Ch.12- The woods are a dangerous place

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Paul's POV

Oh my god how could be so stupid! Why did I ask her on a date? Paul practically banged his head on the tree next to him. He could feel Jared walk up behind him chortling in his weird wolfish manner.

Cmon man it's not THAT bad. Paul snorted in anger, I invited her to my house, she probably thinks, what if she thinks..oh no.

Jared hit his shoulder and brushed passed him. Thinks youre tryna bone her? He blinks at him suggestively. She might be into it.

Paul growled at him and charged with his teeth bared. She's not like that okay!

Jared bit back at him both struggling until they heard a twig snap. Enough! You two are both idiots. Go patrol talk about this on your own time. Sam's tone left no room for argument as a confused Embry trailed behind him.

Wait, Paul likes on Valerie? Jared huffed at the naive wolf. No fur for brains he imprinted. Patrol was mostly quiet after that, the occasional thought of Emily or Kim came up or Embry missing his friends but all Paul could think about was just how terrible this date was about to go.

Time skip*

The boys and I were exhausted you'd think we'd be used to all this by now, except Embry. Who's probably got the best control in the pack right now. We had walked into Emily's and before she could even greet us I collapsed on the couch. In the back of my mind I felt like maybe I shouldn't but I was too tired to care.

Valerie POV

I had taken Allison's advice and just gone with something simple. A shirt I had stolen from Stiles freshman year and some nice pair of Jeans and by old red converse. I thought of grabbing a jacket but couldn't figure out which one.

Bella had walked past looking a little brighter than when I had first arrived and had poked her head in. "Where are you heading to?" I was surprised, the usual snarkiness was gone she seemed genuinely interested in what I was doing.

"Uhm I have a date" it was awkward, our relationship, the whole time I had been here she had been too depressed to notice me or too focused on Jacob to care.

Her eyebrows shot up to her hairline and she blinked a couple times. "Cool" she nodded her head and pointed to a jacket I had in the pile. "I like the leather fits your whole uh...vibe" she gave an awkward smile grimace and walked back down the steps before shouting "Have Fun! And don't die!"

I was happy and for a moment I thought just maybe I had my big cousin back for good this time. I had put on my leather jacket and hurried down the steps I gave Charlie a kiss before heading out the door. Paul doesn't drive but he also didn't tell me where to go.

I decided the best option was to text him.

Where am I supposed to meet u?

I had waited a few moments with no reply. I frowned and figured maybe he was up to werewolf/shifter stuff. I decided to head over to Emily's and hopefully I'd find him there.

Third person POV

What Val didn't see was a redheaded vampire lurking in the woods formulating a new plan to get revenge on the Cullens.

Val had made it almost to the reservation before her car stopped. It felt like someone had pushed it from the front and Val felt her head hit the wheel hard. She slowly lifted her head up and could make out a blury figure.

Victoria rushed towards the girl in the car and pulled off the door before yanking her out and throwing her towards the woods. The vampire rushed over to her and snarled at her. She picked the young girl up by her throat and smirked at she could feel just how weak she was.

"How do you know Bella, are you a friend?" She chuckled darkly as she pushed the fragile girl harder into the tree trunk

The girl obviously couldn't answer and as her vision went black all she thought of was her family. She could feel the vampire's nails deep within her neck before she felt a new searing pain go through her and she let out a scream that could rival Lydia's.

The wind was howling wildly as the trees whipped back and forth and the clouds swirled over the forest. The air seemed to get colder and the world around her seemed to scream with her.

The whole pack heard it even the ones who had yet to phase. But Paul he felt it, he could feel his imprint's life draining from her as he shifted and ran towards her screams hoping he wasn't too late.

The pack wasn't too far behind him as they barreled through the dense forest in hopes to finally a still human Valerie.

But when they arrived all they found was her writhing body, and all they heard was her painful screams.

The trees seemed to bend inwards over the young girl as a dome of protection and the wind twirled around her throwing leaves in an almost magical way.

Paul couldn't help the howl that ripped right through him, as he fell to his knees by his near lifeless imprint. He could only think of how this was all his fault. He should've been there.

He lied there as his pack members ran after the redhead in hopes of finally catching her.

All that could be heard was a rapid and coarse breathing of the girl under him and his whines as he blinked back tears.

It had been hours before the twitching stopped and her breathing slowed. He body seemed to go numb, and Paul realized he couldn't hear anything.

He looked down at his imprint in fear before he heard something. A slow and faint thumping, a sign of life within her.


His imprint opened her eyes but instead of the unusual blood red he's used to he saw her woodsy deep brown with small flecks of red in the iris.

She frantically looked back and forth as she reached for her throat not feeling the burning that most newborns experience.

As Valerie took her first breath the trees seemed to bend in and out with every one. All the clouds cleared in that one spot as they shone done on his imprint.

He looked at her with stars in his eyes. As her skin had a faint glow to it he found himself falling more in love with her.

Before it was all ruined and a growl ripped through the air as Sam jumped towards the young girl he saw as a sister. And Paul rushed to protect him imprint.

As they fought Valeria felt a new strength within her and a new desire to protect the young boy next to her. She rushed over to them faster than she thought possible and the Sam with all her might.

He got up quickly but found himself stuck to the ground as the branches of the trees kept him trapped and poor Valerie really wished she stayed home that night.


So how is this? What do you guys think Valerie is 👀👀👀

Listen I'm aware it super cliche in these stories for the MC to get bit but I like what it does to the plot so I decided to do it. I'll try to make it a little more original but I'm only an amateur.

Hope everyone's day is going amazing and love you all!

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