#A Horrible Or A Great Day

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It was… a horrible day… or great. It really depends on how you see this. All the fire and arrows up in the winter sky, the shouting and movements heating the cold winter season. It depends, but for Pren this day is horrible. This didn’t have to happen, this was avoidable, but no… King Odie took his father, just like how King Rorie took his grandfather… He’ll make sure no event like this will happen again in the future. Unlike his father and grandfather, he only wants one thing and that's revenge; to make them feel what he felt and what his father felt, to make them pay and turn the tables for a while so they can finally see the consequences of their actions. He won’t kill them, doing so might cause someone like him to appear on their side. He’ll just do enough… enough that they can feel what it feels to be stripped of your luxury, be humiliated and have one's loved ones be killed in your very eyes.

“But Sire!” “I already told you! I will go and check on Kired once we get back to Cenra! How the fuck am I going not check on him if we aren’t there!” “I know, that’s why I’m requesting for you to–“ “Oh! Shut the fuck up! I’m busy! There’s another rebellion! Leave me be!” And his grace stomped away, his footsteps thundering as the Archbishop and the others shot their eyes at the King; if they aren’t glaring they’re either sighing or just sorry for the Archbishop. But there is one who wasn't though and it’s not surprising. Prince Aurus followed the King, not looking back at them or his men as he rushed– *SLAM!* The door rumbled as guards moved past the Prince.

Good fucking day! Isn’t it?! Another rebellion! or a continuation of the last one; the leader after all, is that asshole’s son. Luckily, he and his court already left for Inorr before they arrived. But here comes Helic to ruin it all! asking to check on Kired again! How the fuck am I supposed to do that?! I’m in Odurea and Kired is in Cenra, what the actual fuck is going on in his mind?! Well, actually, heh, I know, he wants Kired to be freed… I might as well convert to Judaism at this point– *Knock! Knock* “Oh for God’s sake! Leave me alone!–“ “It’s me.” Odie froze, and scrambled up from his bed to the door. *Thud!* “Aurus… what are you doing here?" “Let's talk.” “Huh?” Aurus walked past him and sat at the table near the window. Odie began to sweat as he slowly moved to sit on his bed. “What is it?” “You’re really hot headed, even more than before.” Odie raised an eyebrow. “I am? I don’t think so.” “You’re making a lot of erratic decisions.” Odie furrowed his eyebrows. “Is this about my decision to execute Lord Soren? I really thought you were on my side.” “I am but it’s true, you’re making erratic decisions. Why don’t you give authority to Seran or Lord Comman for a few months? To go and rest.” Odie let out a grunt as he fell on his bed. “I did but both of them did almost everything I didn't want them to do."  “Maybe it’s necessary–“ “Absolutely not Aurus! They’re just pissing me off! Trying to prove that they’re better than me!” “Well–“ “What? You think they are?” “Odie…” Aurus bit his lip… “No, I don’t think they are… You need to rest, clear your mind.” Aurus stood up and sat on the opposite side of Odie's bed. “I’m trying but my schedule is packed okay? Filled with a bunch of assholes.” “Odie…” “I'm not sorry, it's true.” “...Have you considered dueling? You love dueling, right? We can duel together.” Odie turned to face away from Aurus. “Yes, but they’re always interrupting me… considering that I’m just wasting time…” “How about reading? You know how to read.” “I did, but again, the same as the last one…” …Odie flinched, feeling Aurus’ hand caressing his hair. “Odie… I’m sorry.” “It’s okay, *sniff!* it’s not your fault, it's theirs.” Aurus grabbed Odie’s face, bringin it up very close to his. Odie can see something in Aurus’ eyes, scaring him. “What?...” Aurus smiled darkly. “Do you really want stress relief?” Odie raised his eyebrow, fearing what Aurus meant by this– Odie’s eyes widened, feeling another lips on his. Aurus parted Odie’s lips, grabbing his head, making their kiss deeper… They pulled away, both breathing deeply. “How about that?” Odie’s face went red, looking away. “Thanks–” Odie fell on the bed, hearing Aurus chuckle darkly on top of him. “We’re not done yet. There’s no way a small kiss will do.”

“...This confirms it.”

Prince Macil

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Prince Macil

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