#8 Rumours About Love

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“Did you find the King?” Lord Pren asked his soldier as he entered the castle. “No, my Lord.” “Hm, they must be in Inorr then–“ “My Lord!” Pren turned around. "A messenger from Kiness. It's urgent, they said." Pren furrowed his eyebrows as his soldier moved away to reveal the messenger to him. “My Lord." The messenger bowed. "What is it?" "King Solus along with the Earl of Conterus wants an audience with you, the date can be arranged; we wish to help your battle against King Odie.” “I appreciate the offer but we can't accept your help, thank you." "But we–" He glared at the messenger, making the messenger back away and nod before turning around and walking away- 'They are not one to trust.' -but not before a man came running to stop the messenger. “Is it true?! Is it?!” “Wh-what?” ‘Another drama.’ As usual with that unashamed man. 'Oh well, it's not harmful.' Pren walked away– “The rumours about King Odie, is it true?!” “What rumours?” Lord Pren walked to the two. “While I was passing Edcriey I heard rumours about King Odie having an affair with Prince Aurus, I can’t confirm it though.” “Hm, do you have time?” “Maybe?” “Come with me, tell me more about the rumour; in exchange, I might agree to your county's request.”

The King stood up from his seat, halting the sounds of whispers and talk as his maroon eyes wandered at them in the great hall. “I think we need to address something before I leave for tomorrow.” He glared at them, especially at Archbishop Helic. “The rumours, I’m sure that you’re all talking about it;” He sat back down. “I'd like to hear it, especially proofs for it.” “...” Odie frowned at the sight of his subjects glancing at each other, like guilty children trying to deny their faults. “C’mon, say something.” Archbishop Helic stood up. “A Lord and one of the Prince’s men has found you and Prince Aurus in an intimate situation, a situation no doubt homosexual as the two of you are committing sodomy from what they said. With how the two of you act with each other, I think the likelihood of this event being true is quite high, your grace." The King smirked. “The Prince and I are friends, your excellency, of course we’d act close together. Also, is there any proof that this event really took place? Where’s this Lord and man you’re talking about?” “The two would like to keep their identity a secret, your grace.” “That sounds like an excuse, your excellency.” Archbishop Helic shrugged. “With how erratic you often act, I don’t think it is, sire.” The King glared at the Archbishop and the Archbishop glared back. Everyone glanced at each other, feeling the tense atmosphere around them. “Well, how about a proof? A well built proof that does not come from the mouth of others, I'd like to hear it. I’m tired of going around the castle and being surrounded by constant whispers, so c’mon, let’s get this all over with.” Everyone froze, Archbishop Helic finally sat down. 'Good for the loud mouth ass–'  “Ehem.” The Baron of Inorr stood up. “One of the servants who tidied your room earlier has mentioned uh… some oil in your bed… your grace...” "Oh!" Archbishop Helic stood up again. "I remember now. On the afternoon of the said date of the event, the Prince followed you to your chamber when you walked out after an outburst; I and a few people here saw that, your grace." King Odie let out a grunted sigh. “The Prince had just accidentally spilled oil on the bed while we were talking, that’s all and nothing more." King Odie turned to the Archbishop. "I asked for proof that does not come from the mouth of the others, your excellency. As much as well built your argument seems at first glance, the 'said date' breaks it all as it is not confirmed." The King stood up. “This conversation seems and feels pointless, I’m leaving.” And he did, ending the meeting to move on to other matters. ‘Or to head to the Prince and commit more sin as that’s how he is.’ Helic said to himself. “Your excellency.” A Lord beside him whispered. “Yes?” “I don’t mean to offend as I am on your side, however, don’t you think you’re going a bit too far? Even the others are a bit uncomfortable with how you're talking to the King. And who knows? The King might one day try to get rid of you. You know how he is, he's erratic.” “I know what I’m doing Lord Rorie, don’t worry about me. I don’t need everyone’s likeness for me to succeed.” He turned to Lord Rorie. “And even if the King does try and successfully get rid of me, another will replace me. It's going to be alright." He smiled.

“AAH!” “Odie stop!” *SLAM!* Aurus jumped back as Odie threw the table to a wall. “DAMN THAT HELIC!” “Odie!” “Ack!–“ *Thud!* Aurus tackled him to the ground. “Stop! You’re  destroying the whole room!” Odie clenched his teeth and seethed. “That man... I fucking hate him!” Aurus nodded. “I know.” “He’s goddamn lucky I can’t do shit against him.” "Calm down." Odie nodded and Aurus let him go, making both of them look around the wrecked room. “I’m sorry.” Odie raised an eyebrow. “What are you sorry for?” Aurus clicked his teeth. “I shouldn’t have, you know? I shouldn’t have...” “What? No! I agreed. I consented, we both did; this is our fault. Also, the rumours had always been there, it’ll eventually blow up and this will happen either way, we just sped it up.” “Exactly, you would’ve had enough time to prepare but because of what we did, it blew up.” “That’s true, but don’t say sorry.” Odie stood up, and handed his hand to Aurus. He bit his lip but, “Sure.” “I’ll deal with the rumours.” “But you won’t be here tomorrow.” “Yeah, that’s why you might want to return to Regver.” Aurus frowned. “What? no–“ “Yes, you will.” The two turned to the door, seeing Seran leaning on it with his arms crossed. “You will be returning to Regver, your highness,” “But why?–“ “by the request of King Fillian. Tomorrow, you’ll urgently depart.” Aurus’ eyes widened. “But I told him that I’ll be staying here for like a month–“ “The two of you.” “Yes?” “You two are my superiors, I’m a knight and you two are royals. However, as much as I’d like to stay on my line, I have to say that you two need to quit your relationship.” Odie laughed. “Seran, there’s nothing going on between me and–“ “I know what’s going on.” Odie raised an eyebrow– “For a long time actually, since... hm... since your relationship started? At first I brushed it off as you two just being really friendly, but then I saw the two of you intimately kissing… yeah." “Wait– You– Then why didn’t you–“ Seran cut off Aurus. “Why should I? My job is to protect Odie, not harm him. Also, your relationship is pretty harmless so I kept my mouth shut.” The two stared at Seran in disbelief. "However, now that everyone is finding out about it, your relationship has become harmful; you two need to separate. Aurus, return to Regver, never go back in here, ever. Odie, don’t ever interact with Aurus again, no letters, no meeting–“ “NO! Absolutely not! I won’t do that! I can’t do that...” Odie looked away, fists in a ball. “I love Aurus...” Aurus turned away, fists also in a ball. “...I know, but it’s too risky Odie. You two need to quit.” “I can’t Seran, you already know that you and Aurus are the only people I trust. Not to say that I’m not satisfied with just you but...” Odie grabbed Aurus’ hand. “I love Aurus...” He sniffed his tears, as Aurus' followed. “Odie… *sigh* How about this? You two separate for now until the rumours die down.” “Uhm...” “I can live with that.” Aurus said as he caressed Odie’s hand. “Okay... But can we spend one last day together? Please?” Odie begged with his maroon eyes. “...Sure.” Odie flashed a sad smile. “Thank you, Seran.” “Thank you as well.” Aurus said as he and Odie embraced each other. Seran nodded at the two… “I love you…” “I love you too. We’ll see each other again, don’t worry.” Aurus whispered lovingly in Odie’s ear.

” Aurus whispered lovingly in Odie’s ear

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Archbishop Helic

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