#23 A Queen's Return To Home

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I was right, they were planning something. But… “I never thought they’d do it immediately after they took care of their troubles.” “With all the chaos in Kiness, it makes sense for them to jump on the opportunity. All we can do now is prepare before they attack us next.” Reme stood up and walked to the– “What are you still doing there? Let’s go.” Aden’s face scrunched up. “We should help them.” Reme frowned. “No.” “…” “Aden, I don’t know why you even consider that guy as your friend but whatever, I’m done arguing with you about that. But friend or not, we can’t just help them. Maybe we can send resources but we cannot join their war. I will not agree, our lords will not agree and our people will not agree; do you understand?” Aden clenched his fists but, "Yeah, I do…” …He stood up. “C’mon, Queen Gemle wants to ask you about something. Go to her.”

A month has passed, Korre has taken most of the territories they were fighting over in the south of Conterus. They don't seem to be stopping; they’re reaching the part that rightfully belongs to Kiness, they are not ready… just as expected. His lords aren't the kind to listen to him. Prince Macil is away, again, defending his country as a Prince soon to be King should do. King Solus is thinking about following his son. His country needs him, it's his duty. He is getting weak but not much, he can still fight. However… “Fromena,” Solus growled. “what am I going to do to you?” Solus *sighed*. She’ll run away again, no doubt. She had tried multiple times and almost succeeded. There’s no way she’ll let this opportunity of both her father and brother away slide… Solus groaned, running a hand through his hair. “I need to go…” He closed his eyes and stood up, walking downstairs and outside where his men were. “Your grace.” A soldier bowed. He turned to another soldier, one that will be staying here. “Guard Princess Fromena, there will be consequences if she runs away.” The soldier nodded and King Solus walked to his horse.

She agreed and did everything they wanted her to do. She understands that those are training for a Princess like her; even if some are not for her job but for her father's personal wishes, she still did it. She understands him and his past, even if it does not justify his actions. Princess Fromena stared at her father and his companions as they left the castle, following her younger brother to war. She straightened her sky blue dress, adjusted her belt, before gripping her veil, pulling it lower as she took a deep breath. “Are you ready?” The old man asked. She looked at the man she had bribed. He's a merchant from Korre, going back, supposedly alone until she came up to him with a bribe. He agreed, though hesitantly. He has enough money for his and his family's needs and leisure, going through the trouble of helping her will no doubt be dangerous. But she begged, cried and almost lost her breath to bring her back to her King. “Yes.” He urged his horse and they neared the gate, the cart behind them being dragged along. Soldiers stared at them, keeping an eye out of the people going in and out– “Where are you two heading?” “Home.” Fromena flinched hearing the old man's thick Korrish accent. The soldier raised an eyebrow. “Korre?” “Yeah.” The soldier glared at him and at her. “… hmph.” He backed off and let them go. Fromena mentally let out a *sigh*. But after her marriage with King Kired, she was no longer required to follow her father and her country. She still understands and is sympathetic to what happened to her father but she's now a Queen; her duty is now to follow her husband and the country he is serving… She also loves him. Who wouldn’t? Fromena chuckled. She glanced back at her old home– frowning, remembering the soldier ordered to guard her. She brought her eyes to the front, forcing a smile until it turned genuine. “I’m going home…”

“A SIMPLE FUCKING ORDER AND YOU STILL CAN’T FUCKING DO IT!”*BAM!* The soldiers flinched, putting their shaking into a small halt; their eyes on the fist that recently slammed the table. They saw his teeth, bared as he seethed. “Forgive us, Sir Berc.” Sir Berc seethed even more and– “Get out! GET OUT! GET THE FUCK OUT!” The soldiers ran, rushing to the exit of the tent as fast as they possibly could. Secren let himself fall to his seat, still seething. He can't believe it. He’s back here again, no one even fucking noticed. Secren let out an empty laugh… “FUCK!” He cried, slamming the table again as he stood up; stomping out, ignoring the soldiers who froze from his footsteps and image. He wants to get out of here. But fuck, he can’t. He ran, ran and ran; he doesn't have any idea where he's going but he doesn't care. Fuck the people who can see him. “AAAH! FUCK!!!” He fell to his knees, gripping the ground beneath him, shaking from rage. “I fucking hate you… I hate you so fucking much–“ “Sir!” “WHAT IS IT?!” The soldier backed away. Gulping, he straightened himself. “We have sighted a cart nearing us.” ‘Great, another fucking problem.’ He stood up and walked past the soldier. Ignoring his men, he headed to where the cart was supposedly sighted. He stood there and waited. As a silhouette came, he smirked.

Princess Fromena smiled as they arrived. The old man did too. She had just found out about his family back home; he really misses them– Soldiers surrounded them and they were dragged from the cart to the ground. “Hey! I’m not an enemy! I’m from Korre!” “I can see that but the concept of traitors exists.” A man, who Fromena guessed as the one leading the soldiers, said. Princess Fromena got up, standing straight with an elegant smile. “Please, let us explain ourse–“ “Who the fuck told you to stand up?! GET DOWN!” Her eyes widened and she immediately did… Why did she do that? She looked up at the wicked man above, smirking at them, anger in his eyes. She can sense it, he wants blood. How could her husband trust this man to lead his army to war? She furrowed her eyebrows, which angered the wicked man. "Ah!–" She was suddenly grabbed by her veil and hair. “You think you’re a match against me or something? What the fuck are you glaring at?!” The wicked man seethed as she tried to get away from his hold– “Stop! No! You can’t do that!” His grip loosened… and she was roughly dropped on the ground. “Grngf!” The wicked man grabbed the old man and brought him up with his neck. “Tell me… who the fuck are you to tell me what to do? Huh? Huh?! HUH?!” “Wait, no! Stop!” Fromena cried, seeing the wicked man slowly choke the breath out of the man who helped her. If only she just went straight home with the man. If only she didn’t run away; her life back home was fine. This is her fault– “Wait! Stop!” Another voice shouted. The wicked man glared at the soldier who owns the voice, still killing the old man. “Sir, stop, please! The woman with him is our Queen! Queen Fromena!” The soldier grabbed her and wiped her dirt-ridden face to show to the wicked man and… and… and…… the wicked man’s grip loosened… he paled.

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