Ch.5- Who needs a babysitter

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Val's POV

It had been a few hours since we arrived at Emily's and to be honest she seems like a really cool person. Patient too, that boy Jared is practically a bottomless pit he ate nearly 3 dozen baked goods. Worst part is, he STILL hungry.
I'll probably come over with Danny a few more times until I actually leave him with her. I'll probably just have Bella pick up my school work or something.

"Who's this?" A deep voice echoed across the small but cozy home, I momentarily tensed before turning to see Sam. He chuckled at my expression

"Hey Vally...Danny" Sam made his way towards Emily and affectionately kissed her face and scars. Me and Jared made eye contact and fake barfed.

"We'd had better head out" I moved to grab Danny's bag and Jared yelled "WAIT!" I stood there stunned as he very comically leaped over the kitchen table and ran into the living room, rummaging through his bag like a mad man.

He hastily grabbed out a pen and paper and started writing down names and numbers. He shoved in my hand quickly. "Here come over anytime" he flashed me a model smile after that it looked almost practiced.

"Uuuh pretty sure that's my line?" Sam said from behind the counter glancing at Emily lovingly as she held Danny close to her while she fed him a bottle. Jared just scoffed and said something about how the house was all of theirs, completely missing the eye roll from all three of us.

"Well, thank you all for having us. If you don't mind I'd like to come back over in the morning, I can even bring breakfast so you don't have to make any" I offered to Emily shyly who waved me off and handed me Danny. She shoved a small tub in my hands and shooed us out gently.

"You're always welcome here Val" I smiled back at here genuinely appreciating the generosity.

I walked over to my car and placed Danny in his car seat, he didn't fuss like usual so hopefully that means he'll sleep through the night. As I walked to the driver side I seen another silver blur run behind Emily's house. I blinked and it was gone, I cautiously got in and backed out but I glanced back in my review and I swear I saw a man walking from behind Emily's house.

Paul's POV

Patrolling is Hell especially when all you can think about is some girl. I walked up to the door not bothering to knock and headed straight for the couch. I flipped myself over the side and started watching whatever Jared had put on. I had only laid there a moment when I smelt it, them...her, she was here.

"Hey...Sam?" I heard him grunt showing he heard me "Was...V-Valerie? Here earlier?"

He smirked and shrugged "I'm not sure why?" Jared turned to me quickly with a shit eating grin. "Yea Paulie...why?"

I growled "Nothing! I don't care, it was just a question fuck!" I'm not sure why it pissed me off so bad to think about her being here alone with them. Oh who am I kidding know why, I know exactly why.

I sighed and melted into the couch all anger drained from me at the thought of her. Sam sighed and dropped his smirk, he dropped down next to me and put his hand on my shoulder. You'd expect sound advice after that right? WRONG!

"Paul...grow some balls man, it's getting sad." My jaw dropped I glanced over to Emily who was covering her clearly growing smile with a dish towel. While Jared didn't even try to hide it he was rolling on the floor wheezing. I jumped on him and put him in a head lock. Soon enough he was passed out on the floor.

"All jokes aside man, talk to her for everyone's sake." I glanced at him and walked out the door muttering a quick goodbye to Emily. I thought of shifting but I didn't feel like having anyone in my head right now. But during my walk still the only thoughts that consumed me were of her.

Sorry for the shitty chapter and the wait. I honestly have no excuse. My house didn't burn down and everyone in my family is in good health. I honestly forgot about this book. But I will try to create a more uniform schedule for it. Also if there are any inconsistencies please tell me I didn't go back and read the previous chapters. Also if anything is spelled wrong I'm sorry I'm living off autocorrect

Happy holidays and happy New year

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