Ch. 21 "guess the wolf's outta the bag."

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Valerie's POV

After me and Stiles got home we were both too spooked to go anywhere. Stiles went through the box Emelda gave us and pulled out a bunch of jewelry, a couple flowers, and a few small vials of what looked like oil.

Stiles immediately grabbed 2 pieces of jewelry a bracelet and a necklace before going on his computer to Google things about vervain.

I looked in there after and picked out a couple items for Danny and Myself. I'd give Bella and Charlie theirs when they came home.

I gave Danny a wraparound anklet and I clasped one of the necklaces around my neck before grabbing an earring and putting that in too.

I bathed Danny and lied him down on my bed, he was sleep within 30 minutes. Giving me time to think.

So much has happened in such a short time. I mean, I haven't seen my parents in months, they're not even my real parents, I was bit by a vampire, my soulmate is a shifter, and my best friend is dead.

I found myself tearing up at the thought of Alison, we weren't close but she had helped me when I needed it. When Peter was out terrorizing everyone she taught me how to protect myself.

From what I heard from Lydia they had her funeral last week. Apparently Scott thought it be best if we all didn't attend. Stiles was really broken up when he heard. He'd basically been dumped by his best friends.

I thought about Leah, she looked different the last time I dropped Danny off. Stronger, taller, and angrier. I don't know if girls can turn, but I think Leah might.

I had thought about Paul, he was probably the most perfect thing about this whole situation. A bright sun in this gloomy hellscape of a town. He was the only one to treat me normally after everything with Victoria.

Who still hasn't been found by the way. She's taunting us, I've asked Sam if I could join patrol. But he said it's too dangerous since I'm not made of stone like the vamps are.

I've talked to Billy about that. He's concluded that the venom merged with my Dryad nature in a way never seen before. According to him he has no other knowledge of any sort of hybrids like me. Which sucks because it be nice to have someone to help.

My powers are much stronger than that of someone of my nature. Im stronger than the wolves too, we did a test to see who was stronger. Paul sulked for like an hour once I beat him. Pretty much anything they can do I can. As for bloodlust. There is none. I have NO desire to eat a human or an animal, for some reason.

The last thought I had before driving off to sleep was of my parents. I wonder what they would feel like knowing their daughter didn't get the peace they hoped for by sending me here. Lucky for me Danny's birthday is coming up so they're coming down here for that.

Time skip* next morning

I had woken up to an empty bed. Stiles had taken Danny downstairs for breakfast. It was Saturday so he didn't need to go to the Clearwaters. 

I had gotten dressed quickly, putting on a hoodie I had from my dad's high school days and a pair of old jeans.

I ran into Bella going down the steps. She looked at me with anger and hate in her eyes. "You knew! Didn't you?" I looked at her in confusion.

"What?" She came closer to me and I backed up towards the steps, listening if I can hear Stiles or Danny downstairs. "You knew that Jacob was a werewolf, that they all are." She pushed me harshly but I didn't budge.

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