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"I was quiet, but I was not blind."
-Jane Austen


"A reminder that no matter how turbulent the ties that bind us may be, the human spirit can rise above, and ultimately, find its path to freedom and happiness."


"Did this mean anything to you? Did I mean anything to you?" I yelled, my face contorting with hurt.

The natural moonlight streamed in from the laminated glass window casting a cool, inviting glow. High ceilings, layered lighting, luxe textiles and glamorous furniture added more elegance to the stupendous longue.

He laid his drink on the huge marbled coffee table while his face began to darken. "Don't raise your voice at me, Hin."

His expression was serious, but I liked the slight softening when his gaze met mine. I probably looked pathetic at the moment, nevertheless, I couldn't care less. I clenched my muscles to give a greater sense of control, yet, a tremor of uneasiness coursed through me.

"This... doesn't make sense. You were lying the entire time!"

He gave an indifferent shrug. "No, I told you the truth, Hin. Besides, you only heard what you wanted to hear."

I scoffed at him, tears welling in my eyes. "That could not be further from the truth."

He took a deep breath. "If you were so eager to eavesdrop, you should have stayed a bit longer."

"That's utter Bullshit. I didn't mean to overhear, alright? But thank God... Now I know the truth," I wiped my eyes.

Our conversation vexed him. His gaze never left my eyes as he said, "Stop it Newwie. Stop crying. It's about to rain. Go back inside."

An overwhelming silence engulfed us... and I felt ensnared within it. As if following a sequence, the room illuminated with a flash of lightning and the sound of thunder filled the air. Raindrops gently cascaded down the window panes. It appeared as though nature was sharing in my sorrow.

I felt my throat closing up. I shed some more angry tears. "Don't tell me what to do! You don't own me!"

The tall man retorted brows furrowed in frustration. "I don't own you. You just belong to me, Newwie! Don't forget that. Now you will do as I say! "

I widened my eyes in disbelief. "I should have seen this coming."

How can he still not feel anything other than anger? Is he even feeling guilty? I took a deep trembling breath, before continuing, "And khun Tawan, my name is New Thithipoom. You don't get to call me Newwie or anything, not anymore."

"This..." He averted his gaze towards the window. "..Wasn't supposed to happen-"

"Really? It wasn't? Well, that's nice to know. I thought you planned this whole thing. So that you could-"

"There's no need for sarcasm..."

I let out a sigh and wiped my blurry vision, before turning my back to him and started walking towards the large door. Thunder rumbling. How did I read the stars so wrong?

"Where are you going?!" He yelled at me and I could almost feel his intense gaze on my neck.

"Wherever you aren't." I turned to look back at the man, only to find him right in front of me.

The sudden proximity made a shiver run up my spine. He pulled me closer when I tried to walk away. I winced as he gripped my wrist firmly.

His entire body tensed against mine as he placed his hands on my hips, his fingers digging into my skin. He pushed me against the wall, eliminating any space between us.

"You are mine," he whispered. "Only mine. Do not forget that."

"I want you to remember that you belong to me," his lips dangerously close to mine.

I struggled to push him away with all my strength, but he remained unmoved. His grasp tightened, making it difficult for me to breathe. "Please... I can't breathe, Te. Let me go..." I gasped.

"Amo solo te," he murmured, his voice almost causing me to melt.

"I'm not buying it!" I yelled.

His body went still, his eyes widening as he released his hold on me. However, he continued to grip my wrist tightly. Filled with frustration, I aggressively slapped his hands away.

"And now it's clear to me, that everything you see ain't always what it seems."

I cast a bitter gaze upon him one last time before retreating a few paces.

"I wish l knew then, what I know now! I wouldn't dive in this deep!" I exclaimed, slamming the door shut behind me.

"We're not done yet, Hin!" His voice reverberated around the room after me.

"But I am done, Te," I whisper, hoping the churning feeling in my chest will soon cease.

It's better to have loved and lost than to have not loved at all. l am still trying to hold on. For it is worth every battle we face. Likewise, God knows that I tried.

Seeing the bright side... I'm not blind anymore. Instead, I'm wide awake. Letting go is like an ocean, and sometimes we drown, while other days we are forced to swim.

I was drowning, although I was damn good at swimming. And yeah, I was dreaming for so long but I'm wide awake. However, the story's over now. I'll let you go... It's The End.

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