#10 Necessary

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King Odie is in Alierra, besieging a castle in Aleriey as one of his barons took care of his secured victory in Malerr; and he's in shock when the messenger arrived, gasping with the words of,  "Malerr– the siege is failing– our food supply was destroyed–" "...What? What?! How?! That’s impossible!” “They have gotten help and support from outside, your grace. From the equipment and language they carried, they seemed to be from Kiness.” King Odie clenched teeth. “Those bastards…” He turned back- “Seran! I’ll be leaving! Lead this one for me! I have to take care of the siege in Malerr!” “Sure!” -and ran to his horse before leaving with some men with him.

It took an hour for King Odie to arrive, and after he did, he immediately rushed to Baron Waric, grabbing him before asking, “What happened?!” Lord Waric flinched but replied when King Odie loosened his grip. “Outside forces attacked and destroyed our food supply–” “What's left?” “Food that'll last for a week, if they don't attack again.” “Hm…” King Odie let go of him. “The castle won’t last for a month. Strengthen our defence against outsiders, increase patrol and hm… yeah that’s all.” “But, sire–“ “Look at the castle, Lord Waric, people inside are panicking.” Lord Waric raised an eyebrow but King Odie just grinned at him. "Oh, Ranol.” “Yes, sire?” The messenger walked to him. “To the Barons in Capierre; tell them to increase the patrol of soldiers in the contested part of Capierre and to the borders too."

Aurus is in his room, gazing through the window to see and feel the coldness of the fading season. Spring is coming and he really likes to watch it come and replace the cold dead winter with its life, turning everything from white to green. It's such a sight, though slow. *Knock! Knock!* Aurus moved from the window to the door, open– “You must do it now, your grace. It’s been weeks.” “I know, I will.” Aurus raised an eyebrow before warily opening the door, finding his brother along with the Knight that accompanied him and Lord Acrun. “Hey, what is it?” Fillian let out a sigh and entered, signing the two to stay outside as he sat down on a nearby chair. *Shut!* "What is it?" “...” “Brother?” “I’m sorry, uhm...” “What?” Aurus sat on his bed. “The rumours reached me.” Aurus’ eyes widened. “What rumours?” “The one from Korre, about you and King Odie.” “Oh... yeah...” Aurus adjusted from his seat. “It was uh- a misunderstanding. I was just trying to calm King Odie down and uhm- I guess they mistook the whole thing for another.” “...” *sigh* Fillian looked at him in the eye, eyebrows furrowed. “Are you sure?” “O-Of course?” …Fillian stood up and headed to the window, gazing at the same scene that Aurus was enjoying earlier. “Well brother, there's someone that reached me first before the rumour.” “What is it? Who?” Aurus saw a puff of air come out from Fillian with the cold. “...my spy.” “Wh-what?” King Fillan turned around. “I’m sorry brother, it's necessary.”


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