#38 Demons

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He didn’t expect this at all. He knew Seran still has his heart for King Odie but… What did he expect? 'After what you've done?' Shut up. It’s unexpected. I did not expect anything. He walked away from the scene and towards his tent, violently scratching his neck along the way. I did not expect anything. What happened already happened. 'So you’re supposed to live happily after what you’ve done? Selfish.' Fillian grabbed the table and, *SLAM!* “I’m not selfish! I’m doing what’s best for the situation! Shut up! Why the fuck is there even a voice in my head?!” Fillian grabbed the cup of wine– It spilled. “Fuck.” He threw it away. Fillian fell to his seat. He closed his eyes. ‘Covering your ears won’t silence the truth, you murderer. Do you really think a few minutes of asking for forgiveness will grant you forgiveness? Ha! No wonder all your friends died. You’re weak. You can’t even control your own feelings just for a few seconds–' Fillian snapped his eyes open– “Huh?” There stood a man, a soldier from Korre with his red tunic over his chain armour… pointing a knife to his stomach. “Wha–” The man bared his teeth, lunging his knife towards King Fillian– King Fillian moved his hand to the side, moving away while also pushing the attacker away. He still got a deep wound to his side though. Fuck. “So, Korre has sent an assassin, huh?” “Sto-op…” King Fillian grabbed his sword lying on a table. “STOP FIGHTING BACK!” The assassin charged at him, his movements that of a mad person… Maybe this guy is mad. “Let me kill you, let me kill you, let me kill you, please… It’ll be all over soon.” The man lunged towards King Fillian, tackling and pinning him to the ground. The man smiled, crying. “Thank you…”  He lifted his knife. Is this his end? Does he deserve this? Who is he kidding, of course he does. He killed his own brother, started a war, got hundreds of men killed, caused all his friends death because he’s a fucking coward. He can try to deny and justify himself but deep down he knows, it’s all his fault, as always. He never changed. Fillian closed his eyes. “I’m sorry.” *Shunk!* King Fillian’s eyes widened. He looked up, blood dripping to his chest, a knife poking out of the assassin’s throat. Acrun, his saviour, kicked the assassin’s body from above him before offering his hand to King Fillian. “Your grace?” King Fillian nodded, taking his hand and getting up. “Who’s that?” “Secren, the killer of King Odie’s mother. He’s a famous assassin in Korre. If my theory is right he works for King Kired or King Odie; King Kired being more likely.” King Fillian huffed. “For a famous assassin, he’s dumb.” “Really?” “Uhm… No.” Acrun smiled. King Fillian ignored him, heading outside. “By the way, your grace, since I saved you, would you do me a favour?” King Fillian stopped on his tracks, looking back at Acrun. “Hm? What is it?” “A demon has possessed your mind.” King Fillian frowned. “Nothing has possessed my mind.,” “I know what happened then was traumatic. …It’s not easy to let what happened go. If you really want to let things go, you should start there. I know you don’t trust me on this but... please think about it. I only wish the best for the King who is my friend.” “...Fine. I’ll think about it. But only because you saved me.”

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