Ch. 19 Crazy Shop lady

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The next day still Val's POV

I ran into Charlie's house my clothes still stuck to me and covered in dirt. He was dressed with a coffee cup in his hand. "Have fun?" He looked at me with confusion and amusement. I laughed and went towards the kitchen.

In there was a wonderful sight to see. Stiles in my baby pink frilly apron was whipping up some pancakes as a freshly cleaned Danny ate Cheerios happily in his chair. I smiled softly before Stiles turned to me sharply.

He shook his spatula at me and frowned. "Young lady do you know what time it is?" I rolled my eyes as I went to walk up the steps to shower. "Oh hush I'm safe aren't I?" I yelled down the steps.

"Esa no es manera de hablarle a tu madre." He yelled back with a somewhat decent accent. Making Charlie and me laugh at him. I could heear him muttering about how irresponsible children are.

I went upstairs to grab everything I'll need for a shower. When I was about to walk in Bella rushed out looking flustered as usual. She looked at me with slight disgust. "Ew where were you?" I went to speak. "Never mind, have you seen Jacob he won't answer my calls"

I shook my head and shrugged "maybe he has homework most 15 year olds do." She rolled her eyes and pushed past me cringing at the sand that fell off of me.

It had been a few days since I showered that mixed with my impromptu beach scuba trip made this shower feel like heaven.

I had no where to go today. And with Jacob bc just phasing the guys will be super busy. I'll probably hang out with Danny and Stiles today. We only have a few days left until spring break ends. Then a week after that there's prom.

I had no something simple on. Some green biker shorts and one of Charlie's old fishing shirts. My hair was dry and brittle. I needed to see if I could find someone to do it while I'm here.

I walked out of the bathroom and down the steps to a full table of breakfast food. Stiles in the middle of it feeding Danny with a spoon. Well more like dodging Danny's spoonfuls, but still.

I giggled as I walked in. "Looking good dude, what's that banana?" He snorted. "Strawberry banana actually." Danny threw the whole bowl at him completely coating Stiles face in yogurt.

I tried but I couldn't help the laugh that escaped my mouth. Danny started laughing too not quite understanding what was funny but just happy to be included.

"What do you say to us hanging out, like old times." Stiles stopping whooping his shirt and looked up at me with a soft smile. "Really? What should we do?"

Bella came hurdling down the steps like she was on a mission she grabbed an apple and didn't even spare us a glance.

Me and Stiles glanced at each other before shrugging. "I was thinking we could go to Port Angelos, go shopping or something." Stiles said quickly. I tilted my head in confusion, "Stiles, you hate shopping, are you okay?"

He looked flustered and began awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. "Yea I'm fine, there's just this g-person. I've been seeing I wanted to buy her something. I don't know."

My eyes grew wide and before I could speak we were interrupted with Danny throwing his fork, "YUKY!!" You said it dude.

It was silent as me and Stiles cleaned up Danny's mess and then Danny. The only thing that could be heard was Danny's babbling and Stiles's nervous muttering.

I wasn't upset. Just confused, Stiles had only been here a week? Who did he find and what happened with Lydia.

I sighed, "what's her name?" He looked at me briefly before sighing happily. "Katherine." The name for whatever reason sparked unease within me. Still I smiled and didn't mention Lydia once. "So port Angeles?" He nodded before scooping up Danny and placing him in the back of Roscoe.

We had made our first stop at a small book store. It looked a little mystical and to be honest I was a little freaked out. For what ever reason Stiles felt compelled to go there.

Me and Danny followed behind him timidly as he went in there with such confidence, as if he knew he would end up here all along.

The bells above rang ominously as we all walked in. Stiles went straight to the front and struck up a conversation. Me and Danny made our way to the back near all the little Trinkets.

There was necklaces and crystals, wood sculptures and handmade toys, it was beautiful. I found myself in front of a small book, bound in leather and on the front the Celtic tree of life, it had writing on there, but I couldn't quite make it out.

Danny pointed to a small necklace with a silver and gold wolf on it. He babbled while looking at it with intrigue. I grabbed the book and the necklace and made my way to the front.

Stiles was still talking to the lady, he was seemingly frustrated. "Listen, Katherine said you have information about something important to her, she said to get it by any means necessary." He went to charge at her, before I grabbed his arm. "Stiles!" My eyes flashed for a second, not that I could see it.

He seemed to snap out of it as he slumped back some and looked around dumbfounded. "W-what just happened?" He looked around uncomfortably. "I don't know"

The lady looked up at us. "I do." She said in her heavily accented voice. "Follow me"

Me and stiles looked at each other once more thinking about how crazy this is. I looked to the door and went to move before stiles whispered.

"Whoa w-wait what if she's your yoda?" I blinked at him slowly, "...what" he rolled his eyes before going to speak once more.

"Excuse me? Are you coming? I have things to do too you know Wood spirit."

"Wood spirit?"

"Wood Spirit?"

Peggy Blow as store clerk or Emelda

Peggy Blow as store clerk or Emelda

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Alright how's this also ignore the title I'm changing it I swear. Anyone I had stupid testing today it was ass and high school sucks booty cheeks. I'll probably update a few more chapters because I want to be starting on eclipse before may or at least before summer break.

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