Ch. 28 "Happy Birthday to..."

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Valerie POV

It's been a few days since my psycho cousin went AWOL. Charlie's been broken up, he's called up cop friends of his countless counties and states. Nothing was coming up anywhere. Which is when Charlie finally had to accept the fact that Bella had left the country, most likely to be with Edward. But what none of us had the heart to tell him was, there's a big chance she's not coming back, or at least not coming back as the Bella he knew.

This was number one concern of the pack, they could handle me and my "Vampire Nature" because they've concluded that it doesn't affect me much an I'm no harm to them. But none of us have dealt with a Newborn before, especially not one as batshit crazy as Bella.

However, we've decided to put supernatural concerns on the back burner for now. Because my baby is turning one. Queue the tears. Emily and Charlie had offered to host the birthday party. But Paul had asked me a month ago if the party could be at his house.

Paul lived in a one story home, like most people I had saw on the reservation. The wood was splintered, and the windows needed redone, not to mention if you're facing the house from the front it looks a little tilted.

I personally loved Paul's home. But he did not, according to him the place held "bad memories" and he had been planning on completely gutting it to redesign it in a way that was nothing like the "hell hole" he grew up in. His words, not mine.

Surprisingly, he had found the time to actually redo most of the home. So far the kitchen, bathroom, living area, and master bedroom had been redone.

I was surprised Paul seriously had no plans to go into building or designing houses. He had a pretty good sense of how these things work. He laughed when I suggested it to him, saying his whole life he only wanted to be a professional Rugby player. Which, honestly makes more sense knowing who Paul is.

Still I found myself in awe as I looked around the newly refurbished home. Emily, Jared, and Leah were helping me decorate the living room and kitchen while the other boys were helping Paul with Danny's "surprise".

Paul wouldn't tell me what it is either but I told him as long as it's nothing that hurts him I don't care what he gets him. Jared right after said "I'm getting him Four sticks of dynamite" he is now not allowed to bring a gift and if he does it will be confiscated immediately.

We decided to give Danny a Spider-Man theme party, mostly because it was the first thing I thought of. But also because Danny happens to currently believe he is Spider-Man and will only answer to Spider man.

Danny was spending the morning with Charlie and Stiles while we get his party set up. We invited the whole pack, imprints included. And even some people from my pack who should be arriving within the next few hours to stay for the weekend.

Small time skip*

We had all the decorations up and all the trash thrown away. The only things we needed were, the grill, the food, and the people. Oh! And of course the birthday boy.

I had went to go find Paul and ask him if he thought I should go get Danny now or wait for the guests. I hadn't even made it a foot in the hallway before he came barreling out of the back room sweaty and covered in paint. He was breathing heavily like he had just got spooked.

"H-heyyy babe? What is up?" He swung his arms awakes as he shifted on his toes. I looked up at him strangely before squinting behind him at the door. He moved to block my view, I moved to the other side. Again he blocked me, I made a move to walk forward and he grabbed my shoulders firmly before strangely rubbing up and down my arms.

He tried to smile at me to distract me but I was on a mission now. I made another move to walk forward and this time he picked me up and threw me over his shoulders. Laugher filled the small home and Emily looked back at us over her shoulder.

Jared had been laying on the new old couch that Billy had donated to Paul, but he quickly got up to make fun of me. "Wow Valerie you just gonna take that?" I scoffed and used my magic to make all the plants in there grow quickly. Jared looked at me confused before Paul started sneezing loudly.

I giggled with each sneeze as his whole body shook from under me. Jared was rolling on the floor laughing and Emily watched from the kitchen with a small smile on her face. We didn't even notice the knock on the door. Not did we notice it open.

What we did notice however was the clearing of someone's throat and the strong odor of other wolves.

Paul nearly dropped me before quickly regaining his footing and placing me on the floor right next to him. I looked towards the doorway and erupted into a huge smile.

There standing was only my bestest and most loyal of friends. He was in every way my brother, and this was my first time seeing him since moving from Beacon Hills.

I ran into his arms immediately as he picked me up and spun me around a few times. Paul behind me was trying to keep his cool. I could feel it as he stiffly smiled and came up behind me. Putting his hand on my lower back. He had a small growl trapped in the back of his throat.

His natural instincts telling him to get his imprint away from any male wolf not in his pack. But Paul knew even though Isaac wasn't apart of his pack, he was apart of mine.

Sam and Embry had come from the back room, also covered in paint and had some bandages covering their fingers. Sam cleared his throat and made his way forward he put his hand out to Isaac. Who gripped Sam's hand fearlessly.

After being abused by his father, turned by Derek, plus dealing with the chaos that is Beacon Hills, nothing intimidated Isaac anymore, not even Sam.

Sam and Isaac held eye contact for a long time before they both release death others hands and Sam nodded to Isaac, seemingly saying that he could stay. But that this wasn't his territory and that wouldn't change.

Sam walked over to Emily immediately forgetting about us at the sight of his fiancé. Isaac cleared his throat and looked to Paul with a small smirk.

My eyes widened in slight fear as I knew he was about to do something that would likely piss off Paul.

He cleared his throat, "So Patrick right? This is a lovely home. Do you do your own decorating because I myself am thinking of remodeling" I immediately face palm as Paul does something I was definitely not expecting. He laughed and he pulled a very confused Isaac into a Bro-Hug.

I wasn't the only one confused. Almost every person in there expected Paul to blow up. Including Isaac. Who was clearly mildly disappointed when Paul didn't feed into his taunts.

But after a while he smiled a genuine smile and hugged Paul back. Making me shed a small smile while looking at them. Again none of us noticed the people at the door until another familiar voice spoke.

"Umm hello? Jeez Val you didn't tell me the guy lived in the middle of freaking now where, I got my Louis Vuitton's all muddy, which is coming out of your college fund young lady" I turned to the Redhead a practically lept into her arms.

Both of us nearly crashing down in a fit of giggles. The only things keeping us from falling was the small doorframe we were smushed into together.


Okay so this birthday party is gonna take more chapters than I originally thought. Next chapter I'll have Charlie, Stiels,and Danny arrive. And then towards the end I'll have Jacob and the rest of the packs turn up. And then on the third chapter I'll have Bella and the Cullens show up and end the party quick. After that I'll do a recap chapter and continue moving forward with the story

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