#25 Blood-Red

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The King looked up at the sky, his face blank.  Should I? ...No, it’s far too late. If I did, who knows? All my efforts could vanish upon my death. Should I keep her? There’s no reason to do so anymore... “Your grace?” The King’s eyes fell to Lord Loir beside him. “Yes?” “May I ask you a question? It’s about your Queen and you, your grace.” King Kired raised an eyebrow. “Sure.” “Are you going to keep her, your grace?” A smile formed on the King’s face. “I was asking myself that too, just earlier, before you interrupted me.” Lord Loir lowered his head. “Forgive me, your grace.” “It’s fine. Now to answer your question, I am not sure. ” The King gazed to his side, to the emerging summer view upon him. I have all that I need but… “Aha! I have finally decided.” The King turned to Lord Loir. “I will keep her.” “Oh.” “However, If she decides to leave it will be okay; I don’t need an heir anymore anyway...” “Uhm but sire, won’t–” “I already have an heir.” The King smiled at Lord Loir. “No, it’s not going to be my bastard.” “Then who?” “You’ll know. A child King would be too risky, so I prepared.” Lord Loir looked at the King with concern, but smiled. “You’re full of riddles, your grace.” “Of course, I am. I like to surprise after all.” The cart stopped with the horses. “We have arrived!” The King and Lord Loir got off the cart, gazing at the soldiers who watched them, frozen. “Where is Sir Berc?” Lord Loir asked them. A soldier stepped forward. “He’s in his tent, my lord.” “Lead the way.” The soldier nodded and led the way to Sir Berc, to the tent where he’s supposed to be. The King’s maroon eyes caught the sight of the defeated castle as they traveled; it did not look defeated but it is. They had run out of food and were hit with a disease that killed many, forcing them to surrender in a matter of 45 days; all thanks to Sir Berc’s intelligent tactics. The King smiled- You really are skillful. -but it fell as they reached their destination. The soldier bowed. “We’re here, my lord, your grace.” The King gave a sign to Lord Loir before entering the tent.

Heavy and fast breathing filled the tent, objects flying around until the man settled down; in a corner where he held his breathing. His senses focused on the entrance of his tent. Fuck, he fucked up. He fucked up so bad. He didn’t know that it was the Queen though. It’s not his fault. He uncontrollably inhaled. No, you stupid idiot! You still did shit! And now he knows... “He fucking knows–” “Yes, I finally know.” “Ah!” Secren jumped away; turning around, finding the King who was behind him. “H-how–” “Simple, you weren’t paying attention. Just like how I wasn’t when you significantly lowered my men’s morale.” The King stepped forward and– Secren crawled away, breath hitching multiple times. A chuckle left the King’s mouth. “Look at you, I don’t even have to do anything to make you fear me. Or maybe I already did, I did say that I will kill you if you refuse to follow me.” Secren’s eyes widened and suddenly his body relaxed. “Hm?” Secren whipped his head up, a glare to the King. “Kill me then.” “I think you’ve forgotten our conversation, Sir Berc.” “I remember and I don’t give a fuck. Also, it’s Secren; the murderer of King Odie’s mother who you spared for war.” “...” The King smiled. “Very well, I’ll have you executed– Actually… I’ll kill you myself; right here, right now.” Seran’s eyes widened. “W-what?” King Kired started walking around the tent. “It’s only fair. You did kill my family after all.” Dread rushed throughout Seran. “Y-you can’t do that!” King Kired found a light but sharp small sword. “I can, but I shouldn’t. This is the executioner’s job, not mine.” He picked it up. “But who would blame me? When the murderer of one of my family is in front of me?” King Kired flashed his smile to Secren, holding the sword as he stalked towards him. “Tell me Secren, who would blame me? If I kill you right now, right here, after the bloody things I will do to you.” Secren backed away, hitting a stack of boxes in his back. He looked up, finding those red eyes towering over him, looking down at him with a gentle smile. “For example: This,” The sword fell to the palm of his left hand. “AAAAH!” “and this.” The King twisted the sword. “AAAAH!”

Lord Loir and the other soldiers outside heard Sir Berc’s screams, sending shivers down their spine, though Lord Loir’s shivers are for a different reason.

 “...then shoulder, ankle, ear, stomach, head, and...” Secren tried to get some air, he’s bleeding everywhere, it fucking hurts! “AAAAAH!” Secren squirmed as his left foot was pierced by the sword. “Hm… I should probably spice things up.” King Kired grabbed Secren’s shoulder, dislocating them. “AAAAAH!” Then his ankle– “STOP!” The King’s red eyes captured Secren, helpless and bleeding, still alive from his “mercy”. “STOP! PLEASE! I’m sorry! I’ll follow you– Please, stop, please–” The King kicked his stomach. “Address me properly.” Secren cried, holding onto his bleeding body, trying to ease the pain. “I-I’m sorry. F-forgive me– your grace– I-I won’t be violent to your m-men a-anymore. F-forgive me, please! I’m so sorry, your grace! I will follow you! PLEASE!”

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