Chapter 18

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Third POV :

(Y/n) arrived at the group, offering a warm smile. "Hey, what's up? What are you guys discussing?"

Tony swiftly changed the subject, smoothly diverting attention away from the previous situation. "Oh, nothing much, just discussing some work-related stuff. How's the bar going?"

The crew member chimed in, trying to maintain a neutral expression. "Yeah, everything seems smooth so far. No major issues."

The new waitress nodded in agreement, trying her best to keep a straight face. "Yeah, things are going well. Everyone's enjoying the party."

Eyeing Tony with a raised eyebrow, (Y/n)'s expression held a mix of curiosity and amusement, hinting at an unspoken question, almost as if she was silently asking, "What were you really talking about?"

Tony attempted to maintain a serious facade, but he couldn't resist breaking into a lighthearted smile. "Oh, you know, just discussing the art of being flirted with. Seems like you're quite the heartthrob tonight."

(Y/n) chuckled softly, recognizing Tony's attempt at jest. "Really? And here I thought you were discussing the stock inventory. My bad!"

The crew member couldn't contain their laughter any longer, joining in on the light-hearted banter. "We were indeed discussing the 'flirting with (Y/n) 101' handbook!"

(Y/n) grinned playfully, enjoying the playful camaraderie. "Oh, great! I was worried you might be talking about the weather or something boring. Good to know we're focusing on the important topics tonight!"

(Y/n)'s POV :

As the waitress and the crew member had to return to their tasks, Tony and I found ourselves with a brief moment of respite amidst the bustling party. The flow of orders had momentarily slowed down, allowing us a short break. We exchanged a quick grin, acknowledging the temporary lull in the bar's activity. Glancing around, we saw the guests engrossed in conversations, enjoying their drinks and desserts. For the moment, it was just the two of us, anticipating the next wave of orders so since we didn't had much time to talk between us, we decided to use our little break to change that.

Tony: "So, how's your night going, (Y/n)? Handling all the admirers well?"

(Y/n): "Haha, you know how it is, Tony. Just part of the job. But seriously, I'm good. How about you? Enjoying the chaos?"

Tony: "Absolutely! It's always entertaining. By the way, you've got some new fans out there. Any of them worth a second look?"

(Y/n): "Not really my thing, you know that. Besides, I've got better things to do than entertain admirers all night."

Tony: "Fair enough. Well, you're doing a great job. Want me to cover for you for a bit? Wanna take a breathe ?"

(Y/n): "Thanks, Tony, but I'm good. Got my second wind, I think. Let's keep this party rolling!"

(Y/n): "Oh, stop it. We're a team, Tony. Now, let's get back to it!"

Third POV :

Tony and (Y/n) returned to the bar, serving clients, mixing cocktails, and ensuring everyone had a fantastic time. They moved seamlessly, their camaraderie making the hectic environment feel effortless.

Customers came and went, enjoying the drinks and the vibrant atmosphere. Tony and (Y/n) were in their element, effortlessly managing the bustling bar, exchanging smiles and small talk with guests as they continued to make the evening enjoyable for everyone.

As the evening wore on, a familiar figure approached the bar, catching Tony and (Y/n)'s attention. It was Ganyu, their friend and someone they knew from the company's higher circles. With her striking blue hair and a pair of elegant horns, she stood out amidst the crowd.

Spotting Ganyu, (Y/n) greeted her warmly, exchanging pleasantries as they were genuinely glad to see a familiar face amidst the busy night. Tony joined in the conversation, asking how she was and engaging in light banter, creating a comfortable and friendly atmosphere despite the bustling surroundings.

(Y/n): "Hey Ganyu, what brings you here tonight?"

Tony: "Good to see you! Enjoying the party?"

Ganyu: "I couldn't resist swinging by to check how everything's going. You both seem to be handling the rush pretty well!"

The trio shared a heartwarming reunion as they caught up on life and work. Laughter flowed freely as they reminisced about shared experiences and exchanged stories about recent events. Amidst the lively banter, they discussed the success of the ongoing event, shared anecdotes about mutual acquaintances, and teased each other with playful jokes, creating an atmosphere of camaraderie and warmth.

Ganyu's keen eye caught sight of her other friends and colleagues, Ningguang, Keqing, and Yelan, from a distance. With a gleeful wave, she pointed them out to Tony and (Y/n), eager to introduce the two groups.

Tony and (Y/n) exchanged a quick glance, silently agreeing to play along and act as if they didn't recognize the trio that Ganyu was gesturing towards. They maintained their casual demeanor, allowing Ganyu the pleasure of introducing her friends and colleagues without giving away the knowledge of their existing acquaintance.

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