Ch. 27 Partly a Filler, and "Bella this is the skin of a killer" 😱

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Tim skip*

It's been a day since Bella went "missing" she turned up a few hours later soaked from head to toe with a pissed off Jacob next to her. He practically threw her in the house and left.

We had stayed with Bella for a short time before her ranting started to frustrate us all. Paul, Danny, and I had packed our bags and left to go visit Sue. She had expressed needing some help and since Harry was still recovering and Seth and Leah are still training, Paul offered to help her.

Sue didn't need much, the bathroom sink needed a slight fix. She also wanted him to fix the squeaky floor boards in the hallway closet to her and Harry's room. That, plus a couple of quick fix paint jobs.

We were out of there in 2 hours, and despite Paul's constant protest Sue still paid him the smallest amount they could agree on, $40.

We had offered to stay and keep Sue company, but she said "The house hasn't been this empty in almost 20 years, let me enjoy it." To that me and Paul just laughed and gave her a quick hug and kiss goodbye.

Paul had pointed out none of us had ate in a while so we decided to stop at a small Diner just on the edge of Forks, close to the reservation.

It was small and homey, probably a bit smaller than the diner on the other side of town, and the paint was chipped and worn, a few of the windows were cracked, and the Neon in the sign read up top "La Bruja's Brewery" in a flicker pattern that had no rhythm. It was clearly a supernatural place.

I didn't feel uneasy though, calmer actually. Paul looked to me and smiled raising and lowering his eyebrows in a way that would probably make Danny laugh. "So, this place good enough?"

I took a breath before going to answer, but a small high pitched voice interrupted me, "Yep!"
We both looked back to see Danny smiling widely and looking at the small Dimer with as much intrigue as an almost one year old can have.

We quickly got out and went to get settled in one of the booths, a small woman came up to our table instantly and sat down 2 menus and one kids menu.

Time skip*

Third Person POV

The sun had quickly set and a blanket of darkness had covered Forks. And with the darkness brought the smallest Cullen to the Swan residence.

There she was met with a surprisingly alive Bella and no one else in sight. It seemed everyone had abandoned the poor girl, or at least that's how Bella made it seem as she broke down crying to the undead teenager.

Alice was furious at this "Valerie" for stealing all of Bella's friends and family. Even if Alice didn't like those mutts Bella did for some reason. And this new girl was going to pay she would make sure of that.

The phone had wrang while Bella was in the Bathroom, Alice had picked it up without thinking. "The Swan Residence, who are you calling for?" What she wasn't expecting was her broken brothers voice to be on the other side.

"Alice? Oh god does that mean Bella-?" Alice interrupted him before he could speak "Edward, relax I promise you she's fine don't do anything drastic." He scoffed from the other line, and had he still been human his face would be flush with anger and frustration. "Yea, like I believe that! I want to talk to her then"

Alice grew frustrated by the minute and went to speak "Edward I-." After that the lights flickered on and off and the only thing that Alice could hear was the Static from the phone and the piercing cries of the ever dramatic human in the bathroom.

Alice didn't have time to roll her eyes before she was overwhelmed with a vision. She saw red robes, a clock tower, and in the center of it. Her sparkily, idiot of a brother. She gasped immediately before dropping the phone.

She rushed up the steps to find a fearful Bella anxiously poking at buttons in the attic, hoping one of them would turn the lights back on.

Alice sighed in frustration and pulled the lever on the side of it, successfully turning the electricity back on. She heard Bella shriek next to her before she had her stone hand covering her mouth tightly.

"Bella, Edward is going to kill himself you have to come with me, now!" Bella of course made had no hesitation and sprung into action. She rushed down the attic steps and into her room.

Shoving random pieces of clothing in a Bookbag as Alice quickly used her vampire speed to take it out of Bella's hands and finish her packing.

Bella ran her hands through her matter and greasy hair and sighed before taking a small piece of paper and a pen and writing a half assed note to Charlie.

"Dear Dad...I'm sorry, but I have to save him. I'll be back soon.

XOXO Bella"

Bella sprinted down the steps, almost tumbling down the last three to see an impatient Alice taping her toes with the small book bag in hand.

Bella sat the note on the counter and rushed to the door where Alice was waiting. They had walked out to the car together but before Bella opened the door she looked out into the woods.

Secretly hoping to see Jacob, or even Charlie there to stop her. But neither of them were there. Jacob was off trying to find ways to get his imprint to like him. While Charlie was visiting his friend in the hospital. Of course Bella didn't know these things, because that would require she remove her head from her own ass. And everyone knows she'd never do that.

Bella exhaled and yanked open the car door before getting in, without even looking at Alice she spoke.


Alice floored it, and Bella couldn't help but think she might've just sealed her fate. Not because of Alice's reckless driving, no, but because of something Stiles of all people said to her.

"The world will show you your path before you're on it. It's your choice on if you take that path or not, you know..." Now, if you're thinking that doesn't sound like Stiles, that's because you're thinking sober Stiles, drunk Stiles however, would definitely say that.

Bella could feel small tears well in her eyes as she kept going over those words in her head. She eventually pushed them back and instead starting repeating new ones in her head, like a mantra over, and over.

"Edward loves me, I was meant to be a vampire, this IS my path" but deep down the brunette knew the truth. She was never meant to meet Edward that day, and sadly Edward, and the rest of the Cullen will be her downfall.


Yaayyyy chapter 27 it's kinda short but oh well. I just wanted to get passed the part where she goes to Italy. The next chapter will be a few days time skip and it'll be centered around Danny's first birthday party. Which before you ask yes, the cullens, or at least their arrival do crash the party. BUTT that means there's only like 2-3 more chapters of this left before we hit my absolute FAVORITE movie. Eclipse, and tbh I can't wait to right the fight scenes. But the thing is idk if I should make Bella die in that one or not. Cause the next movies aren't really necessary. Or I could make "Breaking Dawn" centered around Paul and Valerie and have THEM have a hybrid baby? Or I could turn Bella into a vampire and THEN kill her. ORRR I could follow the movie plot until the fourth movie and have Bella have "Reveloutionary" and then kill off ALL the cullens except maybe a couple. Idk sooo many possibilities. Also I know no one is reading this BUT I will be picking the face claim for Jacob's imprint tonight. And she will be formally introduced soon.

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