stuff?" I looked him in his eyes " you?"


Alright here is another chapter it's not my best work but here ya go I'm not all that motivated to do it right now but. I will try and update before the end of the week. Thank yew alllll

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