#12 The Spring Of My Life

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A fourteen year old boy is sitting alone on a roof, a frown on his face as he plays with his short black hair, his monastic life had just finally ended a year ago. *Sigh* Why must his hair grow so fucking slowly– “Odie!” Odie grumbled, hearing Seran’s voice. “What?!” He shouted. “Come down here! Our guests from Regver had come!” “So?!” Seran looked at Odie, raising an eyebrow, annoyed. “Greet them, obviously!” “Why should I?!” “You–... *Sigh* Fine! Don’t eat then!” Seran walked away, frustrated. “Bring them to my room!” Odie sat back down, relaxing as he combed his hair with his fingers. Odie saw people whispering about him below, watching him secretly. Fuckers really don’t know how to do shit secretly. Who am I kidding? They have no shame. He grabbed a nearby rock, throwing it near the gossipers making them stop and go away. But they really aren’t going to stop. They can’t be called gossipers if they stop after one warning– “Hey!” Odie looked down, finding a blonde? brunette? What the fuck is that hair colour?! “What are you doing up there?!” The boy shouted at him. “None of your business!” The boy took a step back. Odie sat down, relaxing– “Are you Prince Odie?!” “Fuck off! You didn’t know?!” “No!” …Huh?! The fuck does this kid think he is– “I’m Prince Aurus of Regver!” Oh… A spoiled brat. “I don’t fucking care! Leave me alone!” “Why?!” “I just fucking don’t! You’re irrelevant!” “...You’re rude! I’m a Prince too!” “I don’t care! Leave me the fuck be!” “You’re the rudest man alive!” Odie got up, walking away, tired of this kid’s bullshit– “You’re a dick!” “What did you just call me?!” “You’re a dick and a coward! Insulting someone who can’t reach you!” This fucking kid– “Oh really?!” Odie jumped off the roof, landing on his feet unscathed. “Am I?!” The boy got into a stance, grinning. “Yeah, and I’ll add “weak” to my insults after this.” Odie laughed. The fucking kid looks like a fucking twig. That doesn’t matter. Odie walked towards, his fists clenched. I’ll teach this twig a fucking lesson. Odie punched but he evaded. He smirked. He used his dominant right hand, landing an unexpected blow to the kid’s stomach. “Ack!” The kid sat down, holding his stomach. Odie laughed. He knelt down to the kid, gripping his weird ass hair. “Guess who’s weak between us–” Odie took a blow on his face, his nose being hit the most. Odie backed away, standing up, holding on to his nose. The boy stood up, fixing himself. This fucking kid. He lifted his fist– The boy pointed inside the castle. He froze. There he saw his father and mother with King Vemer and his Queen walking past them. Fuck… He really wants to break this kid’s face. Too fucking bad dad’s an asshole. “Hey, can you teach me how you got on the roof?” “Huh?! No, fuck you!” He stomped towards the kid. “I won’t punch, insult and bother you again; I'm sorry. Teach me?” "Absolutely not!" Odie punched but the fucking annoying brat ran. “Well, good luck, grumpy.” The kid threw rocks at him as he ran. Fucking… Odie clenched his teeth, chasing after the brat.

“Yeah, just like that. Keep your arms straight and climb with your feet.” “Okay– ah–“ Aurus gripped onto another rock, before almost falling. Odie sighed before reaching his hand out. “C’mere.” Aurus smiled, grabbing his hand– Aurus’ foot fell… Huh?... *Thud!* Odie got up, groaning. “Man, what the fuck?! You’re lucky we fell on a bush–” Aurus clasped Odie’s mouth shut. Odie raised an eyebrow. “W–” “Is anyone there?” Two soldiers were checking their surroundings. “No, I don’t think so.” “You sure? It might be Prince Odie. You know that rascal Prince.” Huh? How the fuck did I get into this? “Yeah, what a waste; he’s super athletic.” Huh?! What the fuck?! Odie clenched his fists, getting the urge to jump out and bash some senses to those fucking soldiers– Aurus held him tighter, shaking his head. Do they even know who they’re talking about? “But it’s probably just my mind. I haven’t been getting enough sleep.” “Sure." They finally walked away. “Bastards, I’ll kill them all.” Aurus stared at him. “Is it true?” “Huh?! What the fuck?! No! Absolutely not!” “Then ignore it. If it’s not true then why bother?” Odie laughed.  “You’re contradicting yourself.” “I was lying to get you to teach me. I know you would say no at first glance so I did that.” Odie glared at him. “I’ll stop teaching you then.” Aurus grabbed some dirt from the ground. “Sure.” “I’m kidding, stop.” Aurus let go, chuckling. “… By the way, you can get off me now.” Odie’s eyes widened, turning red as he just realized their situation… He’s fucking– No, I shouldn’t curse that’s weird. He’s on top of Aurus… Yeah… He quickly got off Aurus. Aurus stood up, grinning at him. “You liked that didn’t you?” “HUH?! What the fuck?! No!” Aurus laughed. “Sure.” “Hey Kids.” Seran's voice made them turn. “Have these if you’re planning on staying up.” He handed each of them an apple. “Thanks, Seran.” Seran nodded, but not before giving them a weird stare before leaving.

“C’mon! You’re almost there! Go!” Aurus held on tight onto the wall, after a few years, the height of what they’re climbing coming to a full castle. He took a nervous breath, his whole body shaking. One wrong move and he’s dead. “Go! You can do it! C’mon!” Odie shouted at him, full of energy. “I believe in you!” Aurus chuckled. “Stop fucking laughing, go!” Aurus climbed, laughing, all his fear disappearing… Odie really is amazing. “Here! Grab my hand!” Aurus smiled brightly seeing Odie full of energy. He grabbed his hand, being pulled on top of the castle. Aurus sat down, exhausted. “You did it! You did it! You fucking did it!” Odie hugged Aurus tightly, carrying him up to his feet. Odie really is strong, damn. “I did!” Aurus hugged Odie back as tightly. Odie cupped Aurus’ face. Huh? He smiled and moved away his hair, kissing his forehead. “You really did good! I’m so proud of you!” Aurus turned red, laughing. “Thanks, Odie.” Aurus patted Odie’s back– “Well, would you look at that?” They turned and found Archbishop Helic giving them a sour face as always. What’s his problem? “It’s Sunday, a day for mass yet his highness is here dragging another person to his rebelliousness.” Aurus stepped up, holding a pissed off Odie back. “Sorry, I’m the one who dragged him into this. I want him to teach me how he climbs.” His excellency scoffs before walking away. Aurus looked at Odie, seeing just how he’s fuming. *Sigh* “Odie, it’s not true. Don’t bother.” Odie turned away, walking to the edge of the castle, watching the scene as Odie dragged him by the arm… Aurus smiled at the scene of the green coming to take over the grim deathly season of winter. “Spring’s coming.” “Yeah…” “Seeing it come is beautiful. The loneliness fading away, the grumpiness of winter disappearing… it’s beautiful.” Odie looked at him, an eyebrow raised. “Is that a reference?” Aurus chuckled. “Tell me Odie, did your life become like spring when I came?” “Why are you asking me this?” “Uhm… after you came my life became much brighter, much lively, much fun, less lonely… Now that I think about it, you’re spring...” Odie smiled at Aurus… He really wished Odie’s smile meant much more… “What’s wrong?” “Huh? Oh…” Aurus brought his smile back up. “Nothing…” It’ll never mean anything more. I’m just his friend, nothing more. We’re both men. I’ll both go to hell… Actually, I’ll definitely go to hell for even thinking about such sinful stuff… But I don’t want Odie to go to hell… “Okay, spit it out, what’s wrong?” “What? Nothing’s wrong…” “I don’t fucking believe you.” Odie grabbed Aurus’ shoulders, making him look straight into his eyes. “What is it? Spit it out dammit!” Aurus looked away– Odie grabbed Aurus’ face, not allowing him to look away. “Tsk, fine…” “What is it?” Odie glared at Aurus. Aurus bit his lip… “Do you think you’re going to hell?” Odie raised an eyebrow. “Yeah? Why?” Aurus’ eyes widened. “Really? Why?” “The whole fucking church hates me. Do you really think I’ll still go to heaven with that?” Aurus stared at Odie… No, he doesn’t get it… I’m more sinful than him… But I can’t let him stay with me… not when I’m the most sinful man… His reputation is already bad, I can’t make it worse… Aurus took a deep breath. “What is it?!” “I love you…” Odie froze. “What?...” Aurus glared at the distance. I’m breaking our friendship… It’s for the better. “I’m attracted to men Odie and I’m in love with you. *Sniff.* I want to kiss you… live the rest of my life with you… I know you’re disgusted now. I’m sorry… I’m sorry I had to ruin it. I’m sorry the friend you got is a fucking sinful man–” Odie grabbed Aurus’ head, pulling him into a kiss… Huh? They pulled away and Aurus saw Odie’s sweet smile… for him… just for him. “I love you too. When I said I’m going to hell, I really meant it… I just–” Odie started to cry. “I was so scared of losing you… I hid my feelings… But you… Thank you for loving me, Aurus…” Aurus smiled happily, tears falling from his eyes. He hugged Odie. “You deserve it… I love you.” “I love you too.” Odie hugged Aurus tightly, still not believing this just happened. Please God, don’t let me wake up.

“I miss you, Aurus–“ *Slam!* *Shut!* “Odie, get up from there.”

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