#36 Truth

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*Gasp* *Gasp* *Gasp* “Ha...” Cedien let himself fall to a tree. He looked around, vision blurry. “Where am I?” Cedien wiped his face from its sweat and took a closer look at the grey figure he’s seeing– His eyes widened. “No...” Cedien rubbed his eyes but what he saw stayed. He's here... in Korre... Out of all the places he could’ve ended up in he is in Korre. Fuck. Well, Korre is the nearest country next to where he came from so... what did he expect? He could have landed in Lovuer though. “Oh well, I’m here... might as well stay until the war ends.” Cedien got on his feet and travelled. He’s starting anew again; with his situation worse than before. “Ha!” He really has bad luck on his side. Cedien paid his toll with what little he had. He fears he’ll get noticed but thankfully his clothes did not seem to get any attention; he was starting to scold himself for not trying to find new clothes. Cedien headed to the castle. Hopefully they’re in need of a new baker, if not then anything available will do. Who knows? He might be able to pay his ransom once he gets caught– He froze... “Brean...”

“Why can’t you just tell Kired that Lord Loir lied? Are you really trying to help me?” “Look, Lady Floran, it’s complicated. Yes, the King trusts me but...” “What?” The Archbishop gazed away. “But...” “What is it?!” Helic swallowed. “King Kired m–” “Brean.” Floran froze, while Archbishop Helic frowned. “What is it that you want, boy? Don’t you have any proper manners?” “Forgive me, your excellency, but Lady Floran here still has not answered my question since I released her. Now, Brean or Lady Floran, turn around and answer me.” Floran turned around, frowning back at Cedien. “I already answered your question.” “Really? I don’t remember.” “You’re forgetful, Cedien.” “Hmph. We’ll see. Now, did you murder your father or did you not?” “Wha–” Floran stepped back, before frowning and clenching her teeth. “What are you talking about?! He’s my father! How dare you accuse me of such thing!” “How could I not accuse you when you’re the only person with Harren the whole time! Just admit it! You murdered your own father!–” *Slap!* “Don’t you ever accuse me of my father's death… Those untrue words coming out of your mouth makes me more disgusted of you.” “I’m not surprised it does; though one thing you said was a lie. I told the truth.” “Wow... haha... I guess I really am the villain of this story.” “Yes, you are–” Tears fell from Brean’s eyes. “I killed my father... amazing. Really amazing, Cedien.” “Stop laughing–” “King Kired killed Lord Berc.” The two turned to the voice… “What?” Archbishop Helic let out a *sigh*. “King Kired sent Acrun to kill Berc. The King knew that if given the chance Berc would help bring Korre down… so he sent Acrun to kill him… Forgive me…” “… You're lying." "I am not." "..." Floran walked towards Helic. “Is that why you don’t want to tell Kired of Loir’s lie?” “I want to repent…” *Slap!* Cedien held Floran’s arm. “What are you doing–“ “I'm doing what one would do when they find their father's killer!" Floran pulled her arm away. "Or maybe I should slap myself, you did say that I'm the murderer did you not?!" "Brean… I'm so–" *Punch!* "Ah!" Floran grabbed Helic’s collar. *Punch!* *Punch!* *Punch!* Cedien pulled her away. “If I can repent in this way then so be it. Let go of her, boy.” Floran wiped away her tears. “Tell me, what’s your plan to "repent"?” “I plan to bring King Kired down, undo all my doings and return peace upon Regian.” Floran pulled away from Cedien. *Inhale* *Exhale* “Tell King Kired of Lord Loir’s lie. We need to save Queen Fromena first.” Archbishop Helic’s eyes widened. “B-but–“ “Shut up, you're going to need to keep your word. After this, we'll bring Kired down… you'll repent after then.” Archbishop Helic stared at Lady Floran… “You’re one strong woman. Okay, I’ll do it; this afternoon when Lord Loir is not around…” Archbishop Helic turned to Cedien. “Boy, what’s your name?” “Cedien.” “I have seen that you're a strong man, you also seem to be in relation to the events made by the King. Will you help us?” “Of course." Cedien turned his gaze to Floran. "Sorry, Brean.” “…I don't need it… I’m sorry."

Loir sat on the King’s bed. He probably should be punished for trespassing but… he and the King are close. He had given him a silent permission to enter his room… and life. And he’s so glad he did. He would definitely live a lonely life without him… No doubt about it. He was probably eleven years old and King Kired is thirteen, he can still remember it clearly. He had always been a loner, often in the corner of a window watching other children create bonds with each other, friends and crushes while he sat there wishing for that kind of life but he couldn’t. Why? He has no idea. One of his suspicions is how religious he is. He spends more time in church, more than a usual child his age. He’s weird… But I think that’s what made Prince Kired sit beside me, trying to get to know me and changing my life with three words,  “Let’s be friends.” …But I’m not the only person who’s life was changed from those three words. King Kired was seventeen, we were sword fighting together when she came into the picture, tainting and ruining the perfect life we had since I met the Prince. That bitch Lady Floran… I have gotten rid of Queen Fromena. Such a poor soul. If only the King just decided to get rid of her, this wouldn’t have to happen. You’re cruel sometimes, you know, your grace? But how can I get angry at you? With that angelic face sent from the heavens… *Step* *Step* *Step*

Archbishop Helic gulped as he slowly took the steps upstairs while the boy and Lady Floran followed behind him. He’s really wishing that he brought a few soldiers for his safety but no… He’s going to face this head on. He was the one that found out about Lord Loir’s lies. Plus, he had decided to go against King Kired. There’s no way anyone would protect him while he’s still within the walls of Korre. *Sigh* At least he has this commoner boy with him. He’s a soldier, hopefully he’s at least decently strong despite looking so frail– “What're you up to, your excellency?” They froze, seeing Lord Loir on the top  of the stairs, just a few steps away, his blue eyes angry at them. He knows why they’re here. “Loir… you lied to the King.” A cocky smirk appeared on Lord Loir’s face. “Did I? Really? I didn't know.” Archbishop Helic clenched his teeth. He glared at Lord Loir. “What are you planning, Loir?” Lord Loir tilted his head. “Hm… Let’s see…” Lord Loi took a step towards Archbishop Helic. He’s scared but there’s no way he’s backing down. He didn’t get his position of the King’s most trusted man being a coward. Lord Loir looked at Archbishop Helic, eye to eye. “She’s no longer useful. What’s the point of having her stay?” “You’re–” Archbishop Helic’s eyes widened. Lord Loir smirked as he saw its light and life slip away after a few seconds as blood dripped down to his robes from his chest, his heart. He pushed Helic and let his body fall down the stairs. His eyes caught those disgusting eyes of that stupid woman. He lunged towards her with his dagger. But that stupid peasant got in his way, getting stabbed in the shoulder as he screamed, “Run!”. The stupid peasant dared draw his sword against me. “Hmph!” He kicked the sword away from his amateur hands, drawing his own sword and quickly piercing him on the stomach. The peasant fell and he smirked. Getting closer at the stupid and naive woman who stood there frozen– He was suddenly tackled. That stupid fucking peasant is still holding on to his stupid life. Lord Loir grit his teeth. “You stupid peasant!” “Brean! Run! Save yourself! Save Queen Fromena!” “Let me go!!!” Floran finally snapped from her fear, tears running from her eyes. “Sorry.” She ran away. “LET GO OF ME YOU DIRTY PEASANT!” Lord Loir pierced Ceden again and again, but he wouldn’t let go. “Brean… please be safe…”

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