#3 Beard, Protection, Suspicion And Jealousy

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Queen Gemle is in her chamber, talking to her physician about her pregnancy. Reme was there too, he wants no complication in her pregnancy as she’ll be bringing the future King of Lovuér; hopefully one that will not inherit his father’s intellect and personality– “AAAAH!” The door *SLAMMED!* open, almost giving Gemle a heart attack. “Aden, what the fuck?!” “MY BEARD FINALLY GREW! LOOK! IT’S OBVIOUS! EVERYONE NOTICED IT!!!” Aden shouted as he played with his “beard”. That’s barely even a beard. “AHHH! I’m so happy!!!” Aden charged and hugged Gemle, so tightly with his happiness that it’s quite suffocating. “U- uhm–“ Gemle grabbed one of his arms but he wouldn’t budge– “I’m so happy!!! Oh.” He finally let go, making his wife finally breathe. “Reme! I have to show this to King Solus! He’s going to be so impressed!” Reme raised an eyebrow. “What? No, he won’t be. He’ll just ridicule you like always–“ “Get the horses ready!!!” He ran off with a massive smile on his face. Reme let out a massive *sigh*, his face scrunched up. “He’s finally seventeen but he still hasn’t grown up.” Gemle sighed as well, but still smiled when she turned her attention to their yet to be born child, caressing them underneath her bumped stomach.

“Father, I want to go back.” “Fro, we’ve talked about this.” Solus said, he continued gazing at the arriving afternoon sun. “I know but I’m still his wife.” Solus furrowed his eyebrows. “You won’t be if you just signed to annul the marriage.” “But I don’t want to–“ Solus faced Fro. “And that’s the problem. All of this would be over if you just signed it; you’ll stay here, you won’t get hurt and I’ll protect you."  “Father… No. I…” Fro bit her lip. “I love him–“ “And he doesn’t.” “It doesn’t matter. I love him and I want to stay with him; I want to go back. Let me go back, please–" Tears fell from her eyes as she begged him but Solus just frowned and turned back to the window. “No.” “Father–“ “There’s no point, he’s not the King of Korre anymore. He’s a prisoner of Korre. There’s no point, you’re not going back.” “Father!–“ “Fro.” Fromena turned around to find her younger brother’s hand on her shoulder. “Father is right. There is no point, c’mon.” “But Macil, no–” “Sh, father already backed down on waging war against Korre, that itself is eating him. C'mon.” Macil gently tugged her hand and led Fromena away. Fromena looked back at her father as Macil led her away, begging but he didn’t even notice her, busy thinking to himself with a frown.

“Brother, where are you going?” King Fillian asked, watching Prince Aurus and a couple of his men get ready. “I told you already brother, I’m going to Korre to see my friend.” Aurus got on his horse. “King Odie?” “Yup!” “Why? An event?” “No, I just want to see him." Aurus raised an eyebrow seeing his brother's furrowed reaction. "Am I not allowed to?” “N-no, of course you are. It's just that…" "Hm?" "Uh… never mind…” King Fillian smiled. “Take care.” “You too.” Prince Aurus smiled back before urging his horse to leave under the cold morning sun with the men he brought with him. Lord Acrun came up to him. “Your grace, I don’t mean to offend but–“ “I know, I have already sent one of my men to watch Aurus. We’re not sure yet but I’m going to keep an eye on him.”

“Brother, Brother, Brother…” King Odie glared at Kired only to be responded with his gentle smile as he sat on his bed. “Stop it, because I won't listen no matter what you say.” Kired flashed a frown. “But brother–" "Shut up and admit that you killed our father!” “But I didn’t! I told you brother, I didn’t! It was all Secren! Yes, I used him with my knowledge of his secret but I never ordered him to kill our father! I love him brother! He’s my father too! His blood runs on my veins, how could I?!” …Odie clenched his teeth– “You son of a–“ He let out a *sigh* before standing up and violently slamming the door. “Still Nothing.” Archbishop Helic said with a glare. “It’s been months! Let him go! The King did nothing!” “No! He did it! It’s so fucking obvious he did it!” Odie turned around with a clenched fist. "And I’ll make it come out of his mouth one way or another." “By what? Torturing him? Your brother?! Are you really that full of jealousy?!” Odie turned around and– “What did you say?” The King seethed with his eyes blood red staring down at the Archbishop. “Jealousy, you’re full of jealousy.” Helic responded, without fear. Odie clenched teeth, eyes burning with his fists as he fought the urge to– He turned around, stomping to leave– “Your grace.” Lord Comman stepped up, stopping him. “What is it?” “In Alierra, Lord Soren was–“ “Tell me tomorrow, it’s already afternoon.” "But–"  King Odie turned back and continued on, stomping lightly… Lord Comman *sighed* “If only…” “Yes, if only…"

” "But–"  King Odie turned back and continued on, stomping lightly… Lord Comman *sighed* “If only…” “Yes, if only…"

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