Chapter 1

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(Y/n)'s POV :

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm, orange glow through the windows of the cozy bar, I stood behind the counter, chatting and joking with my fellow coworkers. It was a familiar routine, a dance we had perfected over countless nights.

The bar had become our second home, and my coworkers had become my second family. We moved in perfect harmony, each of us knowing our role. Tony, the charismatic bartender, was busy polishing glasses, his infectious laughter filling the air. Sarah, the witty waitress, arranged the tables with precision and a mischievous glint in her eye.

"Hey, (Y/n), have you heard about the big party Keqing is planning?" Sarah asked with a sly smile.

I nodded, maintaining my composed demeanor. "Yeah, she and Yelan were here earlier to check the place out."

"That's right," Tony chimed in, raising an eyebrow. "Word is, they're looking for staff to work the event."

I brushed a strand of hair behind my ear, my thoughts hidden behind my calm facade. The possibility of a new opportunity intrigued me, but I kept my emotions well-guarded.

Sarah leaned in and whispered, "You know, (Y/n), this could be a game-changer for you. You've got the skills, the poise, and the smarts. Why not give it a shot?"

I offered a small, secretive smile in return. "I'll think about it, Sarah. Thanks."

As I arranged the glasses on the bar counter, my mind wandered back to the late afternoon when Keqing and Yelan had first stepped into our cozy establishment.

~~~~       Flashback       ~~~~

Their presence hadn't gone unnoticed by me or my coworkers, who discreetly nudged each other in recognition.

I was busy at the time, fetching a tray of drinks for a nearby table, but my instincts had me observing the scene from a distance. Keqing, with her sharp attire and commanding presence, exuded an air of authority that couldn't be ignored.

As I served the table, I caught snippets of their conversation with the bar owner. They were inquiring about the possibility of hosting an event at our bar, discussing the logistics and the date. I couldn't help but overhear some details.

Keqing's words were confident and persuasive, and Yelan nodded in agreement. They wanted an event that would stand out, and our bar had caught their eye.

My curiosity stirred as I listened, and I found myself pondering the opportunity they were presenting. It wasn't every day that someone of their status and influence came knocking on our door.

~~~~ End of Flashback ~~~~

Now, with Sarah and Tony mentioning the party, the possibility was beginning to take shape in my mind. As I continued to prepare the bar for the evening, I wondered if this could be the chance I'd been waiting for, a chance to change the course of my life.

This Bartender - Ningguang x Fem Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now