Ch.4- Ooh muffins!

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Val's outfit

Danny's outfit

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Danny's outfit

Danny's outfit

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Third person POV

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Third person POV

It had been a few weeks since moving to Forks. The clouds covered the sky like a blanket and the wind whispered slowly. Val was in her room frantically moving to pack her and her son's stuff for school and the babysitter.

"Okay Danny  let's go seize the day" she grabbed Danny in one hand and with her bag and his in the other. She made her way down the steps. She glanced at Bella, surprised to see her up at this time.

She was standing in front of the kitchen sink looking out the window with a half full orange glass in her hands the dead look still clear in her eyes.

"Good morning" Val said softly. Bella hummed softly in acknowledgment.

Val grabbedeverything Danny will need at the babysitter's before grabbing herself an apple and an apple juice from the fridge.

After settling Danny in his seat she made her way to La Push Reservation, Charlie and Billy had Recommended Sue to babysit Danny. Sadly the older woman had work to do but offered her niece as an alternative.

Her name was Emily and from what Val had heard she was Sam's wife, or fiancé maybe? Anyways she trusted Charlie's judgement, but not enough to give her son up to a stranger. Val decided she would stay for an hour at Emily's opting to arrive late to school.

It took her twenty minutes but she arrived at a quaint cottage looking house surrounded by many trees. The house radiated warmth and reminded her a lot of her old house. She grabbed Danny's whole car seat and his bag before going up to knock on the door.

She was met with a beautiful young woman, no older than 24 with three faint scars that ran down the side of her face. Despite the disfigurement her smile was beaming and her eyes were with love and care.

"Come in, Come in you both must be freezing. I'm Emily" she quickly ushered them both inside taking the bag from the table girl and placing it on the kitchen table.

"Im Val. but I uh guess you knew that already. Huh?" Emily smiled warmly as she watched Val rake her eyes over her home in curiosity.

"I do indeed, your uncle speaks very highly of you." Emily beamed at Val while bending down to get a thing of muffins out of the oven.

"You can help yourself to anything, there's muffins, cinnamon rolls, pancakes, waffles you name it I made it." Val gaped at the slightly shorter woman.

"Wow, lady you should open a diner or something, are ya cooking for a small army?" Val half joked looking at the dinning table in bewilderment. 

"I guess you could say that." Emily laughed. "The boys eat a lot, this will be scarfed down in ten minutes so eat while you can." Val reached for a couple muffins and a cinnamon roll. She also grabbed a couple things for Charlie and even Bella.

"So how long have you lived here?" Val asked while taking small bites of her muffin. "A few months , it will be a year in April." Emily was smiling but if you looked close enough you could see a hint of guilt behind her brown eyes. " Oh, is it bad I thought you lived here your whole life? Most people I've met here on the Reservation usually have."

Emily laughed at her confession and shook her head, but before she could get a word out the same tan boy from earlier in the week came busting through the door.

Val was sure this one was Jared.

"Ooh Muffins! Hell yeah!" Before he even finished his sentence he had devoured a whole muffin and was starting on a second. He hadn't even noticed the two women look at him. One with amusement and the other whole confusion and a little disgust.

"Jared I know you are not used to using your manners but try, we have guests" Emily said, a small smile growing on her face.

Finally Jared looked up from his food and saw Val. His eyes widened and his jaw dropped
He looked behind Val to Emily and they both shared a look. They seemed to argue with their eye for a moment leaving Val and Danny awkwardly watching them.

In the end it seems Emily won because Jared turned and smiled at Val.

"Hey Vally, it's nice seeing you again. How's the room?" Val still confused from what just happened awkwardly answered "uhh it's good? How's your muffin ?" Jared snorted and Emily kind of smiled but tried covering it with her hand.

"Delicious as always my sweet." Jared looked over at Emily making a heart with his two hands as she rolled her eyes at him.

Val looked down at Danny who then looked back up at her. She had a good feeling about these people.


I will be going through and changing some things

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