Ch.15- Nogistune and a Dryad

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Paul's POV

Ah shit...I'm fucked. Leah never liked me to be honest, she hates me even more now cause of Sam. She probably won't let me see Danny at all.

"Uh hi. Val wanted me to come check on Danny and everything." She just narrowed her eyes at me and raised her eyebrow. She opened her mouth to speak before a MUCH taller Seth piped his head out while holding a sleeping Danny in his arms.

"Oh hey man, everything okay?" He looked back and forth between me and his sister before frowning. "Uh yea, Val just wanted to see how Danny was doing."

Leah scoffed, "so where is she then?" I took a deep breath trying to remind myself she's Val's friend and important to the tribe. "She's busy."

Her eyebrows rose more at my tone and Seth looked at me with narrowed eyes like he didn't believe a word coming out of my mouth.

I sighed deeply. "Listen, I just want to know he's okay, I'll leave right after." Leah and Seth looked to each other quickly before Seth turned so I could look at Danny's face.

He looked so much like Val, his eyes were hers, and their noses were the same. I saw traces of whoever his father is but I didn't have a face to compare it to. A smile over took my face as I went to stroke his hair.

Leah pulled them both back quickly without hurting the baby. "Great you've seen where is she!?"

I growled, I tried to stop myself from phasing right there because of Danny but after everything that happened today I knew I wouldn't be able to stop it. I ran quickly from the house like a blur I went deep into the forest as I heard there shouts from behind me.

Third person POV

As the two young supernatural teenagers ran through the dense woods they never crossed paths. Val was unhinged and destroying everything in her path, trees grew blackened and cracks formed underneath her feet. She could faintly hear howling the only think keeping her heart from exploding and the forest along with it.

Val eventually woke up in the middle of a dead field and all around her grew flowers of many colors.

She could hear faint whisperings around her and as she opened her eyes she saw a shadow pointing down on her. "It is up to you my child"

She screamed and pushed herself up quickly forcing the field to bend inwards as a sort of protection. As she sunk deeper into the field she could hear men yelling for her.

"I'm down here! Help! Help me!" She could see a pale arm reach out for her and she grabbed it quickly. She looked up to meet the cold soulless eyes of her possessed best friend.

He smiled down on her menacingly "hello Valerie, Stiles speaks very highly of you." He chuckled right as he gripped her tightly and pulled her close to whisper.

"He is fighting for his life yknow. He refuses to give up, I guess I'm going to have to try a different route."

He pushed her to the ground quickly and snapped his fingers.

Valerie's POV

The entire field was enveloped in darkness and stormy lighting, only this time it wasn't my doing.

Shadowy samurai figures appeared wielding swords. The charged at me but right before they could kill me I woke up again.

This time in the warmth of Emily's living room. I could hear chatter in the room next to me and hear my baby crying faintly as Paul tried to shush him. I could hear Sam and Emily angrily whispering to each other in the kitchen.

Before I knew it I had sped in front of Paul and Danny, my eyes looking down on them. Everyone stopped they all went stiff and watched my every move.

"Mama!" My son reached out for me and I couldn't help the smile that grew on my face. Paul went to hand Danny to me before Sam cleared his throat.

I turned to look at him quickly as Paul scoffed. "Is there a problem Sam?" I narrowed my eyes at him as my fist were clenching, I silently pushed myself to not use my powers.

He growled before speaking quickly. "Yes, you're dangerous. You shouldn't be here. You should have died out there. Need I say more?"

I looked down at myself before looking back up at same, my eyes glowing a deep Amber with flecks of red. "Is that how you really feel Sam?"

Everyone backed away from me quickly and Paul handed Danny to Emily before walking in front of me.

"Val, your eyes. Is everything okay?" He searched my face for any trace of a lie as I went to speak. But then the phone phone.

I answered it quickly



I gasped

"Stiles? it actually you?"

He laughed weakly

"Yea it's's me."

I looked up at Paul as he raised his eyebrows at me suspiciously

"What happened with the Nogistune you won right?"

He gulped, I could feel the temperature drop.

"....listen Valerie....something happened"



Okay okay I know this took forever and it's not even that good I know. But here yall go!

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