#20 Regrets And Fear

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King Odie got off his horse, glaring at the men whispering behind his back. He knows what they're talking about. Even if he can’t hear them, he knows. He fucking knows. “Odie–“ He walked past Seran, walking at a speed faster than normal; to the castle, inside, where Kired stood with a smile always on his face… along with that tailing Archbishop on his side. “It’s over now.” Kired said joyfully. “Tsk, sure. What now?” “My promise of course.” He turned around. “Walk with me?” Odie nodded, following Kired as he signed the Archbishop not to follow. Good. “We have justifiable reasons.” “Okay?”  “If we don't, I'll make one. Maybe tomorrow or overmorrow we’ll start… maybe with Kiness first–” Odie halted and glared at Kired. “Kiness has nothing to do with your promise to me.” “I know, but it’ll make things easier–“ “How? Are you sure you aren’t doing this for yourself?” …Kired stared at Odie, keeping his smile. “Maybe I am doing this for myself. But attacking and occupying Kiness first will allow us a greater advantage against Regver. Remember, they're allied with Lovuér, and Viora might be neutral but they are still close with our enemy. We can’t risk that.” Kired continued to walk but Odie didn’t. “Hm, if we attack Kiness there’s a chance that Lovuér will join, pulling Regver with their alliance.” “That's the worst case scenario." "But not to me." "You lost when that happened before. I don’t trust you.” “That’s okay. But just know brother,” Kired faced Odie. “I’m a man of my word. Please, try to believe in me if you can.” “Tsk.” Odie turned back, walking away. He’s tired, might as well rest– He halted, finding Saran in front of him. “You’re planning to go to war against every country on our borders.” Odie clenched his teeth. “WE are.” “Odie, this is a bad idea–“ “Move.” Seran stared at Odie, frowning… *sigh*. Seran moved aside– “Everything is a bad idea for you.” Odie walked past Seran. "Odie…"

*SLAM!* “That coward! When we’re so close to victory, he fucking surrendered!” The Earl of Conterus let out a sigh as he let his fingers comb through hair. “What a fucking waste. All that for nothing–“ “My Lord!” “What is it?!” "Prince Macil, my lord.” His eyes widened and– Prince Macil came to view, his green eyes gentle but shooting fear into the Earl. “Y-your highness.” He bowed. “Forgive me, I failed.” “...I hope you’re aware of the consequences of your failure. King Kired has just been released and is probably seeking revenge for our betrayal. We’re vulnerable with our own troubles and your association with the rebellion will no doubt give a reason and justification for Korre to attack.” Lord Erus nodded, head still in a bow. “You insisted, I helped you get through my father. I was hoping that you would at least achieve something or lessen the consequences if you lost…” Prince Macil turned back. “I’ll be off to tell my father. Just hope that he’s in a good mood when I do.” Lord Erus nodded. *Step* *Step* *Step* “That fucking coward.” He got up. “This is all his fault."

“I’m sorry, father… I’m so sorry– *Hic* This is all my fault–”

*Gasp* *Gasp* *Gasp* “Hiya!” Secren urged his horse to go faster. He can’t get caught. He gained freedom, he can’t lose it. He can’t fucking lose it! Curse you Loir! *Thud!* He fell off his horse… Huh? What happened? Did my horse trip? …He looked up, finding Loir staring down at him, a smirk on his fucking face.

“Well, isn’t that just unfortunate.” King Kired gave a gentle smile, looking down at Secren who was on his knees. “Though I am sorry for ruining your meal out in the woods.” The King chuckled. Secren seethed, turning– trying to turn his eyes of fear to a glare. “W– what do you want from me? You can’t scare me anymore. Everyone knows what I’ve done anyways.” The King's eyes widened. “Oh, so you want to die? Be drawn and quartered? In public? You’ve seen executions like them before, right? From what I’ve seen, I think it’s quite painf– no, agonizing. …You wouldn’t mind experiencing that?” “I–“ “I wouldn’t mind if you wouldn’t, it’s justice anyways. I have to admit though that you are my greatest trusted man to lead an army with my constant absence; I am sickly and weak as you already know; however, know that I can replace you. Your skill is like no other but that doesn’t really matter, as long as we win, it's enough. So?” The King tilted his head to the side. “What will you choose? What’s your answer? What will be your fate?” Eyes widened, Secren’s hands started shaking… then his legs, then his whole body. It’s cold but hot inside… He can’t breath– “Gah– ahc–“ *Thud!* He was freed on the ground. What happened? Everything’s so blurry. The back of his hands felt water drops falling onto them. Is he crying? Am I crying? He heard a chuckle. “Oh, I really thought you’d change once everyone finds out. Looks like I’m wrong. I’m not complaining though, it’s quite amusing.”

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