Chapter 21

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Third POV :

"Hmm... *blushing slightly* Well, if you really wish, I wouldn't mind. But don't you have a lot of tasks at hand?"

Ningguang reassures her, expressing that she'll make time for it. Yelan then glances at Ningguang teasingly and remarks, "Look at that, you've changed your mind," with an amused smirk.

Keqing seconds Yelan's observation, but (Y/n) interjects with a light chuckle, saying, "Hmm... I might have missed something here..."

Tony chimed in, teasingly, "Come on, (Y/n), I know it, we all know it. Even Max and Sarah are in on what they're referring to," with a playful and cheeky grin.

And then, Ganyu looks at Ningguang, Yelan, and Keqing with a confused expressions because, how could they think Tony and (Y/n) would know about it, and begins, "In this bar, every little inch of the room has ears... not just the walls..."

And suddenly, it dawns on them that some of the patrons were inebriated and might unwittingly repeat anything they overhear, particularly to bartenders...

Ningguang glanced at Yelan with an expression that seemed to say, "What if she's aware?"

Yelan tried to appear reassuring, giving Ningguang a look that conveyed, "Don't worry, I'm sure none of them knows." However, deep down, she wasn't entirely convinced herself.

Then, (Y/n), seemingly uninterested in the conversation, excused herself and made her way back to the bar.

Tony, waiting until (Y/n) had departed, adopted a rare serious expression as he addressed the ladies, cautioning them with words like, "Please, don't do anything reckless," before leaving them to their conversation and pondering over his advice.

Ningguang delivered a deadpan look to Yelan and quipped, "Clearly, they are completely clueless."

Keqing chuckled softly, and Yelan commented, "Well, at least SHE doesn't appear to be aware." Ningguang responded with an acknowledging "hmhm," her expression questioning the notion. Keqing joined in, wearing a smirk, "But you can't say the same about her friend...perhaps she's pretending not to know."

Ganyu, seated beside Keqing, interjected, "If I may add, I've known (Y/n) for quite some time. She isn't that type of person. Playing with others' emotions is something she detests...although, I can't really say 'detest' because she doesn't genuinely detest anything."

Sensing Ningguang's heightened interest, Ganyu inquired, "Would you like me to elaborate further, ladies?"

With a nod from the ladies, Ganyu added " I'm not one to talk about private matters behind someone's back, so I won't disclose anything too personal about (Y/n). I'll only share things she's comfortable with others knowing or things she casually mentions in conversation. Fair warning."


A/N : So, I would like to apologies for not posting in weeks....but I was kinda stick (and still am a little) so I didn't have the Head ? Heart ? to write is a little chapter I manage to do between keeping up with school and resting 😅

Don't worry, I won't give uo on the story, I'm wirking on another chapter.

Sorry again and hope you have a great weekend.

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