#29 A Father's Greatest Success

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“Thank you.” “Our pleasure, your grace.” The couple gave a small bow and walked off, leaving the new King by himself. Footsteps rang in the room, onto another as the King headed and entered his cold empty chamber… The King sat on his bed, aligning himself with the open window which further cooled the room. His green eyes gazed above, finding the orange sky and its sun… "Father… Why?...” He got up and leaned in from his window. With frustrated brows, he muttered, "What happened… doesn't feel right." I was trying to take back Weruem, near victory I was when I received the news. We surrendered, the messenger said. I did not believe it so I left to see you myself; still continuing my siege by leaving it to a man whom I trust. I was positive that the news was a trick… until I arrived. You were on a bed, alone, a bed which I didn’t know would be your deathbed. I rushed to your side. “Father, w-what happened?” I said in a tone as gentle as possible despite the feeling of fear inside me. “...Why are you here?” You said in a one so weak and a face that always breaks my heart, a face of… deep sadness… dejection. “Father, I’m your son. Of course I’ll be here.” I tried to smile, sadness through me almost making me cry as I held your old frail hands… Now, I’m scared. You stared at me, your eyes sparkling with tears. “Thank you…” “You don’t have to. I’m your son.” “I don’t deserve it… Where’s Fromena?” My eyes widen at your question. I look away. You wouldn’t like the answer. “...I’m a failure.” I furrow my eyebrows, regretting my decision to not answer. I really should’ve. “Father, no–“ “I failed my kingdom, everyone, even my own daughter…” “That’s not true–“ “Really?” I look you in the eye. “Look at me father, did you fail me?” Your eyes widen… Then he cried. “You are the greatest success I ever had in my entire life.” “See?” I smile, comforting you through your hand. “...Thank you.” “There’s no need for you to be, father.” You nod before letting out a heavy breath. “I’m tired… I’m going to sleep.” “Okay, I’ll be staying here.” Then… You slept and never woke up… You took your rest forever… I decided it’s best to ask you about the surrender and what happened in the meeting with King Kired on the day that you’re finally well. I felt something in my gut but I wanted you to rest… not to the afterlife but just on your bed and then you’ll wake up and talk about political or familial stuff, either would be fine. But that’s not what happened… You gave your last words and slept… forever. I do not wish that you woke up but I really wish that I spent my last minutes with you better, that I had listened to my gut. You’re exhausted. With how the world treats us, the afterlife may be the only peace our souls could have… Depending on where you ended up… "..." Speaking of sins, someone may or may have not pushed you– no, someone definitely pushed you over with your emotions. “That meeting… has some secrets to tell.”

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