Ch. 20 " So you're a Disney Princess?"

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I had held on to Danny tightly as this strange lady led us to the back of her store. She had jars and dreamcatchers and books EVERYWHERE.

"Have you thought of redecorating, making it less I don't know incredibly unsettling in here." Stiles spoke sarcastically. The lady turned to him sharply, "I will not speak to a Vampire's pet. I'm here for the Wood Spirit."

He looked at me in disbelief, "Vampire's pet! Excuse me I am no one's pet!" She just stared at him blankly before waving me and Danny over I handed Danny to Stiles making the lady grin in amusement.

"So, wood spirit, what brings you here." I blinked, I looked back at Stiles for answers but he just shrugged. "Umm I don't know, how do you know what I am? Who are you?" I was even more weary now this place was creepy.

She smiled softly before waving her hands in a mystical manner. The plants around her all grew and became more vibrant. The walls slightly shook and the books opened and the pages flew around wildly.

"I can always tell when one of my own is near. Can't you?" She cackled as if this was the funniest moment in her life. "One of...your own? So you're like me?"

Stiles scoffed, "like you what even are you a Disney princess? You got the animal companion thing already." He waved his one arm around animatedly. I shook my head as I went to grab the women's hand.

"Please, can you help me. I don't know what I'm doing I need-" I was interrupted by the chatter box himself. "She needs her Yoda."

The lady looked at him with utter confusion. "Strange boy my name is Emelda." Stiles blinked back and forth between us before sputtering, "what n-no it's from Star Wars..." nothing,
"....THE MOVIE!?? Seriously- i- oh my god. How are you this old and don't know Star Wars?"

The lady pushed her hands in front of her with a stink eye. "Excuse me young man but my soul is no older than 22!" He flew back into the wall I rushed to grab Danny to find he was suspended in mid air.

The lady had one hand up waving it gently while softly admiring my son as Stiles groaned from the dirty floor. "Your boy, he is very bright for his age, no?" I smiled and nodded as I grabbed him gently from the- air?

"Anyways, the strange boy, I know what was wrong with you." She paused as Stiles was brushing himself off and adjusting his shoulder which would certainly be bruised. "Well...don't spill it all at once." I could tell this lady was testing his patience and he was testing hers as she went to probable blast him again I spoke.

"What my strange friend means, is we are kind of on a time limit, so if you could please hurry that'd be great." I made sure to sweeten the deal with a wide smile mirroring my son's.

She smirked. "Vampires, come in many shapes, sizes, colors, and species." Stiles furrowed his eyebrows as I thought deeply about her words.

"What, you're saying there's more than one kind?" I spoke softly. She nodded, "yes there's more out there than just the cold ones."

"Well how did they get here, who made them?" She shook her head and made her way over to a shelf that held a portrait. In it there was a younger version of Emelda with two young men both very handsome and a beautiful blonde lady.

"Not important, but just know they are far more dangerous than your cold ones, harder to spot too." She picked up a box that contained some sort of flower. "If this Katherine is what I think, you will need these."

I reached for it. "What is it?" She inhaled, deeply as she pulled out the delicate flower. "Vervain, it is used to ward off such creatures. It is like poison to them." Stiles perked up, "like wolfsbane" he looked at me with a proud look on his face. "Yes much like werewolves except wolfbane affects all species, vervain will do nothing against the cold ones."

Stiles paled even more. "I'm sorry, there's multiple kinds of werewolf, like more than the ones we already know about?" She looked at us both with disappointment. Like we were far too stupid for her. Beforehand she could confirm Stiles's question the bells to her shop chimed and she rushed out there.

Stiles came up right next to us. Danny reaching for him immediately. "Okay, so there may be more to this whole supernatural thing than we thought." He looked excited. "I mean who knows what's out there."

Emelda returned with a sour look on her face. "Strange boy..." Stiles rolled his eyes. " are not the only person Katherine has compelled to come here."

She looked pissed but we were just confused. Compelled? Multiple kinds a vampires, vervain? What is this, and why did we end up here?

She looked down at the necklace and book at had placed on the table and shoved them both in my hands as well as the box. "Here, come back tomorrow at noon rise exactly. I will tell you everything, leave the child and the boy, this is between us."

She ushered me and Stiles out the door with urgency. "Go, go quickly, and whatever you do, do not stop for anyone, do you understand?"

Me and Stiles were freaked out but we nodded stiffly.

We made our way to his Jeep and strapped Danny in. We drove straight to Charlie's and we didn't stop once.

I looked down at the book in my hands and brushed the dust off of it.

"ᚠᛟᚱ ᛏᚺᛖ ᚹᛟᛟᛞ ᛋᛈᛁᚱᛁᛏᛋ....ᛈᚱᛟᛏᛖᚲᛏᛟᚱᛋ ᛟᚠ ᛟᚢᚱ ᚹᛟᚱᛚᛞ"

"For the wood spirits...protectors of our world"


For those of you wondering that language is supposed to be old Norse I don't know how accurate it is. Can you guys see what I'm setting up? Who do y'all think this Katherine chick is. What about the people in the photo. Is Emelda a friend or foe. How will Stiles handle all this knew information about the supernatural world?

Okay so Jacob is getting an OC as an imprint I'm currently thinking up ideas of what she should be like.

So far I'm undecided about Bella because she fucking sucks but she doesn't have to. Also for those of you that think there's not enough Bella bashing remember this is still New moon. And I'm setting up Valerie's purpose in the story. Once we get to Eclipse things will pick up.

So now I've done a friend date with Danny. The next filler chapter will be a date between Paul and Val because in my opinion I don't write about them together enough.

If I'm right I should have maybe 5-7 more chapters before new moon. To anyone that has any ideas or OCs or things they'd like to add I'm all ears. Also I was wondering if I should make a TVD book but I'd have to rewatch it so idk. Would anyone read it?

Anyways have a great day/night/evening/wtv and remember you are loved, drink water, have a snack, and don't stress yourself out too much.

You are right where YOU need to be and remember that.

LOVE YALL...will review later

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