Ch. 9- Calls, Car rides, and Dinning room Meltdowns

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Third Person POV

After Embry Call had joined the Pack, Sam decided Danny and Val could no longer come over. So for two weeks Danny's new babysitter was that of an old friend of Val's

"Oh my gosh! Look at you little Vally, you're beautiful! Who would've thought you became a mom before me?" The young Clearwater boy mocked his sister's voice from the stairs.

His older sister rolled her eyes out of annoyance before looking back to Danny. "Hey there chonky baby come to auntie Leah." She made grabby hands to the small baby who was looking slightly less weary than before. The small infant looked up to his mother before glancing back at the overly excited girl.

Danny babbled and reached over to the eager girl as his young mother watched them both with a calm expression. "I really appreciate this Leah." She said going to dig through her purse to find a $20 to over her.

"No problem at all I'm always bored anyways at least now I have some company" she bounced the baby on her hip and her voice raised in pitch. It was clear to everyone that she was only talking to Danny.

Leah missed the offended face that flashed across her younger brother. But Valerie didn't and she giggled at the sight, remembering a certain Beta who she considered her brother.

After a few moments of catching up Val was off back home before heading to school. Since the Clearwater home was closer than Emily's Val had enough time to head home and pick up some breakfast to drop off to her uncle who seems to be drowning himself in his work.

Time skip*

Val had walked out of the school parking lot in a hurry, ignoring the curious stares from the other students. She was almost home free until a certain blonde boy seemed to appear out of nowhere.

"Hey Val! Wait up!" He grabbed her shoulder before removing his hand quickly and awkwardly looking to the floor. "Me and the guys were going to La push, you can come if you want? Even bring your kid, Manny? Right?"

Val had no problem with the Newton boy in fact she found him quite amusing but right now she wanted anything but to be in his presence.

She smiled at him quickly "Danny actually and I'd love to but can't. Rain check?" She gently pushed past him ignoring the dumbstruck look on his face and got into her car.

She quickly clicked on a contact in her phone before putting her car in reverse. It rang for a few moments before finally her favorite voice came through.

"What? I'm kinda busy." She rolled her eyes and pulled out of the parking lot. "Busy with what Isaac? Alphabetizing your scarf collection?" On the other line you she could hear feminine laughter.

"Hey Ally!" Val called out intro her phone. She could faint hear a 'hey Vally' as she turned onto the street that would take her to the Reservation.

"Listen I know things are busy there but I was just calling to check in. How's everyone doing? It's been a few weeks." Val could practically feel the conversation shift to uncomfortable.

"Not good Val." Isaac took a deep breath, "we uh-we know who the Nogistune is now." Val's breath hitched. "Who is it?" Isaac paused before shakily speaking, "it's Stiles."

Val's car skidded to a stop as she looked at her phone for an explanation. "WHAT!?" Val frantically looked back and forth as she tried to calm her breathing. Trying to remember Stiles as she knew him, and not as a 1000 year old deity with an urge to kill.

"Well how do you know? You could be wrong, right?!" Her hands gripped the steering wheel tightly she could hear the phone being moved from Isaac's hand to Allison's.

"Listen we did a test okay? It's him for sure. I'm so sorry but I promise we're gonna try to get him back. Don't worry about anything-" She took a deep breath her voice drenched with fear "I'm coming back." She could hear Alison and Isaac panicked voice as they tell her to stay put but it doesn't register.

Val drives the rest of the way to the Clearwaters in silence, her mind on autopilot. She didn't see the storm raging by her window, or the trees that seemed to shake in her anguish.

She didn't even realize she didn't go to the Clearwaters. She found herself at Emily's doorstep shaking with fear and tears filled her eyes and every bad scenario went through her head. She lifted her hand up to knock before the door opened in front of her.

She didn't see who she embraced but they were warm and comforting, they smelled like a mix of motor oil and pine trees.

Paul was just as confused as he held a shaking Valerie in his arms. He pulled her closer and ushered her into the house. Emily saw them and quickly rushed over to see what was going on.

Val couldn't speak she could barely hear the comforting words from both Paul and Emily. She just kept repeating one thing "no no no no" over and over again.

Paul looked into her eyes and saw a world of pain in her usually warm eyes. "Hey hey look at me okay breathe" he gently took her face in his hands and guided her through it as Emily watched them, phone in hand ready to dial Charlie's number if need be.

It had taken several moments before Valerie's breathing finally slowed and she looked up at Paul's eyes, the genuine concern giving her both comfort and anxiety. Val swallowed thickly "I'm sorry...I don't know what came over me."

The storm outside the house had dimmed to an extent. The trees had slowed and the rain went from a pour to a trickle, but the sky still mirrored the deep dark feeling of doom brewing in the young girls' mind.

She pulled Paul's hand away from her face as she got up to walk out. Paul grabbed her arm and pulled her back.

"Wait! You don't seriously think I'm letting you drive in this state do you?" It wasn't hostile although you couldn't tell by the underlying anger in his tone. Val wasn't aware the anger wasn't for her but for whoever made her as upset as she was.

"I'm not asking, Paul, now let me go I have to get Danny." Val knew she shouldn't be around Danny like this but the other part of her, the mother part, just really wanted her baby.

"Look, I'm sorry okay but I'm serious you just had a whole meltdown in Emily's Dinning room. You're in no state to drive, especially to get Danny."

Val was about to open her mouth to speak before she was interrupted. " he's right you know. It's not safe." Emily still looked shaken up about the events that just transpired, her hand still gripping the phone for dear life. "Let him drive...please."

Val sighed and threw her keys at Paul, him catching them with ease.

As they both settled in the car and uncomfortable silence fell over them. Until it was broken by a certain wolf.

" wanna tell me what that was about or..."

Val answered by turning on the radio.

"...guess that's a no then..."


Hello my my what have we here. Anyways sorry about this it's problem shot but here you go anyways. I'll start writing the next chapter soon. And as for why this chapter was so depressing. That would be because irl is depressing rn so sorry about that.

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