Ch. 17 Growing pains

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So it's been two weeks since I was bit by Victoria. I've been practicing my abilities and researching what the Nogitsune meant when he called me a Dryad. Stiles has been helping me. He came right when he said he would and he told his dad he needed some time here. Charlie and Noah spoke and I believe Stiles is gonna finish the year out here.

So far everything that has happened is as follows. I found out I fee fee could control the elements. Yayy! But I also can't control my ability to control the elements. I toasted more than half of Forks's forest.

I've gotten better and as of now I can almost grow a dandelion. The easiest element for me to master was water surprisingly. I just imagined I was a mermaid like those three Australian girls.

I needed up completely soaking Stiles one time he was pissed and threw mud at me right after.

All of us ended up in a mud fight. By all of us I mean the whole pack. They all seem to get along with Stiles very well. He's gotten close to Paul which is great because I need them to like each other.

They've been pranking the other guys, mostly Jared since Stiles arrived. It's been hell for everyone else but it's nice for them to feel normal for a while because normal rarely stays.

"Dammit!" I muttered. The boys were outside wrestling as I tried my hardest to regrow Emily's flowers. Danny giggled in front of me clearly finding my failure amusing.

"It's okay sweetie, don't stress yourself." Emily had been saying this for the past two weeks. It helped a little. I growled as I gave up.

Paul came in and laughed. He grabbed Danny before giving me a kiss on the forehead. "Don't stress about it okay. You're doing great." I smiled as I looked up at him.

Me and Paul haven't gone on a date since the first one and we're kind of in the middle of "are we friends or more?" He hasn't kissed me I think he doesn't want to make me uncomfortable but to be honest I've known Paul since the end of November and if he asked me to be my boyfriend I'd say yes.

"So movie night tonight?" He nodded down at me in response. "As long as Stiles isn't picking I'm on board." You could hear Stiles yell "Hey!" From the backyard.

Paul laughed and took Danny with him to the back yard probably to tell Stiles off for his "bad movie choices"

"You guys are adorable." Emily was smiling wide with a dish towel in her hand. Her and Sam had been trying for a kid for weeks at least, but so far they've had no luck. I've told her it's probably just stress but she doesn't believe me.

"Adorable isn't quite the word I would use but thank you." We chuckled a little before we heard Billy Black's truck. Embry and Billy in the front seat.

We both glanced at each other before quickly running out and seeing what was going on.

Billy looked stressed, more than usual, he really needed a vacation. Perhaps I'll talk him and Charlie into going fishing.

"Is Sam in?" He spoke quickly. Emily shaking her head with a frown. "No, is everything alright?" Billy shook his head back at her. "It's Jacob I believe he might be phasing soon."

I perked up at that thought. Jacob and Bella have been spending an awful lot of time together and if he has any chance of turning into an almost 10 foot wolf she needs to stay far away from him. She may not like me all that much but she's family.

"How do you know?" I was curious Paul never really explained the process to me, just that if he gets angry it's not good. Although he says around me and Danny he's the happiest he's ever been.

"He's stronger, he grew almost a foot and a half, and he snaps at everything and everyone. Not to mention he's eaten everything in the house." Billy spoke with hard eyes. I don't know if Billy ever phased but clearly he never wanted his son to.

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