#19 Seals Of Death

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“King Odie is still protecting Wesriey, huh?” “They don’t seem to have any plans to stop even when meeting you, your grace.” “Hm, that’s alright.” The King smiled. “Would you like to know why, your excellency?” “Why, sire?” “After this meeting they will stop almost immediately." Archbishop Helic smiled back. “I can’t wait to find out what’s up your sleeve, your grace.” “And I can’t wait to show them.” “We’re here!” The carriage halted. The King looked out before getting out, carefully with a bit of Lord Loir’s help. “Thank you, Lord Loir.” “My pleasure, your grace.” The King turned to His excellency. “Do you have the seals I asked for?” “I do, sire.” “Are they legit?” “Absolutely.” The King smiled. “We must go then.”

*Tap* *Tap* *Tap* ... *Sigh* Damnit. This is going to be fine. No, absolutely not, I’m losing support. It’s all over... That's honestly kind of nice… Why am I doing this again? Ah, yeah... that’s why. Fuck me. *Knock* *Knock* "Let them in." He stood up, bowing before handing his hand out. “Glad to meet you, your grace.” “Likewise.” The King gently shook his hand. He looked behind the King, finding Archbishop Helic sitting behind. They sat. Lord Pren forced a smile. “So, what is this meeting for?” "Well, since there has been no attempt to end this war in a peaceful way, I am trying now.” “Oh, uh, okay.” “This war has been going on for months now, am I right?” “Yes, sire” The King smiled at that. “I have heard that you intend to claim the throne if you win this war, is that true?” Lord Pren’s smile fell. He didn’t really want to. “Yes, sire…” “Hm, why?” “Uh– uhm... I can’t answer that.” “Is it one of Kiness' conditions? They’re helping you, right?” “...” Yeah, they are. I don’t really have a choice though. “I guessed it right! Well that was quite easy, it’s very impossible for you to wish to become King with your recent situation.” Huh? Lord Pren looked at King Kired, confused and… something else. “How can you say so?” King Kired gave a friendly smile. “The whole reason for this war is your guilt, right?” Lord Pren’s lips quivered, his eyes looking at King Kired with fear– No, he’s bluffing. “What are you talking about?” “Hm? Oh! I didn’t ask that question yet, forgive me, I got excited.” King Kired stood up, walking towards Archbishop Helic taking papers and seals from him. King Kired sat back on his seat and presented the papers to him… Huh? Huh?! Pren stared at the papers, horror on his face. King Kired tapped on the seal of the paper on the left, an image of a horseman facing on the left. “This is the letter sent containing the demands of Lord Soren and his group. King Odie confirmed this, he can read. This letter is outrageous, full of impossibilities that even a baron cannot accept. It’s selfish, greedy.” King Kired’s hand moved to the paper on the right, Pren started to shake as he read the letter. “Strangely, there’s another letter of demands that was not sent. It was stuck with Lord Soren’s scribe as your father was taken before it was even agreed to be sent. This letter is understandable, agreeable and logical.” King Kired brought out another letter to the table. “This is a letter your father sent to your grandmother." The King’s thin fingers tapped on the seal stuck to the paper, an image of a horsed knight facing to the left. King Kired showed another letter, his finger on its seal, the seal having an image of the horseman… Fuck. “This is a letter from you to your best friend during a foreign trip… This is your old seal.” He placed all the letters side by side, seals compared. And there it’s clear… Pren started to shake. I know it all would end eventually but, not like this. Not like this! King Kired smiled. “Before the meeting of King Odie and Lord Soren, you and your father had an argument. You were enraged after your dear best friend died fighting your father’s rebellion. I got that information from your best friend’s father. Your father wished to be King if it’s possible, calling it his right if it happens; just like your grandfather. I got that from a saved letter sent between him and his mother. Your friend since childhood supports him, and it was that support that caused his death. You blame your father for that…” Pren started to cry. “And so, to avenge your friend, you sabotaged and sent an important letter that your father was supposed to send.” King Kired walked to his side, his mouth on Pren’s ear. “You caused your father’s death.”

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