#1 The Prophecy

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A holy man, an Archbishop laid on his death bed as he was surrounded by three royal brothers which he called. “King Odie…” He looked at the man with dark fixed hair, bearing a full grown beard with his deep ocean blue eyes. “Prince Kired…” He switched to the young-adult with messy brown hair and maroon eyes. “Prince Rorie…” He finally got to the youngest, the one with curly dark hair and maroon eyes. “My days are at an end– *Cough!* *Cough!* *Cough!*” “Archbishop Carin!” King Odie held the Archbishop’s hand tightening his hold as the Archbishop held himself onto him. “A prophecy– The prophecy– *Cough!* *Cough!* I have to tell you– *Cough!* *Cough!* *Gasp!* *Sigh…*” Archbishop Carin took a deep breath as he fought the urge to close his eyes. “Two brothers– umrh… Two brothers, one carrying the– *Cough!* *Cough!* the strength of mind– *Cough!* and one carrying the strength of his sword– *Pant* *Pant* They will bring this whole kingdom to prosperity– and expansion and– and– *Cough!* *Cough!* *Cough!* *Sigh* …” The three brothers stared at the Archbishop's now dead body, sadness all through them as the mourning started for the dear beloved Archbishop. King Odie brought his hand to the Archbishop’s eyes, gently closing them as they all chanted, “May you rest in peace.”

The three brothers exited the Archbishop's chamber, an aura of sorrow around them as the door gently *Shut* behind them– “Your grace!” They all turned to their side to find a man with honey blonde hair with a well kept beard matching his maroon eyes in certain shadows. “Pren!” Pren rushed to them only for his smile to falter; finding the cold atmosphere on them, in front of Archbishop Carin's door. “Your grace, he’s dead…” Pren gazed at the door. “Yeah…” “He’s a good man, your grace.” “I know, a smart and lovable man.” “But a bit weird sometimes–“ “Hush! Kired! Give some respect!” Pren chuckled, ruffling his honey blonde hair. “May he rest in peace.” “May he rest in peace.” The three repeated. “Anyways, your grace, we have to go now. Our men are waiting." King Odie nodded, furrowing his eyebrows. “Despite all this sorrow, we’ll crush that Regver to the ground; I promise that." “Like bread?” Kired asked. “Like bread.” “But bread doesn’t crush, it flattens.” Odie turned to Kired, eyebrows furrowed. “Then why did you say "like bread?" you could’ve used other objects for that.” “I was asking; you could’ve answered with another object to my question but you chose to agree.” Odie was about to respond when he bit his tongue and *sighed* “That was close.” Kired busted into laughter.  “So close indeed! Damnit! I almost got you into another pointless argument! Haha!"

“Hey brother.” Kired called to Odie ahead. “Yeah?” Odie slowed down. “What do you think of that prophecy?” Odie raised an eyebrow. "The prophecy, the one Archbishop Carin told on his deathbed." "Oh, Uhm…” Odie played with his dark beard as he thought. “I don’t believe it. He has told multiple prophecies before, none even coming close to happening.” Kired chuckled. “Yeah, the only prophecy that came true is the one where he said he’s going to take a shit.” “Respect Kired, he just died.” “Sorry.” … “Brother?” “Yeah?” “How about we make the prophecy come true?” “Huh?” Odie looked back at Kired. “You’re the mind and I’m the sword, we’re brothers, you’re smart and I’m strong. It’s possible!” “Huh, I like that. Sure, why not?!” “Yeah!” “How about Rorie?” “Oh! Uhm…” Kired furrowed his eyebrows, thinking– “Nah, brother. I’m fine on my own. I really don’t think I have any strength of some kind.” “Aw! Don’t be like that!” Kired and Odie slowed down their horses to match Rorie’s. “There’s three of us brothers, we can’t leave you out!” Odie patted Rorie’s back. “Yeah, don’t have your head down like that! We’ll give you one!– Ah! How about speech!” “Brother, I cower when there’s a crowd, absolutely not.” “Oh, that sucks… Aha! Soul! You’re the soul! Or heart. You’re super emphatic, it's scary sometimes.” Odie chuckled while Rorie just blushed at the embarrassment. “Yeah, that's your strength. You can help the people of Korre with that–" “You’re the soul! Feeling and reading everyone in Korre! For the better of Korre! While I! Kired, is the sword! defeating our enemies and leading us to expansion!“ “And I am the mind, leading Korre to prosperity as I help you two and as you two help me.” Odie smiled while Kired pointed at him, then at Rorie. “You, me and you. Odie, Kired and Rorie. The three of us brothers will be legends!” “Cheers!” “Cheers!” “But there’s no drink.” "Way to kill the mood brother." "We could've just used another word–" "We're not falling for that." "Bummer." They continued, their march getting louder as they started to rush to their camp. “Sire, don’t you think we should camp for a bit? It’s afternoon already.” “We already have a camp up ahead of us. Be patient, a few more marches and we’ll get there in no time.” The soldier nodded but still worried, something’s definitely bothering him. Prince Rorie doesn’t blame him, he’s goosebumps all over his body, not enough to scare him but definitely enough to worry him. “Brother, I agree,we should set up a temporary camp here for a bit. I don’t think we’ll reach–” *Shoot!* Rorie’s eyes widened as he saw their soldiers fall to the ground. What… “Odie!” Kired ran towards Odie, pushing him away from the upcoming arrow about to hit him. “We need to get away–” Blood suddenly dripped down from Kired’s neck to Odie’s horrified face. “Kired…” “Brother–” Kired’s body was kicked away from Odie’s view, the attacker coming after him next– *Thud!* Odie kicked the enemy, quickly drawing his sword out, killing his brother’s killer with no hesitation, anger bubbling quickly through him. “RAAAAH!” King Odie started his battle, fighting for both his life and revenge… What’s going on?... Where did they come from? How?... Were they ambushed?... Just now?... How– Odie took a huge hit on his face from a fist– and another hit on his stomach from a foot– “ARGH!” He closed his eyes and grit his teeth as a massive pain went all over his body from his head as he fell head first to a sharp and tough rock– “AHHH!” He kicked his attacker and held his furiously bleeding neck. He continued to fight, though he isn't fought against like before. His gaze is hazy and they’re starting to get dark but he sure as hell can see that they’re now playing with him. Fucker– His weak body was suddenly up in the air, brought and seated behind a man on a horse. “Brother!” He heard Rorie’s voice… He’s alive… Thank god… Thank God. He cried onto Rorie’s back. “I’m sorry… I shouldn’t have pushed you all to keep going… now they’re all dead…” “Brother, don’t say that. I’m not dead, you aren’t dead, I’m not sure about Kired but I’m sure he’s alive.” “Kired…” Odie’s tears fell harder… He’s really stupid. That stupid prophecy isn’t true at all, he’s stupid. Very stupid and dumb. “I’m so sorry Rorie… I really am…” “Brother?” Rorie’s face filled with horror as he felt his older brother’s body go limp behind him. “Brother?! Please tell me you’re just sleeping. Brother? Brother, please! Wake up!”

 Brother? Brother, please! Wake up!”

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Archbishop Carin

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