Ch.14 Phone Home

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Valerie POV

The only person I know who could figure this out is Stiles. But Stiles isn't Stiles right now. Maybe I should try Deaton , he's got that weird freaky dumbledore thing going on. Or I guess Mr.Argent he seems to know a decent amount about supernatural creatures.

It had been an hour since Billy and Sue popped in and according to Sue, Leah was perfectly content in keeping Danny for as long as needed. Which didn't give me comfort, I'm sure she thought it would but it just made me nervous.

This means they don't have any plans of letting me near him. But then again the whole earth bender thing I have going I could probably figure out a way to get past them.

I had made my way out on the porch, Sam was watching me close from the window as if my plan was to bolt up and attack any human the first chance I got.

Truth be told I didn't want any sort of blood, I think I'm immune to this so called bite. Like Lydia. Maybe Lydia could help me figure out this whole thing?

"So, how do you feel" I could hear and feel Paul before he sat near me, which was weird I wasn't used to being able to sense him like he could me.

"About being an assumed bloodthirsty monster? Great, best thing to happen all week!" I was clearly bitter but it did lighten the mood some as Paul let out a weak laugh.

"For the record you feel the same, I think Sam is just being a hardass. You don't feel like they do."
I looked at Paul and it felt like I was seeing him for the first time. Truth be told I hadn't actually looked at Paul yet, so this was unexpected.

I gasped, I could feel a warmth spread through my body as he looked at me with confusion. "Umm thanks? Hey do you ever get warm feelings when looking at people?"

He blinked at me and kind of looked confused and a little scared "Uuh no." I could hear his heartbeat now, maybe not as well as he could hear mine, but well enough to know he was lying.

I just hummed and went to grab my phone. He glanced down as I scrolled through my contacts and clicked on one.


It took a few rings before she picked up. "Val? What up, we're kinda busy." Val could hear shallow breathing behind her like someone was breathing down her neck, she could hear how panicked her friend was.

"Lydia? What's going on, where are you?" Lydia choked back sobs as she answered "W-with The Nogistune..."

Paul didn't know what that was but I could feel how he tensed but I'm not sure why. He scanned my face to see what I was feeling as I hurried to ask Lydia was a going on. Before a new voice took over.

"I'm sorry, Lydia can't speak right now Dryad, in fact soon she won't be able to speak at all"

The line went dead after that as I panicked and looked to find Scott's contact to let him know what was going on.


The phone rang multiple times with no answer at this point I was freaking out. I called everyone on my contact list. No one answered. I could feel my breathing become shallow.

All I could think about was my best friend being held captive by my other best friend who is currently being possessed.

The ground shook beneath me and not lowly like the other day, violently. The trees trembled and bent so hard I feared they snap. The storm clouds brewed in an unnatural way and my finger stood felt tingly. I went to stand up and the wood from under the porch cracked in two.

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