Chapter 7

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(Y/n)'s POV :

The day of the event had arrived, and it was now 2 pm. The staff members of the bar began to arrive, eager and ready to prepare for the evening. As the mentors of their respective groups, Tony, Sarah, and I had arrived early to ensure that everything was set up with precision and efficiency.

Among the mentors, there was also Max, another of our coworkers and a dear friend. It had been decided a little while before that Max would help Sarah with her mentoring responsibilities, and Sarah was delighted with the choice. We were all close friends, and having Max by her side only added to the excitement of the day.

As the team gathered and preparations were underway, the anticipation in the air was palpable. We were all committed to making the party a tremendous success, and the shared dedication among friends made the task ahead all the more enjoyable.

Third POV :

While preparing the place, everyone was talking of everything.

Sarah, adjusting a table setting: "I can't believe it's finally here. This party is going to be amazing!"

Max, arranging chairs: "I know, right? We've been working hard to make it perfect. With all of us here, it's going to be a breeze."

(Y/n), checking the bar setup: "We've got this. Let's ensure the guests have the time of their lives tonight."

Tony, polishing glasses: "And don't forget to enjoy yourselves, too. It's not every day we get to host such a high-profile event."

Emily, one of the newer staff members: "I'm so grateful for your guidance, Sarah. I was a bit nervous, but you're a great mentor."

Sarah, smiling warmly: "You're doing fantastic, Emily. Just remember to be attentive, and you'll do great."

Michael, a fellow bartender: "Tony, can you show me some of your cocktail tricks? I want to impress the guests tonight."

Tony, grinning: "Of course, Michael. I'll teach you a couple of signature moves."

The kitchen staff also joined in the conversation, discussing their part in preparing the delectable dishes for the evening. As the staff members worked together and shared laughs, the energy in the room was electric, and they knew that the night held the promise of being one to remember.

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