Ch. 16 Nogistune and Dryad part 2

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Valerie POV


Stiles exhaled quickly before speaking

"The Nogistune, he killed Alison...-"

I didn't hear anything after that I dropped the phone quickly and just breathed. I couldn't afford to lose control right now. There was too many people around. I tried to remember what my dad always said to do when I got too upset.

I was in my own little world as I watched from my own mind how everyone around me moved. Emily was holding a confused and slightly fussy Danny and he reached out towards me.

Paul had picked my phone off the floor and was currently speaking to Stiles.

Why? Just why? Am I cursed? Why must I go through so much in such a little time. It's almost like some angsty teenage brat is doing this for some "plot"  or something.

I had far too much on my plate and no time to actually process. I grabbed Danny from Emily ignoring Sam's grunts of protest. Sam watched me like a hawk as I brought Danny close to my face and hugged him close. I took a deep breath momentarily enjoying how Sam tensed at the action.

I sighed in content at the fact that Danny was still the same. He seemed perfectly fine, it was the only thing helping me.

"When's the funeral?" I found myself asking as I softly kissed the top of my son's head. Paul looked up to me before putting the phone on speaker.

Stiles's voice came through. I could hear how broken he was and how hard he tried to push it down. "We're not sure, it only happened a few hours ago. It's still very fresh in everyone's mind. I've been trying to stay out of the way I'm sure they don't want to see me or at least not my face right now."

Tears weld up in my eyes as I could feel my heart break for a boy that was practically my brother. "Stiles, this wasn't your fault okay? You fought so hard and you did everything you could okay?"

He interrupted, "yea well it wasn't enough!" He snapped back before choking back a sob. I looked around the small kitchen feeling we're about how they're all listening to this.

A moment passed before I finally spoke again. "Come here." There was a pause. "What?"

"Come Forks. We've missed you and it's almost spring break it's not like you go to school any way." He laughed half heartedly. He thought I was joking.

"You want me to come there? I don't know sounds boring compared to here." I rolled my eyes at his comment before smirking. "All the more reason to have you here to help spice it up."

One moment...two...

"Okay...Charlie is okay with that right?"

I scoffed and grabbed the phone back from Paul as I shifted Danny on my hip. Everyone had since gone off on their own seeing I was clearly no danger to my son or anyone else. In fact I feel better than before. I feel in control.

"Charlie will not care. Bella might but who cares what she thinks." He snorted at that before shouting a quick I love you and hanging up.

I turned back to Paul. He looked awful. We both did. He looked as if he had aged 5 years in the day and a half it's been. It's weird to think we've only been in Forks for almost 5 months. I reached up towards his face and traced his jaw. He leaned into my touch completely before sighing.

I don't know what this connection is that we have but clearly it affects him more than me. "I'm sorry." He looked directly into my eyes before frowning. He grabbed my hand in his gently before shaking his head.

"You're sorry!? This is my fault, I'm supposed to protect both of you. I failed." I rolled my eyes.

"Paul, you can't always be there and you can't blame yourself it won't change anything. Plus I don't feel different." He nodded at that and jerked his head towards The others. "They said for whatever reason the venom doesn't seem to affect you the same, from what we can tell you're"

I nodded at that and looked down to Danny who was sleeping soundly on my chest. I frowning when I realized. "I'm not me Paul, it did affect me." I looked into his eyes. "My heartbest is slower and I'm colder and I can see better, something did change. But I don't think it was bad."

He kissed my forehead softly before reminding me that Charlie will be wondering where we are. I wonder what they told him anyways.

Paul had offered to ride home with us and just run back but I didn't want him alone in the woods. Especially if that bloodsucker that bit me is still out there.

Instead I had to convince Charlie that Paul would keep his hands to himself. Charlie treated to string him up by his junk if he tried anything under his roof. I couldn't help but laugh at the whole interaction and Paul actually looked scared!

Me and Paul spent our night talking as he lied on the couch in my room and Danny lied in bed with me. It had been a rough couple of weeks for me and my boys. My boys? When did I start including Paul in my boys?

That was my last thought before drifting off to sleep.


Okay here's part two of the last chapter I don't wonder you guys to think Val and Paul or moving too fast. So just to clarify in my story it's the beginning of February soon Jacob will be Turing into a werewolf. Val and Danny came to live with Charlie in around October a little after Bella arrived. If I remember correctly it's around the end of March when Bella finds out about the wolves and the beginning of April when the Cullen return so I have around 3-4 chapters before Eclipse. So should I add more filler chapters? Or just let it be?

So far people want Bella with Alice.

But she could also


Be with Edward then die

Be with Jacob

Be with a member of the volturi

Be with a member of the beacon hills pack

Be with one of the wolves

Or be with one of the other vampire characters

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