#13 Hate

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King Fillian sat on his bath, alone as he looked up at the blank ceiling… His eyes caught his reflection on the water he’s in… A reflection of a murderer, the murderer of his own only brother… “Aurus… Brother… I’m sorry…” But some things are necessary, some things must be done; no matter the cost, no matter who’ll be hurt, it must be done… This should’ve actually happened long before. Aren’t I right father? But you’re kind and too familial with us that you couldn’t do it. So despite so many suspicions, so many whispers; you never did a thing, never inspected, investigated or did anything to confirm whether the whispers were right or not. But I’m not like you… You like that, King Aden said to me. I hoped not, I mean, I just killed my brother, my only sibling, my only family left since you died… I really hope you’re mad at me. But you’re probably just sorry… I hate that. You and brother are the same. I hate that, I’m not like the two of you. I– I’m cruel… I’m sorry, I’m really sorry… Bother– Fillian looked up and closed his tear filled eyes. “Brother, on the day of your execution, King Odie came running after you to save you. That was dangerous… you two really love each other… I’m sorry–“ Fillian’s head fell, tears falling down to his cheeks. “I’m really sorry… Aurus… father…”

*Slam!* *Shut!* “Odie, get up from there.” “…” “Odie, get up! I’ve tolerated you ignoring your duties and isolating yourself but you’ve been there for weeks! Belerre has fallen!” “…So what?” Odie finally croaked through his silent sobs. “"So what?" Are you kidding me?! Many Lords had decided to side with Lord Pren due to your absence, is "so what" still your answer to that?! Odie you’re King!” A laugh erupted from his bed. “That’s all?” “Odie–“ “That’s all you’re thinking about?! HUH?!” Seran’s eyes widened. “Odie, no–“ “NO! No, it is what's in your mind right now, the only thing in your mind, it’s clear! I’m in here mourning Aurus and all you’re thinking about is the Kingdom! Not fucking me!” “Odie no, it’s just really important–“ “And I’m not? Aurus is not?!” “Odie! Your feelings and emotions are important, so is Aurus, but you’re King! Get up from there! Your throne is in danger! You got a usurper in your hands!” “… Then let them get the throne… I don’t care anymore.” Seran furrowed his eyebrows and began walking to “Odie–“ Seran grabbed his arm– “Fuck off!” Odie violently stood up. “Don’t touch me! This is your fault! If only you didn’t send Aurus away he would still be here right now! Alive and well! This is your fucking fault!” “Odie! What happened is inevitable, you know that!–“ “No it’s not! It’s your fucking fault!" Odie fell to the ground, crying. "It's yours! It's your– fault–" “Odie! The two of you are committing a sin. You know that! What happened will happen eventually.” Odie clenched his teeth. “So you’re saying Aurus deserved it?!” “No!” “I should’ve died too huh?!” “Absolutely not! Odie,” Seran reached to Odie– *SMACK!* “Back off! Fuck off!” Seran retracted his pained arm back. “Odie, I’m going to be honest with you.” Seran’s head fell down. “I really should’ve stopped the two of you when it first started.” “What?” “Whether you’re going to be King or not, your relationship is a sin. I lied to the two of you and to myself when I said it’s not harmful.” “…” Odie grit his teeth. “Leave.” Seran looked up. “It’s the truth–“ “LEAVE!" Odie stood up. "How dare you say that?! I fucking love Aurus! You– You–… Leave…” “Odie, it's the truth… you know that. Leave this room and get on with–“ “Leave.” “No, I won’t.” “... Okay…” Odie walked past Seran and left the room. Odie headed downstairs as Seran followed him– His excellency came towards them, rushing. “Your grace, you have to go back to Cenra. King Kired had done nothing wrong, why can’t you get that into your head–” “We’re going to Cenra.” His excellency took a step back… He smiled. “Thank you! Thank you!” His excellency ran around telling everyone to get ready immediately as Odie continued heading to the stable, not caring about anyone as he headed back to Cenra alone… with Seran. There’s no way I’m leaving you, Odie. You’re about to do something stupid. They got back to Cenra much faster than they anticipated. Odie immediately got off his horse, heading inside– “Don’t follow me.” Seran stared at him. “Okay.” Odie turned around giving him the coldest glare he has ever seen on Odie. “Do NOT follow me.” “You’re going to do something stupid.” “Guards.” Huh? Suddenly other soldiers grabbed him, keeping him from following Odie. What the fuck?! “You better not do something stupid, Odie!” He struggled at the guard’s hold. Odie continued, heading below, walking past multiple cells before arriving at the very end… He opened the door, finding Kired standing in the middle of the room, smiling at him. “Brother…”

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