Jacob's imprint

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Okay so not an update on the story at all, sorry!

But I've been thinking up some ideas about Jacob's imprint. Because he will not end up with Bella he deserves better than that.

I've decided she'll be a banshee like Lydia.  Because I would like to explore more what that looks like for someone who grew up knowing that's what she was. What I need your help on is face claims.

Her name with be Juliet Monterey, I've got most the details figured out.

Age: 15
Personality: Standoffish, Athletic, smart, compassionate, competitive
Likes: Running, Camping, Painting
Dislikes: Liars, silence, strawberries
Birthplace: California
Visit forks: living with her old Grandma

So should she be played by...

Sadie sink?

Maia Mitchell?

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Maia Mitchell?

Or Bailey Bass?

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Or Bailey Bass?

Jacob won't meet her until closer towards Eclipse so there is time to vote!

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Jacob won't meet her until closer towards Eclipse so there is time to vote!

Also should I make an OC for Embry and Quil? Because I was thinking of just making Claire not a child and turning her into an OC or should I pair Embry with someone from TVD or Teen Wolf?

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