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Paul POV

To be completely honest Valerie is by far the most confusing girl I've ever come across. And I've come across A LOT. I mean she clearly knows about the supernatural but I doubt I can just drop that bomb on her. I had been sitting at Emily'a kitchen table for at least 5 minutes thinking about it. Val, Danny, and Jared were watching cartoons; well more like Jared was watching them, Danny was sleeping, and Val was doing homework but still.

"So Val...what did you mean on the porch?" I probably should have waited until we left Emily's to say anything because Jared, Sam, Emily, and even Danny all seemed to perk up after I spoke.

"About the werewolves? Well yea; I firmly believe there are other beings out there." Everyone in the room but me seemed to tense up, Sam glancing at me accusingly a few times. "Don't you guys believe in that kinda stuff?" She seemed like she already knew the answer but I couldn't be sure.

"I mean I guess" all heads snapped to me after those words left my mouth. Each with a different expression on them. Sam was mild frustration, Emily was confusion, Jared was amused, Danny was just happy to be there, but Val, she looked...intrigued, almost like something in her mind just clicked.

She hummed, "makes sense all things considered." My brows furrowed in confusion. "What things?" I blurted out before I could stop myself. She smirked before closing her homework and scooping up Danny. "Oh Y'know just the fact that you guys are also werewolves. Albeit a different kind than I'm used to but still."

"Excuse me!?" Sam bellowed from next to Emily almost accusing Val of something making me move towards them, my wolf urging me to protect them both.

She sighed, " look my best friends are supernatural and to be honest you guys aren't the best at hiding it." Sam still stood ridged but Emily spoke up, "what do you mean?" Val snorted, "shorts!? And no shirt!? It's literally 43° F out right now!" She pointed to the window for example.

Sam sighed and finally relaxed his stance before calling Jared over with his eyes. "First off, we're not werewolves." She looked up at me in confusion, "well then what are you?"

A flicker of nervousness happened and her fingers twitched as if she was itching to do or grab something, what I wasn't sure.

"It's actually quite the story, but for another time it's probably best you get that little one home huh?" For the first time I realized just how dark it was. It was probably close to dinner at her house.

I almost offered a ride until I remembered she had her own car. Instead I offered to go with her and explain some of the minor things to help ease her mind. She accepted almost immediately. In her eyes I could see all the questions swirling around, and as I looked I wondered just what the ancestors thought when they put us together; because I truly don't deserve Valerie Mallory.

Time Skip*

Paul's POV

It had been a couple days since everything at Emily's and Val or Danny hadn't come around. I could tell everyone missed them both, Val's sarcastic comments and shining smile, as well as Danny's adorable babbles and appetite that rivals even Jared. We all decided it's best to just give them some space and time to figure it out. By all I mean Sam only! I never agreed to this and in fact I hate it.

It's been two days, TWO WHOLE DAYS without either of them and to be honest I'm losing my mind.

I had been sitting in the same position at Emily's kitchen table for at least 45 minutes. The food she had previously placed there now cold and stale. Jared joked that Val's disappearance also put me in a state worse than death. I'd disagree, but I really don't have the energy.

"Paul! Jared! Let's go Call just phased!

I tried to resist and just sit there but that stupid Alpha command wouldn't let me. I quickly but begrudgingly got up and ran outside to shift. Had I not been so pissed off I would've noticed the familiar car in the driveway.

Val's POV

It had been a couple days since the big conversation and honestly I'm doing fine. Danny seemed to miss being over at Emily's just as much, if not more than me. I would e brought him over but I needed to talk to the Pack, see what they thought I should do about everything.

They decided that clearly if they wanted to hurt me or Danny it would've happened but to still be cautious. Stiles offered to drive down here so that way we wouldn't be alone. But with everyone happening at home with the Nogistune, and then trying to figure out who it is, I know they have a lot on their plate already.

I had pulled up into Emily's driveway expecting to see Jared or Paul through the window or maybe Emily watering her plants as Sam dotes on her lovingly, What I was NOT expecting to see was a nearly 9 foot wolf burst out of someone who I consider to be one of my closest friends in Forks.

I had sat there for a moment looking at Danny through the rear mirror and thinking long and hard about if I really wanted to go in there. Eventually I saw Danny's eyes light up in recognition and I realized we've been deprived of Emily's and the guys presence too long.

I swiftly got him out of the car seat and grabbed his bag before marching in there and yelling for Emily.

She seemed surprised at first but then she rushed forward to give me and Danny and big hug. It was warm and loving reminding me of my mother's or Melissa's hugs.

We had sat in the living room with Danny between us playing, talking about everything that happened and I told her all about my Pack back in Beacon Hills.

I didn't even notice him walk in. I didn't see him stop and stare like he had just found the sun again. But I did hear him, and I don't think I've ever felt so relieved until I did.

It was like all the weight lifted from my shoulders as me and Danny turned to look at him.

And all he said was "Hey."

A/N Edit!

Okay super weird place to end aaannd this is wayyy short. Sorry but I gotta school thing tmr so I figured I'd get a little chapter in real quick. To be honest the next update problems be a new chapter but instead will just be the rest of this one. Please vote, like, and comment. Everyone knows the best part about this app is the comments people make. Also any spelling mistakes you find please point them out because spelling and grammar is not my forte! Thank you everyone for reading this and good night/moring/evening! Hello! So sorry this took so long things have been super hectic here recently but hopefully the rest of this chapter makes up for it. I will try to get the next chapter out before the end of the week!

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